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Anyone Notice That Fruit and Vegetables Have almost No Flavor Anymore?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i find alot of vegetables taste like hose

every get a new hose or drink for a hose that has been in the sun and you can taste the plastic of the hose

well thats what a lot of of these mega farm veggies taste like

Good analogy....


Its really an anomaly that any grocer in CA sells bunk non ripe produce considering it's CA. But I noticed, that similar to another crop... most of the best of the best produce tends to leave the area to fetch top dollar while the masses are left with the leftover produce. In regards to berries and most fruit in general...everyone smell that produce first and don't get it if it doesn't smell good! I try to exclusively buy organic fruits/veggies and it kills me when I want strawberries or blueberries and they have organic ones but they don't smell good so I dont get em. bought some organic blueberries on a whim that sucked the other day, and low and behold they had zero smell. strawberries/blueberries should smell sweet, just like a cantelope should...even real good tomatos have an aroma to them. it especially kills me that organic costs much more and can suck in the flavor dept. what a rip. at least I have some animals around so nothing goes to waste. never will forget the best blueberries I have had in my life from the farmers market on edge of GG park in frisco. I swear they had a cinnamon note of flavor to them insanely good.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's not just GMOs. Hydro, chem ferts, picking green.

Someone griped about peaches going bad... they do that no matter what... can't blame that one on anyone.

Really then who EXACTLY is it if it's not the biggest FOOD PRODUCER IN THE WORLD?? LOL .. This is exactly who you should blame for the worst food in centuries..... GMO,Monsanto, Chem trails, Over use of BAD, BAD, BAD chemicals which play no part in your life and finally wrong picking time from the industry need I go on here LOL headband 707:biggrin: Best fruit/veggies I have had in many ,many years was in Costa Rica and Jamaica damn they have good fruits there..
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Senior Member
Or shit like round up actually gets into the atmosphere and rains on people trying to do sort of the right thing. It is everyfuckingwhere just like DDT use to be.

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