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anti-anxiety strains?


Active member
I see the PMs were in vain. Notice how often you use the pronoun, "I". Your opinion as the measure by which all others are bound. F*&k it.

What strain do you suggest for the original poster? None? Then I guess you're done here.

I am done ????.
Says you :laughing::laughing:
Smoking cannabis is a short term fix to a long term problem.
If you are suffering from anxiety then pounding your lungs with green is not a good idea.
Do what i did and see a doctor (dont mention the weed) and get some tablets for your condition as it wont go away by blowing on trees.


Thanks, but I'd much rather stay away from prescriptions. While general anxiety can be an issue, it's mostly an issue of having anxiety while smoking, which is what I'd like to avoid. I'm not trying to self-medicate.
So what are you growing dude? Any updates or pics? :blowbubbles:


I'm growing several strains, including Strawberry Cough, Mandala #1, Northern Lights and I have some Satori and Casey Jones on the way. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to smoke them until this fall - I'm focusing on outdoor this season. I'll probably start a thread at some point about my outdoor grow. And I'll definitely comment on their anti-anxiety effects once I get a chance to smoke 'em.

Is Sweet Tooth available anywhere? Any idea when it might be?


Holy frick Luda, you take prescription drugs drink and smoke, shit little wonder your seeing a shrink!!! Sorry I dont mean to make light of your predicament. I used to drink a lot, but woke up one day and realized it never made me happy. It fucked up my relationships made me sad, dont need it. You should try weening yourself off all that shit, take control of your own life. Crap your a walking toxic waste dump.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
If you can get your hands on The White, it was a very euphoric strain for me, I tend to find a lot of stronger strains give me an anxious racy feeling, but the white is pure happy.


Active member
Holy frick Luda, you take prescription drugs drink and smoke, shit little wonder your seeing a shrink!!! Sorry I dont mean to make light of your predicament. I used to drink a lot, but woke up one day and realized it never made me happy. It fucked up my relationships made me sad, dont need it. You should try weening yourself off all that shit, take control of your own life. Crap your a walking toxic waste dump.

I said i dont drink much or smoke much but i wont give them up and as for the meds i have to take them as its a long story and i am perfectly healthy as i have had 11 blood tests last week and a scan and x-ray and i have no medical problems with any of my bodily organs as everything has come back clear ????????.
I am only 35yrs old and still awaiting a clear diagnosis and its pointing to slight anemia witch is no big issue and just down to my poor diet and i am fine to look after myself and i am just melted 24/7 and have no energy due to anemia.


So everyone on this forum who has posted that a strain has euphoric effects is lieing and doesn't know what there talking about.

I only smoke the best. My anti-anxiety strains are Nebula, pot of gold, and bubblegum. They are not the only strains I grow or have grown. The nebula I pick late 60%amber the PoG i take with 10%amber and my bubble gum 25%amber. Time of harvest really matter FOR ME.

Again since everyone's brain chemistry is different there is no one right answer. Hence the reason you are on so many drugs and still fucked in the head and not just on one pill.

I do what works for me. You can stick your wiki up yourass. Im glad yo and your doc have such a good relationship. So does me and mine. Only difference is mine knows about my cannabis use and we have talked about it and researched it for years.

Now I always tell myself if you argue with a retard, you are the retard so im a retard.

Soft420 must not know anything because he has posted that sweetooth can have anti-anxiety properties.


