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Another tomato plant bust


Well-known member
I actually have a first hand story to share. This year we have had a couple larger outdoor MJ plots found and people busted in our small communities (around a 50 mile radius) and it has caused a firestorm of cops targeting MJ buyers and sellers. They have been cracking down hard on MJ in particular.

A friend of the family decided to grow tomatoes in containers this year. He took great pride and grew them large and in several large containers. One day last week his neighbor comes over and says,” You know the cops have been watching your house” The family friend looks at his neighbor crazy because he has know idea what the hell this guy is talking about and figures this guy is having heat stroke or something. Well sure enough a few days later the cops show up to bust his tomato containers.

Un F***ing believable. I wish it had been me I would have pushed back hard demanding evidence to show up in my yard accusing me of this. The F***ing guy lives in a small city with a road past his front yard. You think all the cop would have had to do was bust out some binocs.

It’s amazing what a couple of MJ busts will do to the whole mindset of cops in a 50-mile radius.


Do you think the dude will lean on the cops? He could make it into a local PR nightmare for them, or go away quietly....


Active member
introduce a little anarchy. plant seeds all over, confuse them and send them a message that they cannot win.


ICMag Donor
lol that is a wild story!!..I believe it tho, cops are just that dumb, when they were busting us, one of the sheriffs asked "why do you have so many tomato plants?", babba says "umm, we can them and make salsa!, thats kinda of a weird question" ..the guy says why? ...cus they'r tomato plants!!! hehehe just a strange conversation all the way around!!


New member
conact the FBI to investigate his civil right having been violated. if you have a case they will fire the officer/s no joke. friend of mine attending law school gave me this excellent advice. there's actually some federal agency trying to look after our civil liberties..imagine that!


Patient Grower
Mrs.Babba said:
lol that is a wild story!!..I believe it tho, cops are just that dumb, when they were busting us, one of the sheriffs asked "why do you have so many tomato plants?", babba says "umm, we can them and make salsa!, thats kinda of a weird question" ..the guy says why? ...cus they'r tomato plants!!! hehehe just a strange conversation all the way around!!

C'mon, you obviously had more tomatos than personal use. You were probably going to open up a roadside stand in a school zone, and get our children hooked! What about the cheeeeeldren?


Well-known member
Pythagllio said:
C'mon, you obviously had more tomatos than personal use. You were probably going to open up a roadside stand in a school zone, and get our children hooked! What about the cheeeeeldren?

^^^ I love this one.

I just found about it yesterday and will follow up when I get more info but anyone in my area better have his head on tight because the cops are MJ crazy this year.
I agree with all the comment and will pass on info to the friend. This guy smoked a little in his younger years but now in his late 40's he is so square he is sharp on the edges. I will pass on all thoughts and recommendations should see him this weekend. You have to feel violated though knowing someone is sitting around the corner watching everything you do.


Active member
tell youre friend to call his local A.C.L.U !!! the cops involved will probably get put on a permanent leave..which wouldnt be a bad thing :laughing:


Active member
if nobody speaks out on this, then the cops are going to continue to hound everyone in your area until something really good or bad happens..


ICMag Donor
Pythagllio said:
C'mon, you obviously had more tomatos than personal use. You were probably going to open up a roadside stand in a school zone, and get our children hooked! What about the cheeeeeldren?

:laughing: :laughing: LOL ya Pythagllio!!! now thats funny, I dont care who you are!!! ..thanks for the chuckles :D


that is so ridiculous... he should try and get a write up in the local press so everyone can see how crazy the cops have become and maybe slow down their chomping on peoples civil rights

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Seems liek there would be more to the story than a whole gang of cops roling up and witnessing that it was tomatoes instead of ganja and just leaving. That dont sound like any rights violated,,,

Can you give us any details about the raid? Did they go search the whole house,,, did they trash the place,, what happened???


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I did an outdoor Hydro grow last year where I had tomato plants, peppers, cabbage etc. Some in hydro farms and others in a 12 site aero system. One day in Aug last year I heard a heli flying real close. Sure nuff this national guard heli (drug task force in this area) circled my yard at 100ft for a good 10 min then checked out the rest of the neighborhood. funny thing is there was nothing in my yard and it was taken down the week before due to the heat. How they circled my empty yard, somone had to of seen my systems and "assumed" I was growing pot since it was hydro. Funny thing is I know my neighbors and they knew it was legit plants so it wasn't them and several of them were so interested they wanted to do it themselves after seeing the crazy amount of tom's I had.


That's how it starts, growing tomatoes and peppers. Then BLAMO! Poppies for 3xtr3mist causes!! Your neighbor may end up in gitmo if he calls the fbi...


just do it
$%&$# man this is bad, i just watched a press conference and John McCain has declared Tomatoes a gateway vegetable, he is implementing a war on vegtables and skanks, he says there hand in hand, a furious Obama responded that he eats tomatoes and skanks frequently, and he will end federal raids on tomato stands immediately


668, Neighbor of the Beast
I know this is against the TOU and all but, does anyone know where I can score some killer tomato's? All that's available around here are those little mexi cherries from the valley, but I was hunting the dAnK DrO kInD, you know, the redder the better!!!!


Well-known member
What we need is a tomato task force so we can teach LEO the difference between the the deadly tomatos and the harmless MJ plant. Man this cop must have been 19 years old or something.

As I said I before to all that have asked I will get full and hopefully more funny story this weekend.
Thanks for all the great replies.