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anyone ever used 2liter soda bottles as pots?


what do i need to do to make them more suitable for growing? my grow cab is small and i need something narrow to fit in there and 2/3 liter soda bottles are my best bet i think. should i just cover them in aluminum tape and drill holes in the bottom? i know roots arent supposed to see light but i dunno if the metal tape will make the root area too hot or something


Just put some some duct tape around the bottle and drill some holes and your all set. If your tight on room 20oz soda bottles work good to. I'm doing mine in 16oz dixie cups. (keg cups)


Active member
2 liter bottle w/ top cut off and holes poked in bottom= 1/2 gal pot.

I've made pots with less... ha ha


thanks guys, probably gonna transplant tomorrow! is it ok to bury the stem up the the first set of leaves if it stretched as a seedling?


ive done it, if your doing a small SOG theyre perfect, just cut the tops off and make plenty of holes in the bottom


you don't find grow bags anywhere in the world............2L plastic bottles yes.....great advantage.......


as said cut the tops off and poke holes in the bottom, i use a soldering iron for poking the holes (typically put in 10 you will understand where when you do it) and then i throw one hole up where i want to cut the top off at, this way i have a starting point for using scissors to cut the top of so i have a nice even top, instead of ragged if i used a knife.

as for covering the side i have found that it hasn't really effected the roots, the bonus is you get to see the roots, but if worried just leave the labels on.

but if you cut just where the top starts to go in (about 8" total height) you will have approximately 1.6-1.7liters (approx 56oz) of soil space with it having about 1cm or so of empty space on the top, which is about equivalent to a standard 5"x5" nursery pot due to there shorter height.

oh and actual width is right around 4.125" which could mess someone up if there making a very tight fitting cab.

also the dunk method seems to work best for watering in my opinion


well i transplanted and theyre in 2litr bottles now. i planted them bout an inch under the cotyledons to help fix that stretch.let hope they do alright! btw what is the dunk method?


you get a bucket/container fill it with your water/nutrient water mix, and then you take your whole pot/bottle and but it in the bucket, (i use a 2.5gal square bucket that fits 4 2liters perfectly), then i let them sit there floating in the water till they sink to a point where water is coming up through the soil, but not over the lip of the bottle cause if that happens dirt/perlite particles start floating in your water cause the whole plant then sinks (while its not a problem in can be a pain if trying to keep the outside of your containers clean)

this ensure that the whole medium in the pot is thoroughly watered and forces any of the old air out the top, you can speed this up by holding the pot below the water line as letting them sit there takes forever, and then you just put them in another bucket/tray to drain before throwing them back under your light, but doing it this way i find you typically dont have to water for a couple extra days vs just regular watering,


Rambro, yes it's fine to bury the stem. It will grow roots just like a clone does in soil.


Active member
I've used 2 liter bottles with holes drilled in the bottom and the top cut off, full of coco for SOG. Worked very well, but I don't think there is enough root space for more than bud sticks.


how do i know when to water? this shit is way diff than outdoor growing, im thinkin of just puttin these mofos outside


ive just finished a test run with 1ltr bottles too see how they`ll yield

here you can check my post
forget about the first 2 pics
the rest is all grown in these little bottles ...
hope this helps



you water when you start to see your medium drying out, plus you can tell by the weight of it, you will be fine


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
they make good pots if ur limited on width (floor space) but u have height to spare. I just tried it recently cuz i couldn't find tall thin pots (floorspace issue in veg). It's nice they grow plenty of roots very deep.

just paint it or duct tape so its not clear.