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Another happy day in hell...

Hi everyone. Been here a while, figure it's time for a grow log. I've done indoor grows for many years now, but this is my first real attempt at an outdoor grow.


I'm in Nye Co. Nevada, about half an hour from Death Valley. Temperatures are hot, but it's a dry heat. Humidity is usually under 15%.

Water is from our underground aquifer, and comes out of the tap at about 7.6ph. Native soil is clay, so I don't grow in it. Sorta. I dug a hole 6 x 5.5 x 4 foot deep and filled it with what I could afford.

Pea gravel and small river rocks (rinsed well) for between 4 and 6 inches of drainage.

First of the soils was the bulk garden soil trucked-in for my partners raised bed veggies. Smelled strongly of livestock pee. Once his raised beds were filled, what was left went into the hole. About 80 cu. ft. I'm guessing.
Next was 4 bags (2 cu. ft. ea) of Miracle Grow Moisture Control, which smelled like livestock pee mixed with something REALLY yucky. Couldn't put my finger on it. Anyway...that didn't fill the hole, so we got 5 bags (3 cu. ft. each) of Kellogg's organic garden mix...and a couple medium bags of perlite. I mixed it all in and watered it down every couple days. Nothing more to do but check moisture retention daily, remove tumble weed parts and wait for the fence.

The pipes have 3/8 inch holes every 4 inches. Using 'em as a dipstick tube, to try and monitor general water absorption. Was thinking about removing 'em, but with this slow-draining clay (bottom of the hole) I might put end-caps on the pipes and leave 'em be. If soil gets over-saturated I can remove the caps, giving the moisture an express escape route.

While waiting for the garden fence, I put the candidates outside to acclimate. Pet fences not only keep pets in...they keep pets out, lol.
Guess I should have checked weather reports better. I moved 'em outside and put other plants in their spots under the lights. The next 2 days...rain. The next two days following that...30mph winds with 50mph gusts. Needless to say it beat the crap out of the girls. This shot was after the winds died down. A little bit of wind burn, but...overall they're fine.

Stars lined-up right, and I now have a fenced-in area. It's 12' x 12' and protected on all sides from prying eyes and damaging winds. Once completed, I did a once-around. Prying eyes will have to pry pretty darned hard to see my girls.

With the fence up, the girls went in.

Tallest girl is around 24 inches, shortest is about 14". Wasn't going to include it, but what the heck...

Once they're over the transplant shock (none yet) I'll start the training. Likely I'll get some garden tape and some stakes to tie to.
I was going to use eye bolts screwed-into the fence, to tie off to. But that's a lot of string all over the place, and I'm not always fleet-of-foot. I'll try super cropping on a couple branches at first, but our intense sun might prevent this technique. Guess I'll see. I still have the weed cloth to install, but need more funds for mulch to cover the black fabric.

There are 4 strains. As they progress, I'll identify each for ya. But there's Nye-99, (originally Z-99, but I re-named it for local appeal) Grand Daddy Purple, Black Afghani and Eclectic Daisy. (ED is an indica-dominate strain I crossed last year, and have been working on)

I guess that's it for now. Hope y'all have a nice summer.



Hawaiian Inebriatti


lounge zard.gif

This will be epic!

Many thanks to the both of you. I appreciate it, and need all the luck I can get.

Around 3:00 I checked on 'em. Thermometer says it's 98 degrees now, so was likely a bit warmer at 3. I guess summer's here.

They had a teeny-tiny bit of an afternoon droop. So it looks perhaps like a daily watering will be the norm. They perked right back up and are looking fine.

Ok...I'm excited. Trying to keep my expectations low, but 20 lbs cured would be cool. <kidding> Anything over 2 or 3 oz per plant will beat my indoor average, lol.
They're acclimating fine so far. I'm still trying to dial-in watering, but it's looking like on the warmer days they'll need a surface spray in the afternoon. Some of the leaves get a tad saggy. No saggy branches, though. Looks like an early attempt at flowering for the Nye-99, but I plan on letting it ride till fall if possible. One of the Black Afghani is showing signs of slight overwatering, ALL are getting used to the organics in the soil. Slight burn but nothing to make me freak-out. (yet)

Black Afghani on the left, Nye-99 on the right:

Still a bit breezy here for the past couple of days, but nothing major. It's getting up into the 90's, yet this is just the beginning, lol. There will be weeks at a time in the 110's eventually.

So...the only thing I've really done since the last post, is start some tie-back training, to open-up the plant to more direct sunlight.

