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Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Four


High country cat herder
Pics as promised.

Pure Rod somewhat buried in her corner of the screen. She didn't stretch like I expected, so she's the short buds in the screen,.... the paler leaves with all the frost on them to the right are "Power Kush"

Bear in mind that this being a "Trial" run for both these strains, I flipped them small, if I hit a zipp off of either I'll be impressed.





Then, one that I'm familiar with,.....



Smoke Reports

{smoked in freshly cleaned glass sherlock, dry. I enlisted the help of a friend, mike, to have a second opinion.i hope you dont mind OH... A little background about myself, ive only been involved with cannabis for a bit over ten years. i have seen large amount of high quality outdoor from northern california in that time. all the popular strains and cuts passed through my hands. i sampled them all of course! i will be basing my comparisons on these weeds, as i feel its only right to compare outdoor to outdoor. mike and i dont read what the other wrote until we are done with the test. he is also a seasoned smoker, just with less exposure to the amount of cannabis that ive seen and this is his first report. bread, water, and makers mark is used to cleanse the pallet between smokes, which we are going to space about 30 mins apart.(edit... more for sure) i wish i had more time to space them out, but we dont.(edit, we will make time) I will pack a bowl for myself, then mike will pack one for himself. also, i havent smoked all day, its 9pm. also, pictures looked kinda gray so i picked a white point on the white paper plate, then dropped the brightness 5 points. for some i picked a black point also on the black sharpie, and maybe also dropped brightness 5 points. some pics 5 points of contrast added. these are all really insignificant in my mind but full disclosure.}

harvest from "Another Crappy Day in Paradise, Part Three"

Hash Bud x Rodney



pretty dark buds, decent trim job, matted with dark orange/ brown hairs. pretty solid feel, breaks up well. not too sticky, dosent really leave any residue on the fingers. buds are nice consistency though. under the scope (60x) buds are chock full of trichromes. really interesting ones too, yknow how some plants have perfect uniform raised stalks? not this, its all over the board.. mike found two that had merged together at the heads....blend of amber and clear they are plastered all over the place. the hairs are coated with prickly crystals too, looks good down there, but of course most buds do! but this does look cooler than most.

my opinion- holding a bud in your hand without squeezing it at all, it has a very faint smell. nothing outstanding really, kinda hard to put my finger on. id say a light earth scent, slightly musky and faint plain weed smell. pretty typical of OD that i see.
sqeezing/breaking up/grinding - a moderate cleaner/piss smell from squeezing or breaking up with hands that is pretty nice. garbage undertones that done detract from the smell at all. maybe the tinest bit of sweet or fruit, so far in the background its barely noticable. grinding it dosent prouduce the overwhelming smell like it can do. smells are pretty similar, more fruit, faint musty musk. overall, not a strong smelling bud.

mikes opinion- holding a bud in your hand without squeezing it at all- a very light smooth earthy scent, think that it could be stronger but still a pleasent smell nothing that is like "WOW"
sqeezing/breaking up/grinding - i found a muskier orange citrus with a hint of lime with some skunkier undertones. grinding -it just brought out the muskier orangy citrus flavor more for me that seems to overpower skunkyness.

(to avoid the possibility of lighter flavor, im using a torch at the most possible distance from the bowl so it lights from the heat)
my opinion -
first toke - no flavour jumps out at me. took a pretty light hit, there was a breif flash of taste but so mild and fleeting i couldnt put my finger on it.
second - still hard to describe really. a bit of fruit, but veryyy faint. took a larger toke. make me hack just a bit. no lingering flavor im my mouth, throat is a bit harshed.
third - still nothing there really. didnt cough... really weird i think. took some puffs with a regular lighter right after, few in a row, and nothing jumped out still. just taste like weed. not bad at though. even at the end of the bowl, it still tastes fine.i ground it up and it burned really long. way more hits that i expected from the smaller bowl i packed. seriously, i thought about 5 hits maybe and im over ten. the last hit pretty much tastes like the first, whatever that is lol.

mikes opinion -smoke
first hit-half green, very smooth, mild musky flavor with light but pleasant and not long lasting aftertaste.
second hit-little more green,good flavor of musk and citrus, a little more harsh on throat, effects of cannibus definetly felt. some paranoia feeling for sure.
third hit-last of the green,great flavor of citrus, very smooth lungs, almost all citrus aftertaste.l
last hit- not a terrible taste, harsh on throat, smooth on lungs, overall a good tasting bowl.

