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Been diagnosed with Chronic Migraines


New member
Going in for an appointment with my neurologist today and will be discussing cannabis and migraines. It is allowed for this purpose in my state and I've got all the pertinent issue with me. I've logged my result with all my medication including the cannabis, and the cannabis is helping for sure. I also developed an ulcer with the pain meds and my regular doctor is thinking that the meds are the cause. I've been having to use them a lot as I have symptoms 3-4 times a week. Just hoping for some positive energy for the appointment, and hoping the doctor is progressive and up for the recommendation.

Peace TPT

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
cannabis is the healing of the nation

hopefuly you get a REAL doctor and not one of them pharma doctors
who gona reccomend you every pill in book...

sometimes doctors interests is not your interests. stay wise. --BhT


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I wish you all the best in this PhantomToker.

Someone very close to me has also been suffering from chronic migraine's for over a decade. She has tried many different therapies and medications, most of which help only a small bit, if at all. Cannabis on the other hand has helped put a swift end to a couple of major episodes. She too qualifies for a recommend and she should have it in hand soon. I believe that in addition to helping with her major episodes, it can also be used preventatively. Time will tell.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I suffer from migraines too, though not as often as you. I get maybe 2-3 per month, but they often last several days. A while back I finally went to a neurologist (back when I had decent insurance). I saw him over a period of about 3 years. I tried every available treatment up to and including morphine patches, including some that have subsequently been taken off the market. Nothing proved much more effective than aspirin or Advil, so I figured why spend a fortune on useless and possibly dangerous drugs.

What I have discovered on my own however is that smoking weed is often the most effective treatment I've ever tried. I say "often" because it seems to work only about 3/4 of the time. Sometimes it completely eliminates the headache while other times it has no effect. That makes me think I get two different kinds of headache, probably different causes. But when it works it works, so I highly recommend it. Good luck with your appointment. Migraine headaches REALLY suck.

Storm Crow

Active member
Works for me, too. I was almost murdered when I was 3 (by another child wielding a hammer). I was left with migraines. At 19, I found that cannabis pretty well prevented the migraines (some strains work better than others). I'm 61 and I still use cannabis and it still works! I stopped using for about 3 years during those 40. I have most definitely have not "out-grown" them! As soon as I started using, gone!

Turn your doctor on to the bottom link in my sig! He might find it interesting reading!


Bob Jones

I'm in my 50's and been smoking a while...I've notice for me that smoking when I have a migraine doesn't help, but smoking really helps keep me from getting them in the first place. If I go a couple of weeks without smoking I can feel them building up, so long as I smoke once or twice a week I can go months without getting one. If not smoking I can get one or two a week.


...just one of Chromes chromeys ;)
ICMag Donor
ooohhh... :badday:

I really feel with you guys...
I also have chronic migraines, due to an accident I had as a child.
And over the last decades I`ve been looking for a way to relieve my pain.

hmmm... if I think about it...
I tried about everything found in books and what the doctors are allowed to prescribe.
A lot of the "legal" narcotics had very bad side affects.
Went throw liver problems, stomach ulcers and allergic skin problems.
They only that I found what helps (for me) in some way, is a combination of willow-tea & cannabis.

If I have a migraine going on, then first I drink a nasty tasting cup of willow(bark)-tea and smoke a bowl afterwards.
The tea stops the pulsing in my head and the cannabis relaxes me enough to take a little nap.
After that procedure, I often feel much better.



Active member
Wow Im sory to see theres so many migrane sufferers here. Me too. I tried a fyew scripts but nothing really works. I gettem every other day at least. Since movin I aint been able to start up my Shrooms yet so Im still in pain alot. Thats what I found that KILLS the pain. I found out by accident. If its worth it to anyone, eat some Shrooms and your migrane will DISSAPEAR! Within 15 minits of eatin Shrooms the pain just COMPLETELY DISSAPEARS. Like I said I noticed this by accident but its like a MIRACLE! Shrooms make your migrane dissapear. Rite away and suddenly! The pain just dissapears. I found that if ya eat Shrooms once or twice a week youl never have migranes!


good luck cause my wife just got turned down for that. he'll try something else or tell you to see someone else. so here we go, docs all voted yes i read, and now i read no one can get a rec even when there covered. fucking shit


Fuck that doctor. Go find another one. Same way as one doctor may prefer to use one brand of spinal implant over another or one med over another. There has to be a doc out there that will approve your wife.