Next year might yield some large tomato cages...but this season I'm flyin' the ghetto flag. I'm using garden tape and stakes. (sorta) If all goes well, I'll have to remove those bonds and tie-off to the fences. <wishful thinking> Once they're well-established and gaining mass, I'll supercrop a bit and keep up with the bondage, then trim-up crap near the base.

This is the other side-wall of the garden. My back porch is a balcony overlooking the garden:

Did I mention flying the ghetto flag...?

Piper Green

New member
Looks like they are adapting to the heat, Ghetto Flag! you might want to think about designing one..that way other broke 420 friends won't steal your grow..
Hey Piper, thanks for stopping in. Gonna be hot today. You planning on sticking around the house to monitor soils and such? Thought you might call about that "empty pot" technique you were having issues with. Did you get it squared-away? If not, give a holler. I just checked your photo album. Doesn't look any different than last time I was there, lol. Did you ever get the auger running?

Till I know they're fully acclimated, happy and healthy, I'll just use passive (tie-down) training. I supercropped a couple plants last week, and lost a growing tip. 3 outta 4 aint bad...but I hate losing growing tips. :comfort:

No amazing growth yet, that I can tell. Nice lateral branching, but hard to tell if they're getting any taller. I didn't measure 'em. They looked ready for the garden...that's all I needed to know. But I guess I'm getting curious, lol. Will take photo's tomorrow or so.

Last thing I want is a flag saying "here's my medicine", lol. Perhaps an R.I.P. flag, where the last thief/tweaker made his final/fatal stand...but that's more a marker than a flag.
Feeding day. Guess we'll see how they do. They got a little prissy (leaf edge burn) last feeding day, so this week I backed-off the nutes a tad, to about 3/4 strength.

Working to figure-out more light. Besides painting the fence white...I might get a mercury vapor driveway light. It's either that, or I move the mobile home over a few yards. But if we get the light, I'll be able to turn it on early in the morning to interrupt the dark cycle. This should help keep 'em from wanting to flower. I hope. Otherwise...2 harvests this summer, lol.



Active member
Out doors by RT. Do you have to use shade cloth when it gets hot like really hot.
RT here is a unrelated question. Have seeds in a jar in ref and when I put them in paper towel to germ little maggot things start coming out of the seeds when they start to open.
WTF can I do DDT them? Stated a Twisted Gold 4-20 but she went into flower at 6 in.
Will make seeds with her. Finally got my hands on a good OG. Watch out for that Weezard guy he smokes and eats way too much pot. lol Aloha DB


Well-known member
Gee Rusty.....

Sounds like you are growing in a microwave oven. This should be entertaining. Sign me up.
Wow...so many esteemed guests. I'm a little taken-aback, lol.

No shade cloth yet, DB...but it's likely going to come down to that. As long as I keep the root zone hydrated, the canopy stays turgid, (doesn't sag) they should be fine. I learned that doing a few tester pots at my other house. Roots don't like to be fried, though.

So my main goal is to keep the soil shaded/protected. Should be getting some redwood bark or similar for a ground cover sometime this week. Our water is 7.4 to 7.6 ph out of the tap, so the ground cover might help lower the ingoing water ph. Softwoods decompose slower than the hardwoods (who woulda thunk...?) so hopefully I can avoid a nutrient dump late flower season. If not, it'll be cool enough to remove the bark if the decomposition accelerates.
<hmm...seems I'm rambling. >
If there's bugs IN the seed, it's likely been feeding on the embryo. Hate to say it, but they're likely toast. Know what kind of intruder they are? How old are the seeds? Man...that would suck. <sorry>

Hi OH, thanks for stopping-in. Not sure my microwave get's this hot. More like a pizza oven on all you can eat night. But it's a dry heat. Years ago, I did some schoolin' down in Houston in the middle of summer. 95 degrees and 110% humidity. I'd MUCH rather have daily 115 degree temps and our 10% humidity. At least the sweat has a chance to evaporate, lol.

But in the garden, the soil can keep local RH near 30% or so at canopy level...depending on last watering and the winds. And if they're doing ok, and I spray...I'm guessing it messes-up the transpiration. They don't seem to appreciate it. (sativa dominates and indica dominates alike)

Biggest bummer is the dust, (poof dirt and sand) which is another reason why I don't spray to raise RH. Makes mud that get's caught-up in the leaf hairs and trichomes. Likely going to be a choice in flower...a little dust, or a little mold from removing the dust. But I have a feeling the trichomes will keep the dust from going anywhere. And who knows...it MIGHT rain this year, lol...