my opinion - i didnt feel very high by the time i got done smokeing the bowl. the throat stayed harshed, got a bit worse and settled to the very bottom of my throat. i got up and paced around while mike was typing (normal for me to pace) and noticed i felt pretty high pretty fast. mostly up in my head at first, and now still at 10 mins. or so. (as im typing mike is pacing aroud lol) heart rate went up for sure, that was the second thing i noticed. i feel great as im crouched in front of the couch typing ( bulging lower vertebre). just realized i didnt turn any music on... medeski martin and wood it is! ok, time for mike to type now... ok, mike took FOREVER to type that first part. im reading it now...i dunno wtf hes taking about cause i am high for sure. a pretty up high too real nice, a bit racy at first but it leveled out. when i let mike take over i walked out on the porch and talked on the phone a bit. a little hard to keep my blance actually. after i came back inside, (10 mins he really took awhile but was having my problem of brushing the trackpad and deleting stuff.) so i dont feel the need to smoke at all. am well satisfied. dont get me wrong im not devastated or blown away but content no doubt.
mike's opinion - after third hit not very high, but i know that i have smoked. after entire bowl kinda high, but i would smoke another bowl. i feel the high in my eyes and top of my skull and in back when standing. after a few more minutes i feel more high, but would still smoke another bowl.

am going to wait for awhile or perhaps even tomorrow to do the next one.... been way more than 30 mins by now... will think about it.................ill do the next in a seperate post


Jack x Rodney
(after a few tacos and some time..)



nice aged shade of golden green brown. seems to look a little darker in the pics.. decent trim again, and lots of hairs, short straight ones. nice solid feel when squeezed, slight slight slight crisp, which i prefer to a bud that feels too squishy and damp almost. under the scope real bonkers, mostly amber clots and forests of thick tricromes, mostly normal structure but different sizes. big tall heads and short stubby ones underneath, lots of thin silver barb looking things that look like tricrome hairs but sharp, some purple here and there, really awesome.

Smell -
my opinion - smelling it while sitting on the plate really dry smell of faint wildflowers, with a dash of fall. breaking this bud up with my fingers releases an amazing great cleaner smell, a zesty lemon one. citrus cleaner all the way. in the grinder the smell is just stronger, with more of a zing behind it maybe a bit of ammonia behind it. really great, went back for a few sniffs...
mikes opininion - smell from plate. kinda stale, like had been stored in a box. also a outdoors earthy odor. breaking up with fingers - a very sweet almost lemon like odor up front with fresh green smell as an undertone. grinder - mostly the same as breaking it up with fingers but a sharper crisper scent.
my opinion - first toke was nice, really smooth, a tiny cough nothing at all really. mild flavor that was nice, didnt really jump out at me what it was exactly, i think the tacos are interfering, even after some mouthwash, bread and water... second toke was great, some fir or juniper almost, real real faint i taste after drawing over my tounge, maybe a bit christmas, a ways away though... maybe closer to thanksgiving... next toke still a very fresh tree thing, quite enjoyable, next tokes are some cedar perhaps, more woody... rest of the bowl good to the last drop, nothing extreme in the flavor department very understanded and i like it.

mikes opinion - first hit- tastes alot like it smells sweet but theres lemons there, and goes down smooth, brings a little raspyness to the throat afterwards, great aftertaste.
second hit - tastes just as good as first hit, very smooth again, great aftertaste on this one.
third hit - less taste but still a very sweet one, such a smooth smoke on this bud. great aftertaste still.

my opinion - really like the high. pretty mellow, occasional disconnected feelings at first, but not too bad. a little dreamy maybe now after fifteen mins or so. i feel relaxed, not in a heavy down way in a light and great way - nothing too elaborate i dont think but its really great ( mike is bitching about his sinus exploding out of his face hes hacking his balls off on the end of his bowl) hahahaha... you tube time to fuck off... were gonna search people blowing smoke out of their ears...
edit - wow a dude blows smoke out his eye !!!!!!!!
double edit - definatley made me hungry... again...
mikes opinion - first hit was it for me, and have been stoned since. very stoned now smoked a huge bowl. very chill but awaking high.

ill do the last tomorrow...


Diesel x Rodney



Appearance - nothing special really, a bit lighter than the other two i think... trim is the same, whats left of the leaves look thin and wispy... great bud structure, slight crisp to the outside, visibly coated in sugar, has a nice aged color to it. Under the scope its hard to see any bud from the hairs and goop... looks to be about 25% amber, hard to pick out any thing specific other than a jumbled sticky lookin mess...

