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Anyone else finding it impossible to find a decent job?



I disagree. In my experience most worthwhile employers are "on" to the game of superficial eloquence on a piece of paper. I had my university doll up my resume my senior year, failed pretty resoundingly, then shortened it myself to just the basics. I don't even list references, it's "upon request." I think it shows more respect for the interviewers intelligence and time to not list every attribute your mother thought was special.

I can't speak to shit yet because I'm still unemployed, but I've gotten more leads. I'm in the 2nd round of interviews right now for a govt job.
Yeah basically. Resumes get your foot in the door, that's about it. There's enough free advice out there to not have to pay for it.


Hey i feel your pain i work on cars and i live in Denver, Colorado. Since I'm young, inexperienced and have a DUI I'm at the bottom of the application pile even though I'm good at what I do. Just don't let Capitalism's failure make you feel inadequate. 5% of the US population owns 85% percent of the wealth. We are being robbed. Just grow man grow!


yup partisan is BS, its the governments secret little method to keeping us docile. its not about the red or blue, both republicans and democrats are evil. what the country needed was Ron fucking Paul, he had the right idea.

No we don't need Ron Paul who could die any minute he's so old. I agree that both parties are liars, but they have to lie since they are slaves to the corporate state. We have socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. We're left fighting over table scraps as corporate america tramples us all. We love it though wich makes our culture so sadistic. As long as we can get a cup of sugar and meat handed to us through a car window, and go home to have our brains melted then the corporatists have us by the throat.


Instead of continuing trying to find a "decent" job I went and created my own income.
It doesn't pay super great but well enough to enable me to live away from the crowds.

What I am trying to say here is these days one gotta get (very) creative and figure out something that works for him/her instead of having to rely on finding a job.
Unfortunately traditional job values don't really seem to count these days anymore and one often gotta become a 1099 (instead of W2) to create a stable flow of funds.

The above works for me and is has worked for many others as well, you just gotta figure out what suits your skills and is working for you in today's economy.

People always gotta eat and live somewhere so I call making a buck related to those two things "recession-proof".

Sounds easy enough?

No it's not (at least it wasn't for me) but once I got it figured out I would never go back being a W2.

this is the way I think. Mind sharing what you do?


Devil's Advocate
Speak for yourself.

I love cars.

GM isn't going anywhere either. We own it.

Yea. You'll still have your cars with $10 gas, but your fuel will change. We will move to electric cars. I'd say within the next 10-20 years there will be a significant number of them on the road, based on projections for gas prices, initial experiential and systematic changes that will eventually come from having hybrids for a while, and recent improvements in battery technology.
I, for one, am excited! Electric cars smash gas cars in acceleration. We just need to work on the range issue, and there are plenty of options being thrown around...


To all of you that are talking about growing hydroponic produce in small spaces, think about smaller scale versions of vertical farming. The idea has been around for a while but the economics have stopped it from taking off.


Grat3 when I got out of high school in the late 70s I couldn't find a job for shit and you had to wait in line for hours sometimes to get gasoline for your car.Then 1980 rolled around and what a huge change and fast too!Everyone was not only working but prospering like motherfuckers.It took a democratic president to drag this country down and a republican one to bring it back up.My point is it doesnt really matter what party is in [power when it comes to economics.I think the republicans tend to tax less which is good for business

Hank Hemp

Active member
I haven't worked in over a year. It's the worse I've seen since the Reagan recession in 82-83. I use to do land surveying, many of the people I've worked for are now working out of their own trucks when They can find work. Times are worse than those with jobs know. I've sent out over 180 resumes and got 1 interview.


Grat3 when I got out of high school in the late 70s I couldn't find a job for shit and you had to wait in line for hours sometimes to get gasoline for your car.Then 1980 rolled around and what a huge change and fast too!Everyone was not only working but prospering like motherfuckers.It took a democratic president to drag this country down and a republican one to bring it back up.My point is it doesnt really matter what party is in [power when it comes to economics.I think the republicans tend to tax less which is good for business

I don't even know where to begin. "Good for business" Can i ask whose business? The greedy wall street swindlers and robber barons?


