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~Anything Outdoors 2021~World Wide~

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Click image for larger version  Name:	907B3D4B-74C2-470B-8B52-DA8A54B4F0E8.jpeg Views:	7 Size:	181.0 KB ID:	18014260
Hey everyone,
l hope you’re all well. I’m feeling very happy today and I wanted to share a bit of this with you all. Please forgive the individual posts but I don’t know how to put text between photos.
First up is the Jagerschnitzel x AOGf4.
This plant was initially the most vigorous out of all and has displayed early disease resistance. I believe it leans more towards the Jagerschnitzel and I’m very excited to see how this one develops after following a person growing these particular plants. According to him there’s an odd pheno that pops up that’s nothing like the Ancient OG and the plants look amazing with long spears all over and as an added bonus come in a couple of weeks earlier.
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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	934AAE8F-E514-4F94-9681-4D794DAF678D.jpeg Views:	6 Size:	158.8 KB ID:	18014287
This is the Purple Sprite male, with the Blackdog beside it ready to take its place, once l’m ready to let it go. This plant has also displayed outstanding disease resistance with lateral development and the stem rub is a definite lime/pine/citrus cleaner smell. I’m really looking forward to making seeds with this one because its clones have tested to be the toughest of all.
I’ve done many experiments over the years with companion planting of vegetables and cannabis does extremely well with alliums. At this time of year as the plants are exploding into vegetive growth the onions and garlic are coming out.
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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	3E3FD0A5-3E0D-4661-8138-3235D22AB788.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	167.3 KB ID:	18014279
This is the Ancient OG f5. Initially the most vigorous out of all the two lines with lateral development that all the other’s never showed. This plant actually grew so quickly it fell over in early growth, l can’t remember ever seeing this before.
Behind her is a horse radish plant that’s beginning to spread through the garden.
I initially used this plant to break up the heavy clay ground, along with potatoes, thistles and turnips and suck up nutrients. It’s never been watered and in my opinion it’s as good as, or better, than comfrey.
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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	7434073C-9E55-479F-AFD7-3DCEE0D13B8B.jpeg Views:	1 Size:	155.1 KB ID:	18014289
Here’s the Purple Sprite female, she was the slowest out of all the plants but is getting ready to explode into veg. I’m really looking forward to seeing if the subterranean laterals throw roots. If so, then next year l might just try another deep planting technique leaving the bottom two laterals and backfilling as they grow up and out, through the soil. This really anchors a plant into the ground but as l mentioned before, be careful if you’ve got excessive moisture, fusarium or other soil borne pathogens.
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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	8895321E-C71A-4827-BFFE-D0824FA8D95F.jpeg Views:	1 Size:	170.9 KB ID:	18014295
And finally here’s the Ancient OG Project. This one sexed really late and went in about two or three weeks after all the others; l actually planted the other plants prior to sexing because they got so big and l thought this one was a male. This plant never missed a beat, as the others did because l think the middle of the mound had warmed up enough to support healthy plant growth. The others stalled out for about the first three weeks of November because of the cold weather.
This plant had no lateral development for a very long time but it grew really tall. It’s the tallest in the garden now and it’s setting itself up for explosive vegetative growth as seen by the girth of the stem.
I’m really very impressed by the structure of this one and the laterals are also becoming very chunky.
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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	71A48550-9B1C-480A-8BCD-21028CBCEA1D.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	48.3 KB ID:	18014321
Click image for larger version  Name:	71A48550-9B1C-480A-8BCD-21028CBCEA1D.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	48.3 KB ID:	18014321
The tomatoes displaying symptoms of unseasonaly cold overnight temperatures, hard frosts and snow.
the overnight temperatures are still well below average, around 6 degrees C. Daytime temperatures are making up for this and the soil is above 10degrees C.
These temperatures have retarded plant development and l know from experience they would, obviously, be much bigger with a warmer start.
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Well-known member
Here’s last year’s selection of the Blackdog x Golden Tiger bx. I’m extremely happy with this plant and after seven years l feel like I’ve made significant progress in locking down the clone in seed form.
Some of you might remember her as a couple of leaves on a stick, past the very end of last season. She displayed incredible toughness and resistance beyond what a “normal” plant would or, even could.
The smell is extremely sour with a finish of berries and the bud development and density, at this stage, seem to be somewhat of an improvement.
The bx is on the left and the mother is on the right.


Well-known member
How do you like your tea??
Bin full of weeds and crawley things. I water this on straight without any negative effects. As the weeds break down and the water gets used l add more. It’s good stuff.
l did read, over at the “Local Materials” thread that Microbeman looked at the resulting sludge at the bottom of his barrel and from memory, he said it made remarkably good compost.