Holding it unmolested in my hand there is a faint haze twang, maybe some old dry sandalwood, with something else right behind it i really cant place at all.... not bad or good, just... old? i dunno... breaking it up with my fingers creates a serious blast of funk... maybe some grapefruit solvent or kerosene? there is an unmistakable horseradish cocaine smell.... i dont know if many of you know what i mean but thats my best description of that aspect of it... it the smell that jumps out the most... gets stronger in the grinder... man... it is fucking rank...

first hit isnt much there, second is a really fresh thing, decent bit of coughing but not very hard, gone after a few light hacks... aftertaste tastes like cereal? wtf... cant be right... third hit... good flavor, some berry taste for a split second, after more grains... maybe with sugar on top... more coughing, harder now.. fourth..fifth...
overall tasting closest to haze... but not strong haze taste at all just kind of loose some earth and grains... i have to say im really fucking high now... im having trouble with my train of thought and as im reading over what i wrote i start to think it looks ridiculous... cereal??? cocaine? wtf. i have to stop typing now... ill finish it later...


ok nearly an hour later, im still baked as hell but the intensity did level out after about 20 mins. i dunno what to say about the high other than its great, really strong, a little soaring and clear as a bell. the very first time i toked this i knew it was my favorite. in my opinion it easily surpasses the other two crosses on all fronts. (mind you i didnt find out the strains until i got back online and talked to OH after i had these for a week at least)
the hb x R and the jack x R are decent weeds. they are right on par with all the norcal od i have seen and id be happy to get a bag as a consumer, but nothing id write home about... not what i consider to be a special od, (the first ones that come to mind are some od blue dream and green crack i used to see alot of that were perfect) but i feel like the diesel x rod falls into that category of extra awesomeness. i love this weed and i am going to stretch it out for weeks. the other two will be gone in about ten more days prob. i have been giving out all three to several folks, but for sure keeping most of the d x r for the head...

also wanted to add i only took five hits earlier and i just remembered (60+ mins later) i still have well over half a bowl left. snack time!


Well-known member
Nameless....Thank you so much....and mike too....for three priceless smoke reports....I could have not done that. I'm too close to the process. Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees...no pun intended.

I owe you one. You just made some decisions that were troubling me earlier much easier to make. And I learned some new things that will make this year better than last.

One thing I learned is I'm going to sit on the DxR and push the HBxR....Though my personal favorite is still the JxR.

Another thing is the DxR was the first plant in the line. She did get the sun first. So that line of plants have got to be spread out differently so one doesn't shade the next.

The JxR was stage harvested over almost a month, trimmed, and put back together. I didn't cherrypick any of the sent samples, so it is probable that the bud was harvested at different times.

Again...I thank you.

I took the rest of the Headband and V Kush before the rain...Rain? WTF? I thought you said it was perfect??? Key word ...was.

Looks like the storm track and Jet stream are heading south. That will push the high right on top of us and kill the trades. The stress test is indeed on. Soon, if this keeps up, like Weez, I'll have one hell of a crop of WPM. Better to learn now than later. Weez...You have a pic of the Lavender? Like to see it. How does it do with the WPM?

I will lose some product, but I hope some will resist longer. As I work with these and see more plants certan phenomes stand out. They are seeded, and if WPM doesn't eat them...into the line up they go.

Canni....beautiful pics...like usual. Rod looks tasty. But so does everything else....now don't let it go to your head.

I'm proud of wifey. Before the first raindrop she called and asked which plants to pull off the deck. Yea Baby! helping...what a concept. Who says they can't be trained?

Some of these moms I will test until the wheels fall off. Like these Rodney moms.


The Jack moms...three look identical. One is taller.



And the Kush x Jack backcrossed with Jack looks promising.


Rusty and Canni were right. The trifoilates...ehhh, worst in the gulch. Won't bother next time.


im so glad i could help you out OH...
standing offer too (of course)
cant wait to see what you set up for the big one this year!


High country cat herder
Canni....beautiful pics...like usual. Rod looks tasty. But so does everything else....now don't let it go to your head.

Thanks OH :tiphat:

Figure after all the reviews Nameless posted, I owe you and HMR the report on MY grow of the Rod/HB

My impression, nothing to wright home about looks wise,
Scent (growing) little citrus and damp earth.
Taste, yep, it's weed.
High, super heady almost hallucinogenic for the first 40 minuets, then mellowing to a soft body stone with a mild trippy head high to it.

Did actually manage to take a small amount to one of my patients.

Patient dug right in with 2 smaller buds into the grinder, then to the vap bowl.

His second hit had a slight cough, and I warned him to slow down a bit but he wasn't having any of that and went for a 3rd.