My wife has been suffering since she was a kid. She has had brain surgery. She burns daily and is a high functioning sales person (meaning real drugs) Marijuana helps ease migraine pain, does not take away the headache, but allows her to live and function, far better than all the narcotics she has taken over the years. You name it she has been on it from Dilaudid on down.....

I feel all your pain.

Another migraine sufferer here... been getting them for some years now, and unfortunately I don't have health care coverage. Especially unfortunate is that I live in a state that isn't prop 215 compliant. Even more unfortunate is my job drug tests.

I AM fortunate enuff that my job doesn't hold it against me that I can't work when dealing with migraine pain. Which is a really good thing, as I work in a fab shop, where there's a LOT of hammering and banging going on all day. One place a migraine sufferer will RUN from. The sensitivity to light and sound is one thing... but when they get so bad that you can literally hear the blood pumping through your veins, nerves raw... one just wants to die. Vertigo, nausea, and the feeling that your eardrums are about to rupture are enough to make just about anyone want to die. Especially when they can last days, nearing a week sometimes. It sure isn't a way you want to live. Especially in a state that ISN'T down for Prop 215.

Besides our beloved herb, what are some things you guys do to help aleviate the pain?

I started a "Migraine" thread, but KharmaGirl canned it and referred me here. (Thanks KG)

Anyone have a suggestion aside from decapitation?

Much thanks for any help!


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Decapitation? I envision taking an ice pick to my forehead when I get one....I've had Chronic Migraines since I was born...took a few years for the Docs to figure out what was wrong with me...kinda hard for a 2 year old to express they have a migraine. I've tried all sorts of things, like many others.....if one takes away the pain then it upsets my stomach or knocksme out...still can't go to work...I work alone too, so I don't even have the option of caling in sick. So, when I have migraine, not only am I in pain and want to die, but I'm stressed out and miserable trying to work...Poeple who don't get them don't understand they do affect your quality of life. They always seem to come at the wrong times too......ya know, when you've been working alot and you have a night out with your s/o or friends planned and then you wake up that day and have to cancel...or have an appt that been scheduled for months and can't make it cause you've got a migraine. Words can't really express how depressed my migraines make me and how much I hate them :badday:
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SrPlantManager said:
Another migraine sufferer here... been getting them for some years now, and unfortunately I don't have health care coverage. Especially unfortunate is that I live in a state that isn't prop 215 compliant. Even more unfortunate is my job drug tests.

I AM fortunate enuff that my job doesn't hold it against me that I can't work when dealing with migraine pain. Which is a really good thing, as I work in a fab shop, where there's a LOT of hammering and banging going on all day. One place a migraine sufferer will RUN from. The sensitivity to light and sound is one thing... but when they get so bad that you can literally hear the blood pumping through your veins, nerves raw... one just wants to die. Vertigo, nausea, and the feeling that your eardrums are about to rupture are enough to make just about anyone want to die. Especially when they can last days, nearing a week sometimes. It sure isn't a way you want to live. Especially in a state that ISN'T down for Prop 215.

Besides our beloved herb, what are some things you guys do to help aleviate the pain?

I started a "Migraine" thread, but KharmaGirl canned it and referred me here. (Thanks KG)

Anyone have a suggestion aside from decapitation?

Much thanks for any help!

the best thing you can do is MANAGE your migraines. Try not to let them manage you. I am sure I am going to be repeating information to you.

You should have an idea of what your triggers are. If light bothers you, never go outside without shades. If booze can trigger a migraine, give up drink all together. Exercise on a regular basis. Your body's natural serotonin will help you. when you get a headache, it will be a multi day event. so take care of yourself. keep hydrated. sometimes when a person has a migraine caffeine can help but it can also be a trigger.

stay off narcotics. they will not stop the migraine and will help you rebound with another headache as you come down. they are no good.

Thanks JiP,

I gave up drinking a long time ago, and I'm pretty much not into taking ANY kind of pill, narcotic or otherwise.