New member
i'm currently trying nirvana's PPP, just cut down a small plant
not cured yet, so effect may change, but i haven't heard of curing increasing raciness
this is an interesting strain, the single pheno was very indica in appearance
it's rep is to have a fairly strong up effect, and is a sativa/indica hybrid
i found it to be not an anxiety inducing strain, not one bit in my opinion
and actually seems to be on the calming side
not very stimulating, not a high mood elevator, more subdued

i'd say this strain has some possibilities for anxiety
didn't find it all that euphoric, but it is a strong strain
i'm sensitive to some sativa's, they can crank my anxiety up big time
i'd summarize it has having an almost 'medical feel', very functional, not overwhelming

Wow Man, I am in awe! I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks (much more occasionally now) and have been on benzo's for about 15 years (my anxiety was brought on by drug induced psychosis during the good old rave days), I then became a really HEAVY drinker until a life changing problem caused by the booze finally made me decide to knock it on the head,

Long story short I used to smoke about 15 years ago but kicked it in after I had that really bad trip and stuck to booze but found that I would get the anxiety in the morning when i was hungover, which was pretty much everday :)

I stopped drinking about 3 years ago and after about 6 months I started smoking green again, but Im a South African (living in the UK now) and was only used to the bush weed that we get in SA, nothing like the super strong skunk strains that you get here, I have been smoking again for about 2 and a half years now and DEFO find that some of the green I get makes me feel anxious to the point of needing to take a couple 1mg Xanax's or a few 10mg diazies, but like you say I actually find that other strains have the same calming effect as the benzo's! Its down to this that I have decided to start my own growing just to find a high that works perfectly for me and then I can also have an ongoing supply of what I enjoy as opposed to dealing with dodgy characters every few weeks to pick up an oz and then having to worry about the weight being on, if its too wet, or if it makes me feel not to great.. I am getting better anxiety wise anyway thogh and hardly ever have to take benzo's anymore when I get stoned but I'd still like the better strains for anxiety relief purposes! Man that would be GREAT! Please keep us up to date on if you find the perfect lineage.

Thanks a million bro,

Cheers ,



If benzos work for you I would suggest trying to find strains that give you that tunnel vision type of thinking. Where you can only think of one thing at once. That way you don't have all these thoughts in your head and you are less likely to tweek. Again that is what works for me. Sometimes strong sativas harvest early for some reason work for me also. Just sucks to wait that long. Goodluck.


Cautiously Optimistic
Honestly, you've got to get your head right. I don't care what strain you smoke, if you're suppressing something or have unresolved issues, it WILL surface. I'm of the firm belief that bad trips only occur with those who have "bad"/unresolved/unaddressed issues. Clear out the mess and all of your highs will be happy ones... unless, of course, you have a chemical imbalance in which case self-medication is, more-often-than-not, a bad idea.


New member
Thanks, but I'd much rather stay away from prescriptions. While general anxiety can be an issue, it's mostly an issue of having anxiety while smoking, which is what I'd like to avoid. I'm not trying to self-medicate.

If you're worried about prescriptions mate, why not try something like St Johns Wart or rescue remedy, these used properly and regularly are quite effective, I speak from experience, unforturnately for me Im already in the Benzo cycle so the natural stuff generally bounces off me, I have however been trying a very good brand (and damn expensive type) of St Johns Wort for the last couple of months and defo find that is helping with my ever decreasing anxiety..

Good luck with everything though mate, no-one can understand what mental illness is like unless they've suffered it, another EXCELLENT way of combating anxiety and panic is excersise, exercsise and more excersise!!!

Peace out mate!


Feeling good is good enough.
Skunk dominant strains always make me anxious and noid.

As for my experience with pills:

The only one that helps with anxiety, intrusive negative thoughts and insomnia is Seroquel or better known as Quetiapine ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetiapine ) at the minimal dose of 25 mg. Once a day and only at night.

Sometimes, just Cannabis is not enough and tolerance buildup can be a real issue.

I am Bipolar II so your mileage may vary...


