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Anyone ever caught rippers in the act...?

Hell ya I believe in the black mask and the iron fist.. my friend is actually planning on moving out soon and imma already making the plans to whip this guys ass! 1 month and counting till revenge!


New member
yeh i had my brothers friend break into the clone room and steal a bunch of clones and plants. then they decided to break into the house and start ripping off anything they wanted. when i was living in this neighber hood i always kept my lights on and the tv on. well i noticed the lights were off and both locks on the door were bolted (which i dont normaly do). so i knew someone was inside. i tried to sneak around back, but they had already dropped what was in their hands and was running. i chased them back to their car and recognized who it belonged to. i went to their house that night, but they no longer lived there. but i knew who it was. a few months later i saw the shit head at a weinershnitzel and followed him to see if hed go back home. sure enough i found his new house. a few days later me and the boys were all boxed up in a minivan ready to go give him a hello. as we were pulling up we noticed alot of parked cars around the house ((which is unusual for this street)) so we circled back and when we passed the second time there was a swarm of agents raiding the house. if we had been there 15 minuts earlier, we would all be in locked up felony weapons charges...come to find out the clones he had stole from me (about 70 clones) he had motherd them out and planted some 600 plants in a federal park near our town. karma is a bitch and shell bite your ass in more ways than one. be careful my friends. like i tell them:::revenge is a dish best served bent over behind cell bars.....:nanana:

Hah--that's great.


HAHA Big Herb thats a funny story. A friend of mine had 2 plants stolen from him a few years back. The funny part was that they stole it b4 it was even budding and traded it for coke. He adventually caught up w/them and robbed them. Both people are now in jail and probabily better off in there. Someone i know was robbed for 30thousand dollars by one of his childhood friends. He was tramatized, its very hard to trust any-1 when that kind of money is changing hands.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
lol i know its says NOT POLICE but this is mustt tell story... i was livin like a kingto say the least, 6000sqft mansion in maine right on ocean.. 8-1000w lights, aerotables, 128 plants budding indoors, 350 budding in my greenhouse in the backyard... now things get intresting... the owner whos renting the house to us decides to do a surprize visit, see how things are "going" had he called before, none of wat im about to tell u would have happened!! so anyways i was out rippen the quad, dude came i wasnt home, he went around back to find 2 green houses packed with buds and stinkin like no other(soma diesel) so yea, wen i got home my roomate tells me someone had been knocking for about an hour!!! i thought OOO NOO WERE SCREWED!! i knew wat was coming so i ran outback an started hacking my 2 week from premature buds =( got all 300 outdoors wrapped in tarp and down the street for cleaning, all indoors transplanted and salvaged! but.. as we were cleaning up the last of our scraps around the house, we hear from a distance, 2-5 cruisers, no sirens, but screaaaming up our dead end street!!! i quickly grabbed my getaway bag, lots of money =).. and took off for my 4wheeler that i already had strategically placed in the woods!! hahah stupid copers!!! the last words i heard were " MAINE STATE POLICE SEARCH WARRANT FREEZE" and i replied F*** YOU and all u heard was my 450trx quad ripping away down the trails... hows that for a story... life is like a motion picture gota know how to play the part... anyway, i was never charged not enough evidence, unfortunatly my partner in crime got popped there with the scraps!! hes didnt get away!!! they gave him 0-5 years class c felony pray for the best!!! SO BE SAFE EVERYONE AND DONT GROW ANYWHERE THAT YOUR RENTING!!! TO BIG OF RISK!! LOOK AT ME I LOST ALL MY GROW EQUIPMENT 15000 bucks down the drain.... but at least im still here to tell u guys about it!!! GOOD GROWINGS, N B SAFE!


Active member
Some of you guys need to chill out its just weed who cares if you loose some plants or some money or some weed, theres no reason to commit felonies just to get revenge, thats why you growers get such a bad rep because of gang related behaviour, there are many commercial growers who deal with amounts you can only dream of and wont go pointing guns at people... no guns, no kidnapping, no beating people senseless..:wallbash:


Some of you guys need to chill out its just weed who cares if you loose some plants or some money or some weed, theres no reason to commit felonies just to get revenge, thats why you growers get such a bad rep because of gang related behaviour, there are many commercial growers who deal with amounts you can only dream of and wont go pointing guns at people... no guns, no kidnapping, no beating people senseless..:wallbash:

yeah seriously. all this talk of trying to get rid of the stereotype and here you guys are talking about using weapons and beating people over a f***ing plant! seriously, we all take time to grow but a couple hundred bucks in weed isn't worth your life in the federal pen. thieves get whats coming to them one way or another.


ya know, there are those who it means more to than just a plant, many need them to support their families. If someone steals from YOUR family would you let it be?


Active member
ya know, there are those who it means more to than just a plant, many need them to support their families. If someone steals from YOUR family would you let it be?

So you think kidnapping or killings someone or putting them in a wheelchair is gonna solve that?? seriously this isn't the sopranos, do you have any idea how much time you get for kidnapping and assault, im sure we can all figure out how much you get for murder. So someone robs you in real life you call the cops they may or may not arrest that person, in this situation you can't and you know thats just how it is, dont go and commit a crime 100x worse just to fuel your ego.
I strongly believe if your plants get ripped its your own fault. We all know the risks we take when we decide to go our own way. If you get your plants ripped it means YOU fucked up somewhere, no one to blame but yourself. All this talk of revenge, beatings and consideration of murder is ridiculous to say the least. Learn from your mistakes, move on and don't become the thing you hate. If you manage to pull some bud you've succeeded, if you don't, back to the drawing board..........

