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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i've said it before and i'll say it again - we will all look back at this time as the "golden years" - a time before big corporations fucked it up completely, like they do with everything.

death to monsanto


Depends on legalization you are talking about.
Washington State way, you can't grow your own, but can buy it. YaY Freedom through Capitalism.
Colorado way, unfortunately limited but oh well at least you have the option to grow. This is a much better version of legalization if you ask me.

I'll take being able to grow my own vs. being forced to buy it elsewhere. I don't want something Monsanto can fuck with.


Andinismo Hierbatero
if and when full-on legalization happens, either because the feds drop their grip or are pressured from around the globe, all indoor commercial grows will disappear to begin with. and all outdoor production will take place in proper greenhouses at proper latitutes.

anyone thinking big name company is gonna hire u to run a 500kw warehouse is delusional... you can grow more, better quality for cheaper than month's electric bill in a greenhouse at the proper lat for a year, to put it simply.


Active member
Just know that the paperwork and seeds are probably already made and ready to patient... you won't go to jail for growing weed in the future, you'll go to jail for selling weed that you didn't pay the rights to Monsanto t have!


Active member
Buy seeds, breed seeds and keep seeds/clones now while you can, granted even after Monsanto patents all strains in the world (first legal patent) and goes after all the breeders who created the seeds they patent (dismissed in court lets hope).

Know one knows how many breeders, growers are in America but if it became legal and Monsanto owns everything (in theory) there will be PLENTY of seeds and crosses to go around the black market still!!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I would say don't hate the player hate the game. Why look at it like the glass is half empty, I see it half full. While one door closes another one opens. Meaning, there is oppurtunity to be found in almost any market condition, sure competeing with a large corporation already in place would suck but you have just as much chance of making it yourself if you do things properly.

The big wig companies will come in and and produce the basic shit, your Bud light lets call it. But it will be up to the small and medium sized facilitys to produce fire strains at a much lower production rate raising the price. No different then an expensive or fine wine. One small winery produces some amazing shit, and because their production is low, it sells high. Supply and demand. The key in this environment will be to possess and safe guard your own unique strains that are in high demand.

If you are complaining about not being able to run your commercial 2k-20k grow anymore and be competitve you need to think bigger. You should be able to build and manage a facility that can put out 100# a day if need be to be competitive. Draw up a business plan, prove your worth, find investors, build it out, run it, and fail or succeed. Business managment will be the make it or break it. So either you are ready to step things up to a professional level and work hard and play with the big boys or you take your ball and go home.

The same thing happened in our State when medical hit, at first the prices were AWESOME and then it got flooded and the price went down and the little guys who didn't have shit dialed in to begin with are long gone.

Personally I see oppurtunity, I could manage a very large operation and alot of people properly to produce consistent quality. People will get chewed up and spit out, but it will be due to their lack of vision, drive, and abilty to put it all together and consistently and successfully manage a real opertaion and not a closet or basement.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I would say don't hate the player hate the game. Why look at it like the glass is half empty, I see it half full. While one door closes another one opens. Meaning, there is oppurtunity to be found in almost any market condition, sure competeing with a large corporation already in place would suck but you have just as much chance of making it yourself if you do things properly.

The big wig companies will come in and and produce the basic shit, your Bud light lets call it. But it will be up to the small and medium sized facilitys to produce fire strains at a much lower production rate raising the price. No different then an expensive or fine wine. One small winery produces some amazing shit, and because their production is low, it sells high. Supply and demand. The key in this environment will be to possess and safe guard your own unique strains that are in high demand.

If you are complaining about not being able to run your commercial 2k-20k grow anymore and be competitve you need to think bigger. You should be able to build and manage a facility that can put out 100# a day if need be to be competitive. Draw up a business plan, prove your worth, find investors, build it out, run it, and fail or succeed. Business managment will be the make it or break it. So either you are ready to step things up to a professional level and work hard and play with the big boys or you take your ball and go home.

The same thing happened in our State when medical hit, at first the prices were AWESOME and then it got flooded and the price went down and the little guys who didn't have shit dialed in to begin with are long gone.

Personally I see oppurtunity, I could manage a very large operation and alot of people properly to produce consistent quality. People will get chewed up and spit out, but it will be due to their lack of vision, drive, and abilty to put it all together and consistently and successfully manage a real opertaion and not a closet or basement.



I tell people big company weed will be just like big company tobacco, they will put all kinds of additives into it just like cigs, to make it burn faster, last longer, taste better, be more addictive, pest resistant, etc.....

The first case of cannabis cancer will come from philip morris weed, so why the hell would you want to smoke that crap.