Well-known member
Wow Man, I am in awe! I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks (much more occasionally now) and have been on benzo's for about 15 years (my anxiety was brought on by drug induced psychosis during the good old rave days), I then became a really HEAVY drinker until a life changing problem caused by the booze finally made me decide to knock it on the head,

Long story short I used to smoke about 15 years ago but kicked it in after I had that really bad trip and stuck to booze but found that I would get the anxiety in the morning when i was hungover, which was pretty much everday :)

I stopped drinking about 3 years ago and after about 6 months I started smoking green again, but Im a South African (living in the UK now) and was only used to the bush weed that we get in SA, nothing like the super strong skunk strains that you get here, I have been smoking again for about 2 and a half years now and DEFO find that some of the green I get makes me feel anxious to the point of needing to take a couple 1mg Xanax's or a few 10mg diazies, but like you say I actually find that other strains have the same calming effect as the benzo's! Its down to this that I have decided to start my own growing just to find a high that works perfectly for me and then I can also have an ongoing supply of what I enjoy as opposed to dealing with dodgy characters every few weeks to pick up an oz and then having to worry about the weight being on, if its too wet, or if it makes me feel not to great.. I am getting better anxiety wise anyway thogh and hardly ever have to take benzo's anymore when I get stoned but I'd still like the better strains for anxiety relief purposes! Man that would be GREAT! Please keep us up to date on if you find the perfect lineage.

Thanks a million bro,

Cheers ,


thanks for that feedback CC, there are genetics out there that will help your brain chemistry
what those are, well, i guess you just start trying stuff and keep reading boards like these
i was not expecting anything like what i got from my last grow
i actually didn't much like it the 1st few times i tried it, made me feel strange
it finally dawned on me that the strange part was i wasn't anxious, which has become a way of life
on the flip side, it's a bit dis-orienting if vaping too much, really on the strong side


New member
Probably wont be to popular for saying this but have you tried not smoking weed to reduce your anxiety? as anxiety is a know effect of smoking weed, experienced it myself so I know it's not BS. I'd recommend daily deep muscle massage followed by 60 minute nap ,if that don't get you relaxed nothing will :)


Well-known member
Probably wont be to popular for saying this but have you tried not smoking weed to reduce your anxiety? as anxiety is a know effect of smoking weed, experienced it myself so I know it's not BS. I'd recommend daily deep muscle massage followed by 60 minute nap ,if that don't get you relaxed nothing will

i understand where you're coming from, here's my short story
began to get depression symptoms about 4 years ago
unpleasant thoughts and and worse dreams
dreams that will snap you awake in the dead of the night with a sweat
these are pretty classic depression symptoms, not severe, more on the moderate side
went on St. Johns Wort after about 3 months of symptoms, huge help, still using it
but it's effect isn't as pronounced as it used to be
and anxiety often comes as a matched package with depression, can show up as mania
didn't used to have these symptoms, your brain chemistry begins to turn against you
for me, it was plain i was going to have to some kind of medication
and the mainstream meds did not look good to me at all, still don't, scare the crap out of me actually
and i have tried other things, exercise and mind imagery, didn't help much

Gert Lush

Active member
Honestly, you've got to get your head right. I don't care what strain you smoke, if you're suppressing something or have unresolved issues, it WILL surface. I'm of the firm belief that bad trips only occur with those who have "bad"/unresolved/unaddressed issues. Clear out the mess and all of your highs will be happy ones... unless, of course, you have a chemical imbalance in which case self-medication is, more-often-than-not, a bad idea.

And that's the bottom line. Well said!

(Or at least welcome the anxiety weed brings, it's trying to sow you something. It's daft to smoke weed and then avoid what it's showing you)


Years of therapy can help people who have anxiety because of things that happened in there lives. Then there is people who have a chemical imbalance and no amount of therapy will help. You can learn coping mechanisms, but there is no cure.

Weed effects everyone differently. Just like anti-depressants effect everyone differently. It makes some peoples lives all better and it makes some people kill themselves. Same goes for weed. Some people it makes tweek out and others puts them in a tranquil place. Some people have bad physical anxiety and others mental and me both.

This isn't the forum to be preaching about how weed causes YOU. If you have info about strains that help your anxiety post it, if not STFU go to the medical forum and tell them how weed is bad for them.

Obviously no medication is better, but for some it isn't an option.