...como el Son...
3-Diciembre / December-3

Como ya os comenté, el gran numero de hojas esconde e impide apreciar el enorme volmen de las flores de mi Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5 Haze (A.C.E.)... Ella es así de recatada...
De noche podéis apreciar mejor de lo que hablo... Y recordad que nació tan tarde como el 17-Junio, y que hemos tenido el Noviembre (con heladas y tormentas de granizo incluidas) más frío que se recuerda.
​​​​​​Aqui tenéis a mi gordita un poco más "al desnudo"; ella es así, sin maquillaje ni fotoshop...:

As I already told you, the large number of leaves hides and prevents to appreciate the huge volume of the flowers of my Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5 Haze (A.C.E.)... She's that demure...
At night you can better appreciate what I'm talking about.... And remember that she was born as late as 17-June, and that we have had the coldest November (with frost and hail storms included) in living memory.
Here you have my chubby girl a bit more "naked"; she is like that, without make-up or photoshop....:


Vista general de la planta, y cola principal:











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(...) Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5 Haze (A.C.E.; nacida el. 17-Junio / born on June-17):

...Y la última de la noche del 3-Diciembre: flores bajas:

...And the last one on the night of 3-December: low flowers:








Estoy pendiente de las previsiones meteorológicas para ver que hago respecto a la cosecha... Hay precisión de Sol diurno y frío nocturno (minimas entre 0° y 6° hasta hoy) hasta el dia 6, y luego dos días más (7 y 8) de fuertes lluvias pero ascenso con ascenso significativo de las mínimas nocturnas...
Buena entrada del Invierno a tod@s, con una buena lumbre y buen sativeo.

I am waiting for the weather forecasts to see what to do about the harvest... There is precision of daytime sunshine and cold at night (minimums between 0° and 6° until today) until the 6th, and then two more days (7th and 8th) of heavy rain but with a significant rise in nighttime minimums...
​​Have a good winter's entry to all, with a good fire and good sativa stuff.


...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

Esta mañanita temprano, les he llevado a las ovejas de un vecino, hojas de palma podadas, y varios sacos de hojas de morera que ha tirado el frío; yo suelo coger del abono que amontona de sus animales.
...Que contentas se ponen cuando me ven llegar cargado con las hojas...

Early this morning, I took some pruned palm leaves to a neighbour's sheep, and several sacks of mulberry leaves that the cold has thrown away; I usually take some of the manure that he piles up from his animals.
...How happy they are when they see me arrive laden with leaves...










...como el Son...
5-Deciembre / December-5

...Después me he vuelto a mi cerro, a dilucidar que hago con mi Green OldTimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E.), según sean las previsiones meteorológicas...
Por el camino me encuentro quizá el último racimo floral de yuca del invierno:

...Then I went back to my hill, to figure out what to do with my Green OldTimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E.), depending on the weather forecast...
On the way, I meet perhaps the last flowering bunch of yucca of the winter:


Los perros siempre acuden a recibirme. El pequeño Bodeguero Ratonero Andaluz es un torbellino de actividad; siempre intenta provocar y arrastrar tras de sí con sus juegos a los grandes. Pero con este otro macho de Pastor Alemán Oriental de Trabajo, ha creado un vinculo muy especial, hasta el punto de permitirle "robarle" comida. Este Pastor Alemán de este tipo (muy diferente al "típico" de "compañía/belleza) esta lejos de mis posibilidades económicas: lo adopté tras ser dos veces abandonado por dos propietarios diferentes en el valle a mis pies, y con la aquiescencia de la Guardia Civil local. Este abandono es fruto de la ultima moda canina de tener un Pastor Belga Malinois o un Pastor Alemán de Trabajo, entre propietarios que apenas han tenido perros mascotas... El mio acabo, al parecer, mordiendo varias veces antes de adoptarlo yo... Cuando lo adopté reaccionaba con mordiscos ante cada situación y/o emoción que " le superaba ", pero ahora se le ve relajado y a gusto, y con mucho autocontrol... Con esos dientes como cuchillos podría decapitar al pequeño si apretara las mandíbulas...

The dogs always come to greet me. The little Bodeguero Ratonero Andaluz is a whirlwind of activity; he is always trying to provoke and drag the big ones behind him with his games. But with this other male East German Working Shepherd, he has created a very special bond, to the point of allowing him to "steal" food from him. This German Shepherd of this type (very different from the "typical" of "company/beauty") is far from my economic possibilities: I adopted him after he was twice abandoned by two different owners in the valley at my feet, and with the acquiescence of the local Guardia Civil. This abandonment is the result of the latest canine fashion of having a Belgian Malinois or a German Working Shepherd, among owners who have hardly ever had pet dogs... Mine ended up, it seems, biting several times before I adopted him.... When I adopted him he reacted with bites to every situation and/or emotion that "overcame him", but now he seems relaxed and at ease, and with a lot of self-control... With those teeth like knives, he could decapitate the little one if he clenched his jaws...






Corre, pequeño, corre !!!




