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Anyone else live in heat / scared for their life?


Active member
Well ive been in this shit for couple of years now.. lately death threats i recieved are getting out of hand and gangs that after me are becoming more obnoxious.

They are hovering around at all times...

Sometimes they pass me by on the street - 4 skin heads in their sports caras and shsout shit like: "Your a kettle" or "Tonight we'll be seein you"

I feel SHIT scared because of this...

I wanted to get a dog few days ago but my parents told me off and said i shsouldnt spend 850 pounds on a puppy...

Will my parents protect me?

I just called local police and the womana there said unless i got leads (lescense number or some shit) they cant help me...

She even said i am not allowed too possess any self defence equipment like mace or anything.

This is fukin BS :dueling::mad::wallbash:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Well ive been in this shit for couple of years now.. lately death threats i recieved are getting out of hand and gangs that after me are becoming more obnoxious.

They are hovering around at all times...

Sometimes they pass me by on the street - 4 skin heads in their sports caras and shsout shit like: "Your a kettle" or "Tonight we'll be seein you"

I feel SHIT scared because of this...

I wanted to get a dog few days ago but my parents told me off and said i shsouldnt spend 850 pounds on a puppy...

Will my parents protect me?

I just called local police and the womana there said unless i got leads (lescense number or some shit) they cant help me...

She even said i am not allowed too possess any self defence equipment like mace or anything.

This is fukin BS :dueling::mad::wallbash:


Active member
Well ive been in this shit for couple of years now.. lately death threats i recieved are getting out of hand and gangs that after me are becoming more obnoxious.

They are hovering around at all times...
They do this because they get a reaction out of you. You need to change your attitude and where you hang out. I understand that what you're reading is NOT what you want to hear but hey.... it's the truth. Don't look at them, talk to them or even acknowledge they exist.... should be easy as they're undereducated trash at this point.

Go to school/work and go HOME. Study and work on projects/hobbies/self-improvement. In 4-6 months they won't even look at you anymore, easier targets will have taken your place.

It's your choice.... either step up and be a man or keep trying to play things on their level and keep losing :joint:


Active member
Hydro-Soil hit it on the head, as so did Gypsy..

In all honesty, I agree with Hydro-Soil the most.


they are obviously confused. kettles do not have the ability to type. therefore, you must not be a kettle.

give em a nice strong dose of the ole' "i'm rubber and you're glue." that'll teach them a lesson they wont forget.

h^2 O

u need to get the heck out of there man. Ur parents should have sent u to live with a relative in the suburbs. You have to get out of there man. I've lived like that - like a year in constant fear because I had a huge thing going on with my neighbors, and you never knew if that midnight walk to the store was going to end up with my ass getting shivved as soon as I walked out my door. No way to live man.


Active member
Ninja huh? i have health issues :S

as for dog - my paarents told me not to buy one yesterday

I was going to pick up a puppy of bullmstiff like i got a advice in another dog thread

I was about to hand in cash when my mother called and told me she needs to imporve and renovate her house, she needs some cash for her holiday - forget about paying 900 quid for a dog.

Well she convienced me: i guess i am being to extravagant?

Maybe shes right... so i left withou a dog...

Gonna look localy for a pup under 100 quid non pedegree, they are:

1. healthier
2. more lovable/loyal


Active member
I will look shelters tomoro

thing is, i live in apartment block and i was told pets are not aloved...

so, i will have to hide the dog and hide her well


Active member
but it will provide emotional support...

ppl who live in this block are dead beat, man, at night i feel like shit sometimes if im on mhy own


New member
Go get a Stray Dog thats Full Grown, How is a Puppy going to help? Shit they probably Take it from u, I say goto the SPCA and Rescue the Meanest Pitbull you can, And See how they fuck with you then !!

And i doubt it would cost more then 100$ from a Animal Shelter, If nobody adopts them they get put too sleep so you be doin the dog a Fav and the dog will do you a Fav.

My .02

Good luck with that.


Cookie monster

They wouldn't let you get a puppy?!!?!

If the motive for getting a puppy is protection i would agree with the parents.
Dogs need serious training if they are to be used for protection, it's all well and good if the pup rips into an attacker but if you cant tell the dog to stop your gonna be looking at serious charges and a destroyed dog.

Best thing you can do man is like the others say learn a martial art and do your best to avoid trouble....oh yeah and pay no attention to the cops get yourself a retractable metal baton and get trained in how to use it safely.