^^^^This is the story I'm trying to spread, everyone should help, lets taint the publics perception of big company weed before it even hits the market.


plant pimp
I would not worry about being pushed out by corporations..this is no diff then alcohol. In the fact the govt will NEVER control all alky...its impossible. So many places to buy your own beer/wine making stuff. Even inmates in prison make pruno...There are SO SO many small wineries and breweries getting paid. Sure,there are big corporations..miller,budweiser,coors....just to name a few. I don`t think cannabis will be much different. Big corps getting paid and growing the low end buds. Then there will be people like us who do top shelf,indoor grown dank...and people who know will smoke only the best.


I agree with Warped1 I'm gonna grow mine come hell or high water. Even if canna becomes "legal" I will keep growing mine own. Because I know what's in it. No additive suprises somewhere down the road. JMHO


New member
UUUhhh. I thought our goal has been legalization. I think it would be nice to be able to grow some stuff for your personal use. And then share with friends who do not know how to grow,then possibly teach them how to grow ,give them cuts,seed,ect.I also understand the fact that many folks here do it for a living. I may have to admit that myself,part time however. BUT...I thought our GOAL is for all out legalization.Think about it...big production companies growin weed....come on guys...our shit will still be in demand.:biggrin:

Just because it would be legal wouldn't mean it would be legal for you to grow. Liquor is legal but you can't make it.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Dropped some pollen on a couple small AK47 clones this morning. SEEDS, I try to keep some genetics on ice,, thank you.

Just a different garden these days. lol

Might have been a farmer if I'd had any land to speak of.

Some Jilly Beans next, I think.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Like anything else ..... theres always going to be an underground . & thats right where i'll be :) supplying the real stuff not the geneticly altered crap that big pharm would produce . i'll be the moonshiner of the MJ culture !!!!


Active member
I would say don't hate the player hate the game. Why look at it like the glass is half empty, I see it half full. While one door closes another one opens. Meaning, there is oppurtunity to be found in almost any market condition, sure competeing with a large corporation already in place would suck but you have just as much chance of making it yourself if you do things properly.

The big wig companies will come in and and produce the basic shit, your Bud light lets call it. But it will be up to the small and medium sized facilitys to produce fire strains at a much lower production rate raising the price. No different then an expensive or fine wine. One small winery produces some amazing shit, and because their production is low, it sells high. Supply and demand. The key in this environment will be to possess and safe guard your own unique strains that are in high demand.

If you are complaining about not being able to run your commercial 2k-20k grow anymore and be competitve you need to think bigger. You should be able to build and manage a facility that can put out 100# a day if need be to be competitive. Draw up a business plan, prove your worth, find investors, build it out, run it, and fail or succeed. Business managment will be the make it or break it. So either you are ready to step things up to a professional level and work hard and play with the big boys or you take your ball and go home.

The same thing happened in our State when medical hit, at first the prices were AWESOME and then it got flooded and the price went down and the little guys who didn't have shit dialed in to begin with are long gone.

Personally I see oppurtunity, I could manage a very large operation and alot of people properly to produce consistent quality. People will get chewed up and spit out, but it will be due to their lack of vision, drive, and abilty to put it all together and consistently and successfully manage a real opertaion and not a closet or basement.

Colorado has yet to formally set the rules for the game, but so far it is looking as if there will be few licenses offered other than to the existing MMJ businesses, and those licenses are heavily discounted to encourage those folks who are already in the game to play the rec side as well. The theory is that any/all municipalities and counties who banned MMJ sales/commercial ops before will also ban recreational sales/ops so there's no need to even offer licenses in areas where the public doesn't want it.

For sure >you or I< won't be able to waltz up and buy a license to set up a sales outlet...and if we can..we will more than likely be selling weed with a limited THC amount in it, not our special/horded/high-powered/etc/etc/etc/ strains.

Colorado law allows for home grows. It's in the State constitution so the right can >only< be revoked by a vote of the people....and that isn't gonna happen.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I would not worry about being pushed out by corporations..this is no diff then alcohol.

So you just want cheap legal weed regardless of quality or respect to the industry or even realistic impact on health?
Is getting cannabis legal worth a forever future of schwag ass buds??
Do you think Marlboro would give a sneeze over giving cancer to smokers to save cure time?
Check out benzene additives in tobacco.
Monsanto has lost their soul if they ever had one and you don't want to see them producing seed.
At least I don't!! I will smoke freely until they arrest me.

In the fact the govt will NEVER control all alky...its impossible. So many places to buy your own beer/wine making stuff. Even inmates in prison make pruno...There are SO SO many small wineries and breweries getting paid. Sure,there are big corporations..miller,budweiser,coors....just to name a few.

Less than a handful of companies control 90% of our consumption. If you don't want to drink shit then you pay the 10% IMHO.
Homebrewers (myself included) know this and try to recoup grace due to an honorable historical pastime.
Yet our production seems to pale in comparison to the demand of the nation.