Second biggest bummer, is gardener inexperience. But I'm sure some of my indoor knowledge will translate ok. Counting on it.

Still humid there in paradise...? <kidding>
I wish this weather would make up it's mind. 98 degrees yesterday afternoon...62 this morning. Damn near freezing...

Finally got my hands on a good OG. Watch out for that Weezard guy he smokes and eats way too much pot. lol Aloha DB

Most of the OG strains I play with are pretty good. Isn't it a tad tight for your kinds of humidity...?
Twisted Gold is up-coming for my next run. Nice balance of growth habits, oil production and flavors.

We've got a friend like Weez around here too. Locals call him Rusty. :whistling:


Rusty trichome! Its a pleasure to have found you! I'm sure you're the Rusty from can.com. because of the familiar tone in Wheezes post to you! :) I joined them shortly after you were banned & after reading your post, I was appalled by the fact fact the a holes banned one of their best people! But guess what, they banned me too! Reason? I was recommending mns forums to my friends getting 'warned' all the time for the dummest shit! Like being popular & forming clicks. I knew Burnt Toast was going to ban them & I wanted to keep our group of friends together. That was my big sin! I owe a big thanks to Shovelhandle for bringing to mns forums & sending me here to find Bushy Old Grower. I'm not the only one who's a member on 5 or more sites! Yep! Burnt Toast said I was poaching members ! LOL! The only thing I poach is eggs (& a few rare woodland flowers to put in my wooded back yard, from the STATE PARK! HA! :))←CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!
- Sorry for the long winded hijack, but I can't figure out how to leave a visitor message here. Wanted to introduce myself & let you know I've admired you for a while now! :) Happy growing!


BTW, assuming you were also friends with Estaban, wanted to let you know he disappeared just a few days before he was to harvest. He wasn't banned, & there's no way he would have dropped out of the forum, being a daily heavy poster. There's only one explaination, & I'm still worried about him. :(


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Too much pot?!
That's just crazy talk.

Have cut way down though.

Eating 1/4g. of RSO per day as a maintenance dosage and don't even feel it.
But I get less accomplished than when I was eating 8X that.

Real good to see you here CB.
Start a thread, show da grow. :)

FYI, The Olympics committee said I wasn't all that special. :(

Weez: Any medical test results of late? The Olympics committee may have passed on ya...but did the 'Competitive Eating' guys ever get ahold of you?

Hi CB. Welcome.
Wow...hadn't thought of that place in years. Yeah...I'm the same Rusty. I was a troubleshooter over there as stinkyattic was leaving. I don't remember Esteban by name, but likely I was already "checking-out" by then.
Psycho4Buds and FakeBoobsRule (Moderators) were quite easy to work with...but the new management took the site in a direction I refused to adapt to. I wouldn't adopt the political correctness bullshit they desired, nor would I teach sophomoric children how to troubleshoot their grow room issues.

T'was 108 here yesterday, but the experts say it should be a tad cooler today. (as if a degree or two is "cooler") Still haven't gone to town to get the ground cover to protect the surface roots. So...thinking outside the box...ghetto groundcover. They're 24" drip trays I had layin' around. There should be enough airflow, but they should help shade the surface.

Most seem to be doing ok, but there's one obvious slacker. It's a Grand Daddy Purple. The other GDP, the Black Afghanis and the Eclectic Daisy are doing fine, but the Nye-99 is trying hard to flower-up already. If the slacker continues to be an underperformer, I might replace her. I have a few strains in veg I was saving. (just in case)

Fed 'em all last night, (Grow Big, Super Tea Mix, Silica Blast) and they seem to be doing ok. But we'll see how they handle today's assault.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"but did the 'Competitive Eating' guys ever get ahold of you? "

That who they were?!

Oh dear!
When they got "ahold" of me, it was dark, I may have over-reacted.

One thing led to another and...

Well, suffice to say, the hydrofluoric acid body disposal from breaking bad is bullshit.

Hmmm, lemonade?

Anybody want to buy 100 gallons of high test "fish emulsion"/PH down?
Dirt cheap!
Free shipping.

The dark Wee 'zard
Thanks DD. Trudging along with changes in mind for next season, lol.

Anybody know WTF kind of spider this is...?


Looks a bit like a tiny black widow...but it's not black. And I really didn't want to turn it over to check for the hourglass, lol.

I'd like to think it wasn't munching on the plant, (no damage seen) and it looks like a predator...but it didn't make it more than a minute after the photo. (all gone) I sprayed around the fence, so it didn't crawl in. But with the winds we have, airborne assaults are possible. Even for wingless bugs.

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