None the less we shot the shit for about 2 hours playing Skyrim before his wife called down that she was going outside for a cigarette. He looked at me and kinda laughed that he wouldn't join her because "She's gonna judge me because I'm so F'n stoned"

Overall very nice Sativa, hint of parinoia, Old school smell and flavor that reminds me of when I was a kid and got my hands on some actual "Good" weed vs mexican brick crap.

As a grower, I kinda dig it with the OG sativa effect and promising yields. Much Kudo's to HMR! :tiphat:


Well-known member
Shake Well Before Opening. Where you gonna go when you think your high?

Shake Well Before Opening. Where you gonna go when you think your high?

Canni...I wondered how those would work under lights. That was the first time any of my seeds were run inside "professionally". This is all new ground.
It always goes the other direction...that's kinda cool.

A question....you say "the OG sativa effect"....What does "OG" mean?

Another if you don't mind. You say you "managed" to part with some.
Does that mean your keeping most? If you have any seeds left I'd love to know how it does outside.

As I said....all new ground. Thanks for that smoke report.

Rusty....I'm not going to go there. No bummer. I just would have wasted time with those tris. When Canni and you said ...ehh....that was enough. I know when to listen to my elders. One less thing on my plate.

And yes I'm flying the Rodney moms into the ground. I'd like to know how much WPM forms, and what it takes to make it rot. I did take a pile of seeds out of those. I prefer to remember them like this.


My purdy little garden is going to get a little bit bigger.

Thanks to nameless' smoke reports I was able to point out to wifey that where last year I had eight holes there should have been only four. There's a reason why the best plant comes from the same place each year. We need to triple the size of the gulch.

Twenty years ago when I saw that gulch for the first time I knew it was perfect, and from that point on I had a dream of a wall of green, top to bottom. Last year that happened.


But this is not the optimal way to grow plants. One plant should never shade another....is there a point here?

Yes....This year wifey dropped her objections to bringing in my partners excavator. As soon as the plants in the gulch are taken we shut it down. The tree in the background? Bye bye. Then we add 1000 sq ft of new gulch garden....and one new vegetable garden for wifey.
Last edited:


passing the gas
Wow! that's a great group shot of the girls, seems like you always show them off individually. I was picturing your gulch in my mind as steeper. it's huge... when you excavate in there how deep before you hit lava? and do you have to amend the lava or just crush it and grow?


High country cat herder
OG? used to mean "Old Gangsta" or some shit like that, mostly it's just used to imply something old school, was actually talking to a dispensary owner today who said he just picked up a bunch of OG crosses. I might have to go visit his garden again, makes my efforts look like a drop of water in an ocean! Just one of his rooms is 42kw of flowering! :eek:

As for managing to part with some,... well I only got about 5z's off of the two plants I ran, and the wife is on a Sativa kick so she mowed thru it pretty fast I had to hide some off to the side to give to patients! :peek:

I haven't decided what I'm gonna do outdoors this summer. The season is short.... and there's that "Frost" stuff that moves in and puts the kibosh on Sativas, so Rodney may not see the light of day so to speak.


haha my smoke report caused you to decide to excavate an extra 1000 sqft of garden space? wow, now thats what i call groundbreaking coverage!
good luck on your new project! i hope you keep us updated.


Well-known member
Shatter.... I may crack, but I'll never shatter.

Shatter.... I may crack, but I'll never shatter.

Nameless....The gulch needed to get bigger. I've wanted to do that since my partner said he'd be happy to bring the excavator over and do the job. That was a couple of years back.

With your smoke report in hand, that convinced wifey to finally get onboard. If your married chances are you understand. A project that big? Gotta have the wife inside the tent pissing out, vs outside the tent pissing in. That and her own spot to grow veges without the fear of me taking it over for weed did the trick.

Keep you updated? That's a sure thing. If I pull this off I'll be crowing about it for months.

Chunky....The gulch is 110 ft long but only 10-20 ft wide. In that 110 ft is about 20 ft of vertical drop. When the plants get big I have to walk in the grass around the plants. With the excavator I can widen the present gulch to 30 ft wide, and make the big drops less steep. Then also rip all the cover plants' roots out and the pepper tree too. Then into virgin ground, pull the grass off and dig deep monster holes....and not break a sweat in the process.

I live on a 10,000+ year old lava flow. If I step outside and start digging I'll have 6 inches of dirt, then 12 inches of cinder. Below that is 12 inches of weathered base lava. If that can be broken thru then more cinder is below that.


In the gulch I can go down thru 4 ft of great soil until I hit the base lava. No cinder, just dirt the whole way. Go below the pepper tree in the pic and the gulch widens into a bowl. The soil is even deeper in the bowl. And it can't be seen into unless you jump the fence.