Remember, anything you do should always be for the greater good, fuck pride, thats not going to help you when your getting ass love in jail


New member
Security FACT

Security FACT

Never do anything violent or with guns etc. it will come back on you and your plans for growing will be ruined. if you think how much your lawyersbill will be, do yourself a favour and get a couple of low cost "deer or trail cams" look them up you will see what i mean. you can remotely monitor just about anywhere these days, simply climb high high trees and install your trailcams looking "down" at your crop, if someone comes close enough to set off the motion sensor a picture or video is automaticly taken. i had a friend leave a note on the plants and it said "if you can read this, i have your face on video camera"!

An alternate idea.....I wonder if you LAYED A DEERCAM DOWN LOOKING "UP" IN THE SKY DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CROP, WOULD THE PRESENCE OF A HELICOPTER OVERHEAD SET OF THE MOTION SENSOR... it would be a good way to tell weather cops have been around in a heli overhead..

any comments or questions? whos used one of these

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
we all take time to grow but a couple hundred bucks in weed isn't worth your life in the federal pen. thieves get whats coming to them one way or another.

ALOT of us grow ALOT more than a "couple hundred bucks in weed". Thieves are scum, and should BURN. :bat:

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I'm not saying murder someone over your plants, but a thief who receives a beatdown for for getting caught in the act, got what he deserves in my book.


I'm not sayin go kill somebody, but especially when its someone you know, revenge is in order, the worlds a fucked up place.

honestly, dont take this message from me as, kill whoever jacks your plants, but sometimes people are put into a situation and find themselves surrounded by the wrong people, with only one way out.

If someone fucks with your way out, what are you to do? (I'm not talkin bout small personal smoke crop here)


New member
well thanks to a loud mouth friend. "not a friend anymore". i got my girl stolen. im in class when i get a call from my sister saying some guy just ran threw our yard with a big potted plant. whats up? my stomach dropped. after some very angry words and lots of threats my baby was given back on the circumstances that the kid didnt get touched. after 3days the shit was back. ironic enough that day was 4/20 lol. i moved the plant and all was well. that tout me to keep my god damn mouth shut!


if i caught someone in the act i would i know i would hurt them,can you imagine finding someone in your house.how do you let that go?what do you say to them?i would have no words just action


Active member
If someone breaks into your house and steals 100 lbs bagged and cured, thats a robbery, how do you get back your 100 lbs? The only way I see it happening is ending with somebody dead or someone crippled, and neither of those are viable options, I guess you could kidnap and torture the guy but once again is that really a viable option, you know your never gonna see a women again for that right?

Im not saying let these people get away with it, but unfortunately things like this never end well.. its a gamble, i'll admit it can go in your favor but if it doesn't your in for alot of shit and even if you get it back whats stopping this guy from calling the cops one day and giving an anonymous tip that you have all this weed

The best bet is to move on, change locations, up security, and just be happy your still pumping out the green gold and not behind bars, people loose in this business and can loose real real bad because of deals gone bad, break and enters, rips, wrong people finding out busting into your house pointing shotguns at your wife and kids isn't nice.. don't seek revenge these people have it coming to them eventually..

If you read this and think im an idiot and you really wanna bag and tag this guy make it non lethal and before you leave him bruised and beaten give him the 20 hits of liquid acid, and call it a night..but before you go doing that make sure you really know this guy because he might just be a psycho, or have some very mean friends as well who wouldn't mind doing some butchering to you and your friends/family.. its a sick world out there, don't underestimate it.

I personally would be pretty pissed off if anyone stole anything of value from me, but I just think we all gotta remember what the consequences are if we go through with anything like this, all that adrenaline can make us do things we never thought we could do.. lets all just try not be an OJ Simpson even though he did kinda get away with murder, kidnappings are a lot harder to get away with..

Of course if you catch someone in your house its a litte different, but you might end up killing the guy in the struggle ^^ and thats no good. LOL I seriously dont know where to go with this, im sure we all have our own ways of dealing with thief's but lets not give anyone any ideas.


Word. I've witnessed gang violence first hand and I can tell you that this is how stupid shit happens. Some punk ass bitches think they can make off with a quick buck and jack someone for their shit. Then they find out who it was and retaliate by robbing them. Then they jump each other a few times, someone gets shot, more people get shot, and then all of a sudden your block is empty as fuck cause everyone you knew done killed each other or got locked up.

Believe me, I've been there, just let it go. I've got ignorant street thug blood running through my veins and the first thing that comes to my mind when I get fucked over is murder, blood, pistols, bullets, pain, crying mothers, I get fucking angry, but I just bite my lip and get over it. A handful of my homies have died because they just couldn't let it go, gone forever because they couldn't learn that simple lesson. I was lucky enough to live through that shit and for me to go back to living in that constant cycle of violence would practically be saying that their lives as well as my own mean nothing to me. If I can rise above that shit, anyone can.

And let me put it this way, I'm pretty damn sure that everyone that has ever robbed me (and that is a lot of people) is either sittin in the big house, or rotting away in a casket, while I'm still chillin and writin graf, working a good job, fucking my gorgeous wife and growing my smoke. Take it from a hoodlum, stay off that stupid shit, and if you gots to hop like a frog, make sure to leave em breathing. PEACE!

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