Hey i feel your pain i work on cars and i live in Denver, Colorado. Since I'm young, inexperienced and have a DUI I'm at the bottom of the application pile even though I'm good at what I do. Just don't let Capitalism's failure make you feel inadequate. 5% of the US population owns 85% percent of the wealth. We are being robbed. Just grow man grow!

Jesus H. Kool Aid.

We should feel bad for you from getting a DUI?

"Capitalisms failure" - You are aware that this is a capitalist website? Yes comrade? You have failed in the free market becasue you decided to place yourself at the bottom of the pile by endangering everyone around you, on top of that you are blaming everyone else for your condition.


Coloradoan I was thinking more along the lines of the electrical contractor that employs 12-15 people.Hardly a robber baron haha.Its the small business the benefits most from tax breaks


Jesus H. Kool Aid.

We should feel bad for you from getting a DUI?

"Capitalisms failure" - You are aware that this is a capitalist website? Yes comrade? You have failed in the free market becasue you decided to place yourself at the bottom of the pile by endangering everyone around you, on top of that you are blaming everyone else for your condition.

Ohh he called me comrade. Ok Glenn Beck let me explain. I never asked anyone to feel sorry for me NOR did I say I wasn't guilty about my DUI. Many people drive slightly drunk and are snared into a BS system funded by corporate drug\counseling\interlock companies and greedy sates low on revenue. But that's a whole other topic. Our economy used to be based on making things of value. Now it's just people stealing from each other and shuffling money from one bubble (.com) to another (housing). 10% unemployment and the largest wealth gap in history!! I say we give socialism a try comrade


Ohh he called me comrade. Ok Glenn Beck let me explain. I never asked anyone to feel sorry for me NOR did I say I wasn't guilty about my DUI. Many people drive slightly drunk and are snared into a BS system funded by corporate drug\counseling\interlock companies and greedy sates low on revenue. But that's a whole other topic. Our economy used to be based on making things of value. Now it's just people stealing from each other and shuffling money from one bubble (.com) to another (housing). 10% unemployment and the largest wealth gap in history!! I say we give socialism a try comrade

You have much to learn.


Coloradoan I was thinking more along the lines of the electrical contractor that employs 12-15 people.Hardly a robber baron haha.Its the small business the benefits most from tax breaks

Well that would be a nice universe where that happened but it isn't america. Big Pharma, Big Coal, and Big Agriculture get the tax breaks. like corn subsidies for example
Small business does not benefit from most tax breaks. And i can detail how large business use the tax breaks they get against the smaller companies/business on the whole. Take electrical the largest Solar Company in the United States makes solar panels in china,it does not completely finish them.The uncompleted solar panels are then shipped here and they get low wage workers who really don't need any high technical skills to complete them allowing the large corporations to reap the large tax breaks that they receive.


I'm sure in this country there are many losers that couldn't make it in a competitive society,thats no reason to trash free market ideals and let the gov't take care of everything.Good luck RVW I can tell you're gonna be alright


Small business does not benefit from most tax breaks. And i can detail how large business use the tax breaks they get against the smaller companies/business on the whole. Take electrical the largest Solar Company in the United States makes solar panels in china,it does not completely finish them.The uncompleted solar panels are then shipped here and they get low wage workers who really don't need any high technical skills to complete them allowing the large corporations to reap the large tax breaks that they receive.

I couldn't agree more
Capitalism is not failing by any stretch of the imagination, It is working exactly the way is has been designed. It is just a fact that none of the people here design it.[/B]

Their are certain facts that can not be overlooked and cliches that can never be overstated.


Well I'll believe the electrical contractor that I worked for a good many years,he tells me exactly the opposite.So you see when its a choice of believing someone you worked for and has been in business for years..or some guys on a website saying tax breaks dont help small business..Its really pretty simple as in no contest lol.

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