...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

Las previsiones meteorológicas para los próximos 7 días en mi zona (Sierra Morena Norte, interior de Iberia, aprox 39°Norte de latitud y 800 metros de altitud) me tienen indeciso a la hora de empezar a cosechar o no mi Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (A.C.E; nacida tan tarde como el 17-Junio).
Desde finales de Noviembre hasta ahora hemos tenido mucho frío para la zona y época, con heladas y tormentas de granizo, mínimas nocturnas oscilando entre los -1°C y los 6°C, y máximas diurnas a la sombra entre 9°C y 15°C, y se prevé todo siga igual hasta el martes 7-Diciembre.
Pero luego prevén fuertes lluvias durante el 8, 9 y 10 (una razón para cosechar, aunque vayan aumentando las mínimas nocturnas)... Y las previsiones llegan hasta el sábado 11, para el que se prever vuelva un Sol radiante, con mínimas nocturnas que llegaran a subir al rango de los 5°C a 9°C, y las máximas diurnas a la sombra entre los 14°C y los 17°C (una razón para dar a la planta la oportunidad de madurar un poco más, y retrasar su cosecha...; este año el tiempo va loco: hemos tenido en Noviembre un frío propio de Diciembre, y si se cumple la subida térmica del día 11, es como si ahora fuese a empezar el tiempo propio de Noviembre...)

The weather forecast for the next 7 days in my area (Sierra Morena Norte, inland Iberia, approx 39°North latitude and 800 metres altitude) has me undecided whether or not to start harvesting my Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (A.C.E; born as late as 17-June).
From the end of November until now we have been very cold for the area and time of year, with frosts and hail storms, nighttime lows ranging from -1°C to 6°C, and daytime highs in the shade between 9°C and 15°C, and everything is expected to stay the same until Tuesday 7-December.
But then heavy rain is forecast for the 8th, 9th and 10th (a reason to harvest, even if night-time lows are increasing)... And the forecast goes through to Saturday the 11th, for which a bright sun is expected to return, with nighttime lows rising into the 5°C to 9°C range, and daytime highs in the shade between 14°C and 17°C (a reason to give the plant a chance to ripen a bit more, and delay harvesting...). ...; this year the weather is going crazy: we had a December cold in November, and if the thermal rise of the 11th comes true, it is as if November weather will start now...)


El problema es que no conozco previsiones para más allá del sábado 11-Diciembre: si a partir de entonces vuelve el frío el dia siguiente, no merece la pena someter la planta a varios días de lluvias invernales por uno final de Sol y buen tiempo...

The problem is that I know of no forecast beyond Saturday 11 December: if the cold weather returns the following day, it is not worth subjecting the plant to several days of winter rain for a final day of sunshine and good weather...

5-Diciembre / December-5

Mirando hacia el Oeste





...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio / born on June-17).

Mirando hacia el Este:







​ ​​​​​​(...)

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
5-Diciembre / December-5

Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio / born on June-17).

Mirando hacia el Este:






​ ​​​​​​(...)
I’m screaming through space on this Soul Planet!


Well-known member
If they can jam for that long i should be able to get through making this batch of bubble. Thanks for the motivation...


...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio / born on June-17).
Cola principal / Main cola:


Ramas secundarias medias y bajas, y sus flores / Middle and lower secondary branches and their flowers:







​​ (...)


...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio / born on June-17).

...Después de la "sesión fotográfica" matutina, he decidido arrancar las hojas mayores del tercio superior de la planta, por si la cosechase antes del retorno anunciado de las lluvias invernales, y dejase el resto de la planta viva para observar su revolución.
He arrancado también las hojas más afectadas (con puntas quemadas) por las heladas de las ramas más cercanas al suelo (por si pudieran facilitar el ataque de mohos/hongos, hasta ahora totalmente ausentes pese a las lluvias, aguanieves, granizadas y heladas anteriores). Durante este proceso, he arrancado sin querer algún cáliz de las flores bajas: como veis si ampliáis con los dedos la foto, la resina es aun cristalina; ojalá pueda seguir madurando y siguiendo exudando resina hasta el 15 de Diciembre, pero me temo que este invierno va a ser el menos apropiado... No me extrañaría que llegase a nevar antes de Enero...:

...After the morning "photo session", I decided to pull off the larger leaves from the upper third of the plant, in case I harvested it before the announced return of the winter rains, and leave the rest of the plant alive to observe its revolution.
I have also pulled off the leaves most affected (with burnt tips) by the frost from the branches closest to the ground (in case they could facilitate the attack of moulds/fungi, so far totally absent despite the previous rains, sleet, hailstorms and frosts). During this process, I have unintentionally pulled out some calyx from the lower flowers: as you can see if you enlarge the photo with your fingers, the resin is still crystalline; I hope it can continue maturing and exuding resin until December 15th, but I fear that this winter is going to be the least appropriate... I wouldn't be surprised if it snows before January....:


​​ (...)


...como el Son...
5-Diciembre / December-5

...Así que habré arrancado medio cubo de hojas. Se las he llevado a mis pollos y gallinas: luego se tiran toda la noche de fiesta bailando dancehall en el gallinero, je, je... Dejan a los de la Dancehall University de Madrid a la altura del betún..

...So I must have plucked half a bucket of leaves. I've taken them to my chickens and hens: then they party all night long dancing dancehall in the henhouse, heh, heh... They leave those from the Dancehall University of Madrid at the height of the bitumen...












Esta tarde y noche, gran fiesta dancehall en mi gallinero...

This afternoon and evening, big dancehall party in my henhouse...

Tod@s a culearrrr !!

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