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anyone ever used 2liter soda bottles as pots?


I use 2 liter and 3 liter soda bottles in my 150 hps cab. I use a drill to make my holes. Easy as pie. I use black trashbags and cut them to size and wrap around bottles and tape it. You water when container feels "light".

A good way to learn is to let soil dry out completely until plants just start to "wilt". Remember how many days that took to dry up and start to wilt and water 1 day before wilting day. Over-Watering is one of the biggest mistakes to indoor growing. Overtime you;ll get the hang of it and will know when to water just by picking up container.


ill also second the dunk method for watering them, with plastic bottles somtimes when you water itll just run straight down the sides so watering alltheway through becomes abit of a pain

i also never wrapped mine, never had a problem with the roots like that either


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
2L rock. Only time you'll need to cover them is if you're using a DWC style. If you're coco/soilless/soil, you're good to go.

LoKey said:
you get a bucket/container fill it with your water/nutrient water mix, and then you take your whole pot/bottle and but it in the bucket, (i use a 2.5gal square bucket that fits 4 2liters perfectly), then i let them sit there floating in the water till they sink to a point where water is coming up through the soil, but not over the lip of the bottle cause if that happens dirt/perlite particles start floating in your water cause the whole plant then sinks (while its not a problem in can be a pain if trying to keep the outside of your containers clean)

this ensure that the whole medium in the pot is thoroughly watered and forces any of the old air out the top, you can speed this up by holding the pot below the water line as letting them sit there takes forever, and then you just put them in another bucket/tray to drain before throwing them back under your light, but doing it this way i find you typically dont have to water for a couple extra days vs just regular watering,

That is the most complex watering method I've ever seen! Wow... :nono:


its not complex, really its just throw bottles in a bucket till they pretty well sink, that's it


a 2 liter bottle with the top chopped off FITS PERFECT in a standard bathroom sink to water easily. I veg my Super Silver Haze in 2l because of the tall root structure the SSh really likes it :) just OCEAN Forrest and Tap water :)


Does anyone remember that guy who used to a heavy SOG with 2litre soda bottles?

he used to wear those like tie-died shirts with pictures of eagles or horses on em, i think he lived in the mnts or in a cabin?

sry if this is way off base here... hahaha


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Roots grow down. Deep planting in pots limits their space.

While deep planting will stall a plant for a week or two, that's because it's sprouting new roots at the surface. Those roots will have as much space in the bottle as any others. A bottle limits the grow area of the roots not the depth it's planted at.

When it happens with my rockwool starter cubes, I roll the tap root around the cube.


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