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Another school shooting


Well-known member
Fucking winters are the worst.goddamn lake.But i love ChiTown.Some of the best restaurants and stores in the world.lots of friendly people contrary to what some people may say


Well-known member
so no answers to my questions? typical liberals. you prove how stupid you are every time.
WHATS YOUR FUCKING QUESTION!? YEAH THE SOUTH SIDE IS BAD!WHATS YOUR POINT!?thanks for derailing my thread.have another drink or whatever it is your on.im gonna have another drink myself

moose eater

Back when the Woodfield Mall (?) was touted as the biggest mall in the Country, our 10th grade class took a field trip there, from SW Michigan. Of course all of the heads/hippie folks sought out the head shops to add to our pipes and scales collections.


Well-known member
99% of the time I was in Chicago it was for business. So, food was almost always a factor. I have had the pleasure of eating all over the country and... overall, I would say Chicago has about the best selection of quality food of any city in the entire US.

And, there's something about the people from Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh...... fucking party ANIMALS. No shit. More fun in the Midwest than anywhere in the world.

Hey... wierdo.. drunky... jimbo.... where you from? I spent 17 years on the Hill. does that name mean your from DC.

Fucking angry dude. LOL Find something important in life like family or whatever. Politics isn't agreeing with you. LOL

Come on downtown some night and I'll buy you and drink and calm you down with a freebie in the alley. Oh, don't worry, you'll be safe with me. :)


ICMag Donor
Just a guess, but I think that Jim has been banned before under a different name.


Well-known member
if jim is redberry he is one dedicated troll to have that many sleeper accounts.
Any way,my grandpa and i would take the train from Downers Grove to Chicago and we would get a dog or pizza at the station and go to the Sears Tower and walk downtown and go to the stores like the Sony store and Hemmler Shlemmer.[Dont ask me to spell that]and it was awesome.i miss it so much.oh by the way.my grandpa worked for NBC 5 and won an Emmy.Chicago gets a bad wrap cause of the south side.Its one of the best cities in the world and i love it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
think you've had too many drinky poos buddy.

K+ hawk
I always figured he was a drunk & not a stoner, maybe opiates as well, too tightly wound, goes off on the slightest bit of poop, very likely bi-polar.

we need more & braver school guards, certainly armed & trained, perhaps some staffers as well.

Librarian's gun could have silencers on them.......

so you dont like facts. fu. wa, wa, wa. you pos.

why such a foul mouth? that's always the ass end of a losing battle, the name calling, and you jim are it.


Well-known member
LOL that silencer joke gets me everytime!But we got lucky.too bad Texas wasnt.i havent looked at that case much cause ive been following the one next to my town but i gaurantee that Texas kid is getting the death penalty.Texas dont play.no sympathy from me but what the hell is causing this huge rise in shootings?Guns have nothing to do with it.Mental health is my guess.the world isnt like it was 20 hell even 10 years ago


Well-known member
what the hell is causing this huge rise in shootings?Guns have nothing to do with it

just trying to understand... but how can guns have nothing to do with shootings when they are just so easy to access??

no access = no shootings...yes???


Active member
Rush St. One of the best steaks I've ever had. Been there in the summer a couple times and once in the winter. Went to a cubs game and watched Sammy Sosa hit a two run homer out of the park...the bar after was insane.


Active member
no access = no shootings...yes???

No access? What are you talking about? You can only disarm the law abiding...then shit looks like Chicago. The United States recognizes the natural born right of self defense...and the greatest fear of the founding fathers was big government and that the people should be well armed in case it turns against the people.

You will never disarm the criminals...but you can shoot them !:shooty:



Well-known member
just trying to understand... but how can guns have nothing to do with shootings when they are just so easy to access??

no access = no shootings...yes???
because anyone with a little skill can make a weapon of mass destruction.i could kill my whole town by contaminating the water supply with chemicals like cyanide or something.i could do it too.the point is,if someone want to kill someone they will.in fact,im glad the bonehead in the next town over had a gun and didnt know how to use it and no one got hurt.well except him!LOL if he had a knife or bomb he could easily have killed someone and it was a trained officer with a gun that prevented him from killing anyone


Well-known member
Rush St. One of the best steaks I've ever had. Been there in the summer a couple times and once in the winter. Went to a cubs game and watched Sammy Sosa hit a two run homer out of the park...the bar after was insane.
HA!that was when he was corking wasnt it?!Good times!