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Anyone ever caught rippers in the act...?


Registered Cannabis User
If you have ever caught these people (besides police) in the act, please report the story. What did you do..? Watch? Fight? Make noise to scare them off? This should be interesting..


Registered Cannabis User
This doesnt happen a lot, so im not expecting this thread to blow up or nothin. I cant wait to hear some stories tho!!


Active member
last year in medocino county california, a montana man was shot to death while trying to rob a medical marijuana garden. the patient called the police after the shooting, and i beleive, no charges have been filed.


My buddy caught a ripper!

My buddy caught a ripper!

My friend was living in a trailer house in a rural area. He kept a huge stash tray with all his goodies stashed under the couch. He began to notice some stuff missing from his tray, and suspected a neighbor kid of stealing, So he set a trap. He drove his car about a mile past his house and stashed it at another neighbors house and sneaked back to his place on foot. He was hiding outside the trailer waiting for less than an hour when his ripper showed up. He left the trailer unlocked so the ripper went in, and my buddy sneaked in and caught him red handed with the stash tray. He had another car there so he loaded up the ripper kid and brought him over to my house. Man was I suprised to see him bring this kid over! This kid was scared shitless crying sobbing. My buddy was asking us what he should do to the kid for punishment. After talking it over we decided not to hurt the kid, as we did'nt want the law to come after us for assault. This kid had long hair so we made him cut off all the long hair himself and shave his head bald. This was back in the 70's if you had short hair you were not cool. After the head shaving we drove the kid home safe and sound with a bald head.:yoinks:'

There's a member on here who shot and wounded a ripper! Peanutbutter I think he has a thread on it in the laws and legalization section. He got in big trouble over this. Plus the law took all his plants. He's free for now. I'm not sure about the outcome of his case.:joint:

If you catch a ripper you gotta be careful not to get yourself in trouble, just my 2 cents:joint:


weed fiend
I was blazin with friends when a guy picked up a half ounce instead of "his" bag with only a couple of joints. The dude got tied up side down to a tree with a garden hose. When he tried to say he picked up the 1/2 oz by mistake, he got repeated thumps to his nose, crying like a baby the entire time. He didn't get down until admitting he picked up the wrong bag on purpose.

Mr. Stinky

never been ripped, and dont know anyone who has, but i have a couple trail cams to place in strategic points this year, so if i do get company, it should be interesting:dueling:


I was blazin with friends when a guy picked up a half ounce instead of "his" bag with only a couple of joints. The dude got tied up side down to a tree with a garden hose. When he tried to say he picked up the 1/2 oz by mistake, he got repeated thumps to his nose, crying like a baby the entire time. He didn't get down until admitting he picked up the wrong bag on purpose.

wow that sound like torture in a third world country!


Active member
I got ripped last night. The officer gave me the choice to dump it and grind it into the dirt, or go for a ride. Then the pipe was smashed. Oh well life goes on.
had a party about 3 years ago when i was in college i was selling alot of mids is was good nug not brick weed very few seeds well i always kept it in the drawer in the kitchen with my scales thats how i did it my room mates would take care of shit while i was gone you know well this night was a girl birthday party she came up to me and said she wanted to smoke i grabbed some weed and to my room we went about 15 minutes i get buzz someone wants and eighth so i go to get the week a QP by the way on the front you know but i go to get the weed open the drawer and as you guessed no weed well needless to say this was a bad time to try and pull one on me so i immediately make a scene i cut the music shut the doors and said "someone is this room has my weed no one is leave and everyone is getting searched" this is the crazy part their were marines there guys i had never met they were like we'll get the door so they were as the door searching peoples things putting them against the wall patting them down dumping girls purses out its was a sight to see the united states government helping a pot dealer find his stolen weed this went on about 10 minutes or so then a girl came up and says a guy with a back pack on took it and he is across the street as soon as she said this about 15 very loyal friend took off running followed by the marines so i proceed to walk calmly across the street we lived in a subdivision with duplexes but i come around the corner of the house across the street from mine and there he is on the ground surrounded by about 20 dudes the thief...... but to my surprise my buddy pulls me aside and says "we searched him and the bag we didnt find shit a few guys are looking to see if he threw it when he ran" i said what the fuck he was holding his back pack i snatched it from him he says "hey thats my back pack" i said "not anymore" i began to pull it apart and there is was in the secret compartment i have found my weed at that point the tears started to come this is a 20 year old guy by the way hes saying he is sorry and all that shit this is what got me "i didn't mean to" after that was said i simply walked away i never saw a punch get thrown but i can assure you that once i walked around the corner he got the beaten of his life i returned to what was left of the party most of the people got freaked out an bounced we never had another party after that night im not sure if we didn't want to of if everyone was to scared to come to my house but that was the time we cought the ripper i know this has nothing to do with the outdoor growing forums but after reading the trailer one i thought i would share mine
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Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I had some dude try to pull a jack move on me once, a few weeks later I saw him at a party and he wanted a blunt's worth of weed. I gave him about 1/2 a gram and told him that was some fucked up shit he tried to pull. He denied it and I told him he couldn't bullshit a bullshitter. I left with his money in my pocket. :D

