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AN admits to an Inferior product....


Yeah thats a trip... He's got his chemist working to make his better. Wonder why he ever released it to begin with? So he could get cash off his customers... I never use any AN cause its all way overpriced.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
way to go big mike! H@G's root accelerator fucking smacks hard. will not veg without it....


seeker of greater knowledge
jump start wasn't that great of a product anyway...practically useless.....but i've read many great things about H&G products ..the only concern is the application rate of their nutrients..........

check out this link.......its their site...



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
jump start wasn't that great of a product anyway...practically useless.....but i've read many great things about H&G products ..the only concern is the application rate of their nutrients..........

check out this link.......its their site...


curious why your concerned about application rates......


seeker of greater knowledge
the basic concern about the application rate is the ratio of nutes you use..its not a concern really but it's 1.1ml per gallon and thats suprisingly light for what this product is boasting........ i found this from the humboldt wholesale site.....

Roots Excelurator
is the most powerful root stimulator available in today’s market. Using only 1.1ml per gallon (this is the least expensive rooting agent per gallon of feed water on the market), Roots Excelurator will provide explosive root growth and rid the plant of brown roots. This amazing biological water and/or soil treatment will protect the root zone, ridding the plant of unwanted microbial pests. This beneficial root stimulator will out perform all other root products! Roots Excelurator is packaged in an aluminum canister to preserve organic ingredients and beneficial organisms. Use on all rooting mediums as well as through the vegetative and early flowering stages.


Love the shit, but i'm no where near the posted rates...

To root cuttings/inoculate medium @ .5 ml per gal

To accelerate root growth during pot upgrades @ 1 ml per gal

Routine solution inoculant @ .1 ml per gal

Lasts forever & works wonders... hard to imagine how I took cutting before finding this stuff. Peace.


WOW! I am shocked. Good for you Big Mike. Its takes a lot to admit when someone has a better product, esp in the hydro industry. H&G roots is the best on the market. The fact that you have said this and will be working hard to make something better means that your learning from pass mistakes. Good and Good. I don't use all the AN line but they do have some fine products. Their Bud Candy is outstanding and has the most stuff added to it from any other carbo product out there. I use it. I also voodoo juice, SENSIZYM, TARANTULA, and PIRANHA which are the best at what they do. However they are also the most expensive out there. Like many out there you have to learn what works and what doesn't. Then if your cheap you can find out what the cheapest is. I personally will pay more if I can get a better flower at the end. You don't have to use the best to get the best but it certainly help. I personally use H&G nut base with their Roots excel, then add the AN line as additives. I have been very happy with the results.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
AN admits to an Inferior product....

The appropriate response to that might just be the same as the answer to the joke "What do you call 1,000,000 lawyers on the bottom of the ocean?"

A good start?



the guys at my shop are always saying this comapy is good, now i can kind of see it, but still, cmon way overpriced..even if concentrated


So this is about Roots Excelurator? That stuff is bomb. Stopped using it when I switched to organic soil though. Have seen it do some amazing things.


Active member
Better listen to Big Mike and buy all there other products that are the best lmao.

Now Big Mike

Take your CEOin Ass back to hell


seeker of greater knowledge

I'm not knocking An but its not like big mike to admit to an inferior product....besides i'm sure their hard at work analizing h&g's product.........

as for the price of h&g's nutrients their not that far off price wise from AN.....imo


full time daddy
maybe he own's H & G .......................LOL

BIG UP'S TO MIKE................ dose this mean i can return my jump start ?


It can't hurt to ask.

I don't have much left in my bottle, but I'm going to use it up before I buy H&G Roots. It may not be good enough for Big Mike, but Jumpstart is good enough for me.

Not that I won't take his advice and buy the better product until something even better comes along.

Oh, and for the guys ripping Big Mike. The dude just did something seriously respectable. You only make yourself look bad when you criticize a guy after he does something honorable.

Whether you like him or not, the adult thing to do is give credit where it's due. This was seriously cool of him.


Hey Mike,

Why don't you just create a profile called BIG MIKE and be done with it all ready. You and your company are insulting everyone's intelligence. So, the reason people are knocking you is not because of your company AN's products, which I believe has some excellent selections, but I would never buy your wears. You get bashed because of the constant FAKE profile posts.

Maybe if you came on here as BIG MIKE to back your product up, you might earn some respect. These 11 post wonder accounts you keep creating is getting tiresome.
I'm glad I'm not at the stage of cloning yet, I'd like to see what pans out from this. Interesting though, I would have never thought someone from within the industry would admit something like that.