So if this is done right I won't even get down to the base lava. There are other places to plant too but, I had to build a retaining walls and backfill. They too will be planted this season.

Amending lava is impossible. Planting in the cinder will work, but you must use compost. Lots of it. Cinder is mineral rich but organicly worthless.

Canni....I forgot. You hardly smoke....my bad. Happy though that wifey does. Otherwise you'd have been stuck with all that HBxRod. How much longer did the Sativas' take vs a regular indoor strain? Say your AK 47?


High country cat herder
Last run of Rod Crosses took 12+ weeks,... the AK is ready in 8-9. Long runs aren't a problem indoors where the weather never changes, outside here,..... well we have 2" of snow right now and the high yesterday was 27* :freezing:


So OH couldn't you zig zag the plants from one side to the other so there not blocking each others Sun out? Now there must be a reason you cant as i would have thought you would do that before having to widen it.

Canni, cant you start out early inside and then plant outside. Once the plants have grown you could cover them a bit early to trick them into budding early i would think. This could work in the veggie garden by running the plants through mater cages and if anyone asks, i would just say you want small early tomato's.

Just my 4 cents,



High country cat herder
LSY, yes, that would work, but being able to spit on my neighbors house over only a 6' privacy fence I'd rather keep it a little lower key than that. ;)


passing the gas
Thanks for the info on the lava...now I'm more curiouser... I always figured the lava in the soil some how gave your weed "the magic". plus the great weather and the extra uv rays and whatever special sauce pele throws in. is the soil that has deposited in time in those depressions on your land ready to rock just the way it sits there? just loosen it up plant?
would cinders mixed in work like perlite ?


Well-known member
Brandi, You came and gave without taking...yea right...SO SHOOT ME NOW BITCH!!

Brandi, You came and gave without taking...yea right...SO SHOOT ME NOW BITCH!!

Anger Management classes piss me off...where was I?

Hey Chunky. Not only lava is thown from an erupting volcano. It also throws cinder, ash, dust and a bunch of other shit. As time passes the lava weathers, ash and dust find sheltered spots to hide from the wind allowing plants grow and die, the roots cracking the lava and leaving behind dead plant material. Wind and rain will push the smaller particals down the hill,and also further erode the top rock. The more water an area gets the faster it happens. Here's a crappy pic of the process happening REAL fast (not my gulch). Notice the color of the water. It's dirt soup.


Give that process 10,000 years and soil forms. It collects in low points. The topsoil is tiny pieces of lava (rock, ash, dust,) and compost from a few thousand years of dead plant material.
In the second pic of my last post you see a lot of kikui grass. That's about 2 ft thick. The top is alive. Middle? Not so much. All eventualy dies and decomposes into soil. The roots penetrate a foot or more into the "lava" busting it up and creating more soil.

The gulch is just the low point (kinda like this post) where the water slows down and drops the soil as it heads down the hill.

Once the grass is stripped, and the tree shading is cut, the gulch soil is ready to rock...In part 3 I showed my cheap, lazy assed partner planting with his godamn excavator in straight dirt. Yes I'm jealous... In the cane fields we plant in straight dirt. You can easily straight plant in the dirt here. And get 10 footers the first year....but....

I'd like 12 footers....or bigger.

So I add compost and other organic goodies. That also helps if you plant in the same place for many years like I do. MJ does exhaust the soil rather quickly.

The cinder can act as pearlite, but it isn't needed. Here, on the old lava, the soil is very porus. Some plants thrive on a new lava field. Weed isn't one of them. It needs live dirt.

Canni....tonight is suppose to be the coldest night so far this winter. It will probably break into the high 40's...Damn cold.:wave:

LSY...I tried offsetting the gulch last year. Once they got above 6 ft it didn't help. So this year I'll make new space and shotgun plant. Last year I put then 12 ft apart. This year we go 25 ft apart on my 9 "mature" ones.

How's Brandi? She came an...screw it.

Seven sprouted. The first male was sterile. Dropped the flowers before opening. Second male looks better. Five girls. One went into the gulch. See if we can get her out of the pot and put some height on her, then we see how she likes our weather. Of the other four two topped themselves. One went off early and looks to be a 6 inch bud, I'm not seeding her, she'll be a taste tester....And she smells great. The final normal girl will be seeded along with the one in the gulch.


Remember, like Rodney, all I want from this are seeds. Again, this is common for first generation mainland plants this time of year. Brandi looks like she will always want to go off early, and I will be relying on her to do just that. It won't look like this next season.

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