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Which Base Nutes do you use with COCO?


Color me gone
Hey guys my name is Otto and I like to blotto, new to the site and have a couple question. I Have been growing with coco for about 3 plus years now and absolutly love it. My questions are:

1. What brand of base nutes do you guys/gals use on coco?

2. What do people add to their COCO mix (ex: perlite, vermiculite, etc)

I currently add nothing to my coco mix and get great results but sometimes the plants do seem to stay wet longer the first few weeks in flowering.

Thanks for the help


Color me gone
Anyone? Currently I have been using AN's monkey juice A+B but someone told me they wouldnt be making it anyone, is it just a rumor? Was just wondering what other coco growers use for their nutes because im about to change it up.


Well-known member
i currently use straight botanicare coco

any nutes i have handy seem to work just fine
....PBP , AN sensi a/b, GH, dynagro, BC nutes...all have worked fine for me



Color me gone
Thanks gato, I always use straight bontanicare gotta love that stuff. Problem is i really like the monkey juice but i know im gonna have to switch.

MP, this might be a really dumb question but what is PBP?


I use straight botanicare coco as well, and I just switched from using gh nutes to Hesi, and so far all is well:joint:

Edit: by the way, pbp is Pure Blend Pro.


Color me gone
Seismic, thanks for the help! I been pondering with the idea of using DMG its supposedly so good u can use it on coco, soil, or hydro. anyways thanks again!


Active member
I'm running a comparison grow, 2 in coco 2 in ffof. My 2 coco plants are in down to earth coco and being fed canna nutes. The coco plants are already several inches taller and have trunks twice as thick. If the flavor is there in the end I may have to go 100% coco.
Try floranova grow and bloom by itself in CoCo and I guarantee you wont try another nute again. Sounds basic but it works well by itself.


I use atami b'cuzz coco and floranova along with koolbloom and floralicious plus. I keep my ppm's under 800 and have been trouble-free.

Lune TNS

What's up otto :joint: I've been using PBP with CaMg+ in veg and just recently switched to floranova bloom for flower... thorwing in some koolbloom here and there too... these ladies are loving life so far...


i've used atami & canna coco... both really good i have no issues with but i think i like canna better (finer)

canna nutes rock. i like to feed 50% strength... always killer.
tried a crop w triflex - ehhhhhh.
has anyone tried using just straight coco and then for the feeding program, using only organic tea's?

reason I ask is because I have been looking into trying a full grow where I only purchase organics......and to take it a step further, I am trying to stay away from any of the big nute companies....I have nothing against them I am just trying to complete a grow just as mother nature would have it, to an extent.

Right now I have been experimenting on my veggies and it seems to be working fine. I have some of my biggest broccoli and tomatoe plants in coco pots and only feed them tea's.....it gets very time consuming but still am getting awesome results so far. Here is what I am using:

Rabbit shit
Alphalpha meal
several different types of Guano...(this is my only purchase from an actual garden center)

I have been looking into getting some Earth Juice catalyst or Kelp....not real sure yet but I would love to hear any people that are going this route with the coco and organic feeding of tea's.....

Otto...sorry to hijack your thread, it just seemed like a great place to discuss....I use Botincare coco and have used Flora Nova products when going the chemical route and Earth Juice when going organic.


Color me gone
WOW! loving all the responses and help, I have been told that I should use floranova but i just wanted to hear the opionons of other coco growers. Thanks for all the help and keep it up.

lidspinner, I have never grown using only organic tea's but it sounds really interesting what your doing. Keep us posted on how it works out for you, would love to try it!

cali mike

CNS-17 for coco/soil... veg, bloom, and ripe

its really cheap ($25/gal), its simple one part nutrient, its buffered at 5.6pH, and its really cheap

did i mention it looks like elephant cum?


CNS-17 for coco/soil... veg, bloom, and ripe

its really cheap ($25/gal), its simple one part nutrient, its buffered at 5.6pH, and its really cheap

did i mention it looks like elephant cum?

Yes it does lol.

It mixes much easier the FN though, and I can actually still use a syringe to draw it out and measure in ML's, FN is too thick for that. CNS17+LK have been very kind to me for about a half dozen grows.


Im using Atami Bcuzz coco with BioNova's Coco Nova A+B ferts with a good result. Just started using there PK13/14 aswell. Will see how it goes.