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Apollo 11, 336W CFL DWC Rubbermaid Grow!



big bang said:
There's a plexiglass shield seperating the lights from the actual grow space and then that's vented with a single 80mm PC fan, that's all it needs. I try to keep the canopy as close to the lights as possible by sticking things underneath the reservoir, right now they're just a few inches from the plexiglass.

A11 is supposed to be a 7 week strain and I'm 4 weeks in, should be 3-4 more weeks and we'll know what the final tally is. I dunno if I'm going to get 4oz this time but I think it's doable with my setup... i see now there's some room for improvement but should definitely get a great yield this time. we'll see!

edit: oh yeah! i didn't have anything to check the pH for a week... i was gettin kinda worried about it but hte plants looked fine. finally got around to picking some up and checked it this morning.... perfect 5.7 after not adjusting or checking anything for a week.

That's nice to know. How often are you having to change the rez? How about topping off? I'm getting ready to take some cuttings and I want to throw a few in a setup very similiar to yours. :joint:

big bang

PhilosophyAskew said:
That's nice to know. How often are you having to change the rez? How about topping off? I'm getting ready to take some cuttings and I want to throw a few in a setup very similiar to yours. :joint:

in veg i top off only a few times a week, but now in flower with 3 plants in only 3 gallons i top off about 1/2g every morning because they drink it up. i usually change the res around every 2 weeks. in veg more often because they grow so fast they need the ppm's pumped up about every week.

it's pretty low maintenance. changing out a small res like this only takes a few minutes.


Lookin' great, big bang! I had initially intended to grow some Joey Weed A11, but bugs got to my seeds! It was a terrible tragedy. Say, where'd you get your lights from? I was thinking about trying a rubbermaid grow after this one. I like your setup alot!

big bang

i just get the lights from department stores... wal-mart or home depot or whatever. the 42 watters are like $8.

has anyone tried joey weed's AK-47? i'm thinkin of picking up a pack of some new beans.

big bang

shit guys.. sorry for no updates, my job has been sending me out of town a lot the past few weeks and have had no time to take pictures or anything.

anyways, not much happened for the rest of the grow except the buds got a lot fatter! i cut em down last week and this is what we ended up with:

i don't have a scale anymore, but when i did i could fit about 1oz in one of those big jars, and well.. you guys can count. not shown is about a 1/2oz of nugs i quick dried for my mother in law who's a medicinal user and was running out of her supply..

so my guess is i got at least 4oz, probably closer to 5. not bad for a goddamn rubbermaid tub with some ****ing wal-mart bulbs!

now i'm going to go light up a jay and give you guys a smoke report later :)


Active member
nice harvest big bang :D
its kinda of a shame u didnt have time for pics of preogression towards the end but now worries! there is always next time! haha
ill check into your next grow for sure

peace bro


Well-known member
Great grow Big Bang - if i could get the hydro right i'd be right there with you.

Smoke report to finish it off?

big bang

MoleMcHenry said:
That is a terrific yield for a rubbermaid, man. You have your setup dialed in.

There's always room for improvement! I have my next grow already going and made a few changes. Upgraded the tub they're in from a little 3 gallon to a much larger 10 gallon. One of the problems with this grow was that the roots got really cramped toward the end and I was dosing with Hydroguard every few days because I was scared shitless they would get root rot.

I also am going with 4 plants this time since they have a lot more room to spread their roots out. Got 2 Apollo 11's and 2 Cali Orange's going right now, about 4 days old at this point. I'm also going to try topping them more to get them bushier, and maybe veg for a little longer but I'm not sure if that's necessary with 4 plants.

Goal this time is to get around 6oz... if I can get that in a Rubbermaid I'll consider it dialed in!

Great grow Big Bang - if i could get the hydro right i'd be right there with you.

Smoke report to finish it off?

Alright here we go, this is my review of Apollo 11:

Grow - grew exactly like the description said. Short, fast growing, very bushy plants, perfect for SCROG. Extremely hardy. I was out of town a lot, and I would come back to my pH out of whack and all kinds of problems and the Apollo 11's would be trucking along like nothing was happening. This is the only plant I've ever grown where I can leave for a few days and not have to worry about what it will look like when I get back... if any of you guys are just starting out with hydro or are new to growing this is the perfect strain because you can abuse it and it won't blink.

Smell - During the grow it was pretty low-odor, good for stealth grows. I have a small carbon filter and it had no problems eliminating all the smell. I could only smell it when I opened the tub up, it was like huffing Pinesol. Very lemony, clean scent. The scent while growing is not immediately recognizable as weed, I don't think most people would think that if they got a whiff of odor from your grow space.

Now that they're dry they've started to take on a musky, deep citrus scent. Smells almost like grapefruit with a touch of pine. Very nice. This should improve a lot with curing.

Taste - The smell carries through to the taste. I definitely get lemon, very delicious and very sour and deep. This should also improve with some curing.

High - I am a daily smoker and have a pretty good tolerance... but damn. This is creeper weed. I smoked a jay of this and it didn't catch up with me until about 20 minutes later but when it hits you it hits you. This is definitely an 'up' daytime smoke. It has very little body so it's good if you are like me and want to get shit done when you're high. You get a feeling in your head like your brain is expanding inside your skull, but it's not overpowering and not paranoia inducing. I sometimes get paranoid, but not with this stuff. I stood right next to a cop in line at the post office yesterday, high out of my goddamn mind with a few grams in my pocket, and felt totally at ease, didn't ruin my buzz at all! My girlfriend and I smoked a few bowls last night and we just started having this deep conversation about art and philosophy... this is thinking weed, great for social situations where you just want to sit around with some friends and talk about life.

Overall I have to say I love it. It's very different from some of the other things I've grown, if you want a knock-out weed this is not it. This is weed that makes you think, that motivates you to go do shit, and encourages your conversations. Very different and a nice change of pace to have something so cerebral. A+ shit.

I will definitely be ordering more seeds from Joey Weed. Best $50 on seeds I ever spent, and it's nice to have a breeder who doesn't bullshit you. I think next on the list to buy is AK-47, or maybe some of his Blueberry.
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Well-known member
Great smoke report big bang!

Looks like A11 is loved by one and all. It's now even higher on my MUST DO list.



Active member
awesome thread dood!
i really like the gif at the start of the plant growing..
thats freaking cool

King Hippo

New member
bigbang said:
big bang!
There's always room for improvement! I have my next grow already going and made a few changes. Upgraded the tub they're in from a little 3 gallon to a much larger 10 gallon. One of the problems with this grow was that the roots got really cramped toward the end and I was dosing with Hydroguard every few days because I was scared shitless they would get root rot.

I also am going with 4 plants this time since they have a lot more room to spread their roots out. Got 2 Apollo 11's and 2 Cali Orange's going right now, about 4 days old at this point. I'm also going to try topping them more to get them bushier, and maybe veg for a little longer but I'm not sure if that's necessary with 4 plants.

Goal this time is to get around 6oz... if I can get that in a Rubbermaid I'll consider it dialed in!
:jawdrop: :woohoo: :headbange
6 zips would definitely make heads turn. Once i nail down the pheno that I want I will be giving this a run.

Getting six ozs for way less than you would pay for an oz....priceless:joint:

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East Coast Grower
awesome harvest man. truly nice work

Im flowering in a very similar way, 5 42w warm whites and 2 daylights. just wonderin what CFLs you used? did you use the cool whites at all?