But far as rippers and crops. I had a heard of deer completely eat my 3month(3+ ft tall) old crop and saw in the leaves where they had laid down and rolled or something of a sort. I never caught the culprits, but I bet some hunter(s) had some great tasting venison...
Someone posted a story on here a ways back about catching a ripper and I thought it was a good one.

From what I remember the guy had a very large outdoor op going on, and found the ripper in the act. Held him at (shot)gun point, made dig what I'm sure the guy thought was his grave and when he was done digging made him strip and sent him off to find his way to the nearest town. Scare straight I'm sure lol.
unfortunately I didn't catch the ripper in the act.. howevr I know who did it exactly..my friends house got hit about 2 months ago.. then a "friend" of his landowner's come by starts asking questions like where was my friend gonna be the next day.. if he'll be at home? there is an unoccupied room downstairs and he walked into the room did something we didn't notice and then bounced.. we checked the room afterwards to see what he did to dicover the window cacked open so as to not be notices.. we told the roomate to say he wasn't home while he was home.. unfortunately we left to the hydro store to grab a mh bulb.. stopped for chipotle and returned to a broekn house in which they stole all the top nugs of my apollo 11 and the cola!! they also stole onmy friend sweed,tv and the owner's tv..after investigating the suspect we found out where he lives.. but I'm not sure what to do now.. i"m not one to kill a person.. I'm sure down to whip his ass good.. but the only thing is he knows where my friend lives and I wouldn't want him to retaliate upon him... what do u guys suggest... ohh and by the way the 1st hit he stile about 2lbs of weed!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
unfortunately I didn't catch the ripper in the act.. howevr I know who did it exactly..my friends house got hit about 2 months ago.. then a "friend" of his landowner's come by starts asking questions like where was my friend gonna be the next day.. if he'll be at home? there is an unoccupied room downstairs and he walked into the room did something we didn't notice and then bounced.. we checked the room afterwards to see what he did to dicover the window cacked open so as to not be notices.. we told the roomate to say he wasn't home while he was home.. unfortunately we left to the hydro store to grab a mh bulb.. stopped for chipotle and returned to a broekn house in which they stole all the top nugs of my apollo 11 and the cola!! they also stole onmy friend sweed,tv and the owner's tv..after investigating the suspect we found out where he lives.. but I'm not sure what to do now.. i"m not one to kill a person.. I'm sure down to whip his ass good.. but the only thing is he knows where my friend lives and I wouldn't want him to retaliate upon him... what do u guys suggest... ohh and by the way the 1st hit he stile about 2lbs of weed!
you could have started this whole response with that sentence i bolded and it would be enough to set ay growers nerves ablaze!!!

bruh, thats an ass whoopin for sure and some (if not all) his shit would get taken. whatever i found was mine.

no one wants to hurt anyone anymore? whats goinon these days,everyone gone soft? doenst anyone believe in the black mask anymore?. . . .sheesh

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yeh i had my brothers friend break into the clone room and steal a bunch of clones and plants. then they decided to break into the house and start ripping off anything they wanted. when i was living in this neighber hood i always kept my lights on and the tv on. well i noticed the lights were off and both locks on the door were bolted (which i dont normaly do). so i knew someone was inside. i tried to sneak around back, but they had already dropped what was in their hands and was running. i chased them back to their car and recognized who it belonged to. i went to their house that night, but they no longer lived there. but i knew who it was. a few months later i saw the shit head at a weinershnitzel and followed him to see if hed go back home. sure enough i found his new house. a few days later me and the boys were all boxed up in a minivan ready to go give him a hello. as we were pulling up we noticed alot of parked cars around the house ((which is unusual for this street)) so we circled back and when we passed the second time there was a swarm of agents raiding the house. if we had been there 15 minuts earlier, we would all be in locked up felony weapons charges...come to find out the clones he had stole from me (about 70 clones) he had motherd them out and planted some 600 plants in a federal park near our town. karma is a bitch and shell bite your ass in more ways than one. be careful my friends. like i tell them:::revenge is a dish best served bent over behind cell bars.....:nanana:

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