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Apollo 11, 336W CFL DWC Rubbermaid Grow!


Well-known member
nice work bro.....nice job and some healthy lookin' plants big bang
A11 is a damn fine scrogger and a sweet high

a little suggestion if i may........
next time you may want to veg a little longer and do a little more horizontal under screen training , get the screen filled at least 1/2 way ...then flip>>>your yeilds will get much better that way......just a little tip as i've been doing this for a long time

good luck to ya...


big bang

Hey friends, not much too report plants are just truckin along. They're at day 14 and have pretty much stopped stretching and are growing buds:

Here's a shot of my mother cab. This used to be half the tub I grew in before, now it's got a couple of clones in a bubbler to be mothers (apollo 11, my good bagseed, and two phenos of cali o) and some fresh cut clones.

they're under 3 23w lights and it's doing better than i expected. i just feed them watered down nutrients from when i last did a res change.

ElGato: I think next grow I am going to veg for a little bit longer. This is the first time I've grown in this tub and I didn't want to outgrow it (things can get ugly if they get too big for these small spaces). Next time I'm gonna go an extra week or so and see what happens. I'm pretty happy with how they've filled out though.
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big bang

at about 3 weeks now, took em out and did a res change today to bump up the PPM's a little and snapped some pics:

check out my root porn:


Active member
:wave: been lurking..about to do a run of the Apollo's myself.
man I really love that animation...
They look beautiful! Hows the smell? anything lemony? (sorry had to ask)
good luck man..

big bang

So far they don't smell too much.. I'm exhausting everything through a small carbon filter and can't smell it unless I have my container open. They have a very earthy smell... I don't know how to describe it, but it's very nice and very different from anything else i've grown.

big bang

i started out in hydro and have never regretted it... it truly is as easy as it looks so i highly encourage you guys to give it a try. i got all those roots packed into a little 3 gallon container too... it's amazing.

anyways, today they are at day 40 since starting this grow, day 23 of flower:

they are responding well to the increase in nutrients... what i look for is just a tiny, tiny bit of yellow at the tips of the leaves and that's how i know they are getting all that they can handle. any more than a little bit and it's too much but the slightest little yellow nute burn at the tips is optimum and means they're happy.

big bang

I take back what I said about the smell earlier... this morning when I topped off I got the definite, very strong and distinct smell of lemon. They are shaping up nicely and have packed on a lot of weight in the last few days, my mouth waters every time I check on them.


Active member
YES!!!! the lemon citrus smell/taste...(cackles with maniacal laughter)

And yea they look REALLY healthy...great job!

big bang

Supposedly the lemon-scented pheno is one of the better ones to get, taking from the Genius side of the family. I am extremely happy with how they are going, this strain is a true joy to grow.

Here we are at 27 Days, still going strong:


Active member
awesome big bang!!
glad i found this thread :D
can you give me a link to the thread you got this rubbermaid setup from and maybe a few details on your hydro set up. i would really appreciate it.
I will make sure to be here for the ride



Man I've finally gotten the hang of soil and managed to keep my plants and roots healthy and strong. I've always turned my nose up at hydro, because "mother nature does it best."

Well that's about to change because I'm going to try this (I run the same tubs) and soon! Where did you get your nutes from? Can u recommend a web site or was it a hydro shop purchase?

big bang

BorisTheBlaze said:
awesome big bang!!
can you give me a link to the thread you got this rubbermaid setup from and maybe a few details on your hydro set up. i would really appreciate it.
I will make sure to be here for the ride

Hey man thanks! Go over the to the Microgrow forum and look for the giant thread called "Red_Greenery's Rubbermaids". There are tons of guys over there running tubs in his design, it's pretty simple. My tubs are about double the size as his but I still followed his directions pretty much to the letter.

Man I've finally gotten the hang of soil and managed to keep my plants and roots healthy and strong. I've always turned my nose up at hydro, because "mother nature does it best."

Well that's about to change because I'm going to try this (I run the same tubs) and soon! Where did you get your nutes from? Can u recommend a web site or was it a hydro shop purchase?

I'm glad I convinced someone to try it! Seriously man you will love how fast your plants grow. I use the Lucas Formula, which uses General Hydroponic's Micro and Bloom. My first grow I ran that and I had some problems with deficiencies, so now I add 5ml/g of Cal-Mag Plus as a supplement and have had zero problems with anything since then as you can see. You should be able to get that at any hydro supply place.. I order my shit from bghydro.com.

big bang

Here we go, this is a little over 30 days. My one bagseed plant is going crazy and has packed on a shit load of heavy buds. The 2 A11 ones smell like fucking lemon Pinesol and aren't far behind.

A11 closeup:


I can see one or two empty spots in the canopy so there's room for improvement next time but overall can't complain. I ran out of pH check shit a few days ago but so far hasn't been a problem. I find that once your plants get going they help regulate the pH for you and don't need much help. I'll have more anyways tomorrow so it's no big deal.

Anyways for those of you that have asked me for more details on my hydro setup I am getting a new, bigger reservoir for next grow that fits better into my grow space and I will take some pictures of putting that together so you guys can see.


Looking nice bigbang. REAL nice. How are you able to keep those 8-42watters cool? Are you using a shield? How far away are your tops from the lights themselves? I hope you hit at least 4 ozs or more on this one. Looks to be about 1/2 finished. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a lil' jealous. :joint:

big bang

There's a plexiglass shield seperating the lights from the actual grow space and then that's vented with a single 80mm PC fan, that's all it needs. I try to keep the canopy as close to the lights as possible by sticking things underneath the reservoir, right now they're just a few inches from the plexiglass.

A11 is supposed to be a 7 week strain and I'm 4 weeks in, should be 3-4 more weeks and we'll know what the final tally is. I dunno if I'm going to get 4oz this time but I think it's doable with my setup... i see now there's some room for improvement but should definitely get a great yield this time. we'll see!

edit: oh yeah! i didn't have anything to check the pH for a week... i was gettin kinda worried about it but hte plants looked fine. finally got around to picking some up and checked it this morning.... perfect 5.7 after not adjusting or checking anything for a week.
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