I don`t think cannabis will be much different. Big corps getting paid and growing the low end buds. Then there will be people like us who do top shelf,indoor grown dank...and people who know will smoke only the best.

And as long as 90% of people think they are happy with inferior whiskey then moonshiners getting arrested for making superior untaxed liquor doesn't bother you a bit either, right?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Draw up a business plan, prove your worth, find investors, build it out, run it,

SURE!!! If it was that simple, everyone would have a business for themselves...

Shit, I have a VERY successful, legit business and cant get investors, and your talking about pot? Ya right...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I must say (if only for posterity) that this poll reflects what I hoped it would at the time of this post.

I think it's good to get it on the table and really feel out the community.

It's not a sin to know what page you're on ;)


Registered User
I would say don't hate the player hate the game. Why look at it like the glass is half empty, I see it half full. While one door closes another one opens. Meaning, there is oppurtunity to be found in almost any market condition, sure competeing with a large corporation already in place would suck but you have just as much chance of making it yourself if you do things properly.

The big wig companies will come in and and produce the basic shit, your Bud light lets call it. But it will be up to the small and medium sized facilitys to produce fire strains at a much lower production rate raising the price. No different then an expensive or fine wine. One small winery produces some amazing shit, and because their production is low, it sells high. Supply and demand. The key in this environment will be to possess and safe guard your own unique strains that are in high demand.

If you are complaining about not being able to run your commercial 2k-20k grow anymore and be competitve you need to think bigger. You should be able to build and manage a facility that can put out 100# a day if need be to be competitive. Draw up a business plan, prove your worth, find investors, build it out, run it, and fail or succeed. Business managment will be the make it or break it. So either you are ready to step things up to a professional level and work hard and play with the big boys or you take your ball and go home.

The same thing happened in our State when medical hit, at first the prices were AWESOME and then it got flooded and the price went down and the little guys who didn't have shit dialed in to begin with are long gone.

Personally I see oppurtunity, I could manage a very large operation and alot of people properly to produce consistent quality. People will get chewed up and spit out, but it will be due to their lack of vision, drive, and abilty to put it all together and consistently and successfully manage a real opertaion and not a closet or basement.

Ultimately, its a business concerned with the one and only rule...maximize shareholder value. Every action and decision and behavior will dance around that one thing...and if it isnt achieved, you will get shutdown and/or fired. So if u r running one of these facilities, you do what is necessary to meet expectation...whatever is necessary. At the very least you have to stay solvent,but that really isnt good enough... You have to be profitable. As a plant manager, that will be based on weight of a certain minimum quality that allows for it to be sellable...the rest of it will come from the sales managers...as an ops guy,you just have to hit your production goals.

Thing is...growing a 20 or 40 banger isnt easy...growing a 100 banger is invredibly difficult...if the goal is to have a pristine,unadulterated,healthy human consumable...but that isnt the expresses goal of a company,and it wont be on a day to day operation of a large facility. The goal will be to hit your numbers, in order to meet expectation and increase shareholder return...and to keep ypur job. So ypu do what you have to do in order to keep your job...or gt promoted even.

Heres a little secret of the commercial world in co and ca...they all grow mold and have bug outbreaks. The more 'successful' ones avoid catastrophe by using chems...many right up to the week of harvest.

Reason is more than competence of the plant manager...it requires massive investment in proper equipment to control the environment, and no one has done it. The larger you go, it almost becomes impossible to do...without millions to invest...right down to pouring foundation to custom build the facility to suit. And with tens of thousand in monthly overhead...goes back to the goal...to increase shareholder value. As a manager of an underfunded,inadequately built facility...and to meet your production goals...you do what you havr to do,or they gt someone else to do it instead. That means you spray...right up to harvest if need be. Thats the bottom line reality of how commercial operations run...every single one of em,both today and tomorrow. I know... Ive seen it at every place...and been through it personally.

When it goes really big and we get real investment and real corporate entities that come in...you wont be getting that job anyway...not with a biz degree and a decade of 'medical' 20banging. It will go to those with advanced degrees in ag or botany and have years and years of experience in commercial agriculture...and the weed will be just like everything else in our processed food chain...tainted.

People wont havr access to buy pristine boutique weed... First it wont be legal, but second the market channels of distribution will push all the mass produved and mass marketed crap of their parent corporations. The only thing that consumers will know is commercial weed...their options will be crap a or crap b or crap c...and thats what they will buy,mostly because that is all they will have. The market wont become more sophisticated, but dummed down... Like we see with most of what gets sold today. Quality wont be defined by consumers,but by the mass marketing of corporations.

You think you have an opportunity if weed goes commercial? If you gt that job...just part of the problem. But thats the way of the world i suppose.

Grow your own...they cant put everyone in jail. Even if that means i dont have a job anymore.