I DID learn some time back that sodium nitrites/nitrates are used in a lot of pre-packaged meats here in the US and is a really BIG migraine trigger. On the top of that list is the all-american hotdog. Brats, pre-packed ham, bologna, turkey, and many others have large amts of sodium nitrites/nitrates for preservatives. Of these I do not partake of any more. I do the best I can to manage THEM instead of them managing ME, but regardless of how you look at it, the fact remains if you are afflicted with horrendous migraines, they take away alot of your avg 'life'. It's funny, they can do so much in this day and age that just 50 years ago was laughed about, but yet they still can't even come up with a real 'cause' for migraines. A typical headache is a mere hangnail in light of the debilitating effects of a full-blown non-stop skull cracking temple throbber. A typical headache is so very managable with current medications. Even the chineese have wonderful treatments that can completely alleviate a typical headache. As far as drugs go, in all reality, they really just mask a message pain receptors are trying to reveal. They don't repair the CAUSE of the pain.

As time goes by, I'm finding every migraine to be a multi-day event. Not just the few hours to a day a typical headache can affect you. It's definitely a lifestyle changing thing. I would likely have been diagnosed with depression long ago had I been insured and been to a doctor. I think herb over the years has added to my quality of life. Far more than migraines have taken away. When not suffering from a migraine, I've spent days sitting at my drawing table coming away only to use the bathroom, same thing with guitar. But when the migraines come, words cannot express the profound impact they can have on living minute-by-minute, much less day by day. Simple things like sneezing or coughing, bending over,... become the enemy.
Once one came on so suddenly, it ended swiftly the 'throes of passion' in a heartbeat. It didn't do too much for that relationship that's for sure,... lol
It was back early in '84 while working, I was hit with 220v electricity. Hit hard. So hard in fact, it blew me back 4 feet into a cinderblock wall and I fell unconscious to the floor.

I think that's when the migraines started. I really do my best to stay away from all the known triggers, but even so, I still find myself having them with regular frequency. It's for me, just a matter of managing the pain. I play russian rhoulette with my job using cannabis for my relief.
I've been giving serious consideration to moving to a MMJ state if I thought it might help that situation. Here in the SE, the laws are far too tough to take the chance of growing my own in my current situation.

I guess without challenges in life, it would be boring.

Sorry to hear you too KG

Plaugued by a menbership in a club I want nothing to do with and refuse to pay the club fees... lol

Again, Thanks JiP


Slap-A-Ho tribe
My wife has suffered from migranes as long as I've know her and they put her down for days. Has anyone ever noticed a migrane onset before a bad storm or before alot of rain? We have worked on triggers for awhile now and one we notice is before bad weather.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
johnipedestran said:
You should have an idea of what your triggers are. If light bothers you, never go outside without shades. If booze can trigger a migraine, give up drink all together. Exercise on a regular basis. Your body's natural serotonin will help you. when you get a headache, it will be a multi day event. so take care of yourself. keep hydrated. sometimes when a person has a migraine caffeine can help but it can also be a trigger.

Some migraine sufferers don't have aura's or any other kind of warning that they're about to get slammed, nor are there any particular triggers. My lady for instance gets nearly no warning, with the exception sometimes of a slight tension headache, and by then it's usually too late. There are no triggers for her that are consistent.
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New member
I'm showing signs of Migraines or cluster headaches... Been researching quite a bit to see if I can stay out of the waiting room.
Psilocybin containing mushrooms are a very real relief.

I have not started a treatment regimen, but have talked with a number of patients that have had great success.


Active member
Here Ya go! Imma patient with reliefe. I posted in the last page that I found out bout what these Shrooms do for my head. Theyre a real and absolute reliefe. My headaches stop dead within 15 minits of eatin a dose. Eat 2 doses a week and you wont know what a headache is. It feals like your head just opens up and the pain just leaves it. Makes Yaz smile and dance alot too. As some of yas already know, it gets prety normal real quick. Feals good. Its not hard functionin normaly at all. Ya get used to the trip till it aint really a trip anymore. Its just nice. And ya feel good too. No migranes either. Like I said earlier. Eat 7 to 8 grans twice a week will rid you of any migrane you might have. Once a week is fine but waddafukk. I suffere migranes everyday and Im waitin rite now till Il be able to get my Golden Teachers goin on again. They are the CURE. I wouldnt lie to Ya. They are the CURE. Im gonna go on now and check out that "Cluster Buster" site Psoulocyb3. Thanks for that!

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