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Active member
I guess you just act immature as you can't defend even your post before last. Instead, you insult my mom.

You are still ignoring his Nazi like salute...... The call to take guns...... Nazi like approach to prop up the kids.........

Just keep burying your head in the sand, and insulting people's mothers. That helps. :tiphat:

Lol, it's not a Nazi salute at all. You are just a paranoid person and probably dangerous. I'd be tired of being you.


Active member

Do you know this picture? This is a picture of an African American man that HUMILIATED the Nazi's. He won a Gold medal in the 1938 Olympics in Germany. That is a black power gesture. It symbolizes overcoming tyranny. Not Nazi at all. That's something that the media brain washed your two brain cells into believing.


Well-known member
Lol, it's not a Nazi salute at all. You are just a paranoid person and probably dangerous. I'd be tired of being you.

Yet it was a salute for armed government gang members to strip American citizens of their second amendment rights.

Maybe not a Nazi, but at least a Communist. :biggrin:


Well-known member
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Do you know this picture? This is a picture of an African American man that HUMILIATED the Nazi's. He won a Gold medal in the 1938 Olympics in Germany. That is a black power gesture. It symbolizes overcoming tyranny. Not Nazi at all. That's something that the media brain washed your two brain cells into believing.

They say white power is fascist. Is black power any different??


Active member
Lol, it's not a Nazi salute at all. You are just a paranoid person and probably dangerous. I'd be tired of being you.

It may not be a NAZI salute but without a doubt the kid is a propaganda tool of the left, and the mainstream media. Not to mention a disrespectful punk, who should have had his ass whooped quite a few more times as a child.That kids going to be in for a hard fall, when the next leftist outrage leaves him behind and he's not center of attention anymore.


Active member
Yet it was a salute for armed government gang members to strip American citizens of their second amendment rights.

Maybe not a Nazi, but at least a Communist. :biggrin:

Sure, as long as it's not the truth and how things really are. It's not commie or any other than American. It's democratic. It's about overcoming oppression. Something certain groups are empowered via weapons.


Well-known member
Sure, as long as it's not the truth and how things really are. It's not commie or any other than American. It's democratic. It's about overcoming oppression. Something certain groups are empowered via weapons.

What oppression? He's a white kid getting paid to make public speeches, mommy and daddy have paid the oppressive taxes and coddled him from birth. This kid wasn't even at the school during the shooting and if he had he'd have been wishing a good guy with a gun would show up. Of course the gangsters in blue stood safely outside until the shooter stopped shooting. :tiphat:


Active member
Well only people like you are mentally capable of victimizing the victims. That is OPPRESSION.

Just because you cannot live without an extension of a penis, aka a firearm. Nobody using cannabis or growing cannabis is legally allowed to own a fire arm. Not in the USA.


Well-known member
Well only people like you are mentally capable of victimizing the victims. That is OPPRESSION.

Just because you cannot live without an extension of a penis, aka a firearm. Nobody using cannabis or growing cannabis is legally allowed to own a fire arm. Not in the USA.

Well nobody can legally smoke or grow cannabis in the USA, so what's your point?

I also didn't tell Mr. Hogg he can't speak, he has the right to free speech as I have the right to free speech, just we obviously don't agree on guns. So how am I oppressing this kid??


Active member
My point is you feel like bullying victims of a mass murder because you are afraid of losing rights to purchase firearms. Which you likely already lie to purchase.

These kids aren't nazi's or commies. They are victims and traumatized.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
What if the kid was instead in the media demanding ROTC kids at least have their own rifles at school just in case, a trained and certified kid militia?


Active member
Junior ROTC?

I think a lot of teachers I've had are not in favor of kids being trained like Hitler youth. I had a 6th grade teacher call my home because I wrote a book about Vietnam for a class project.


Well-known member
Junior ROTC?

I think a lot of teachers I've had are not in favor of kids being trained like Hitler youth. I had a 6th grade teacher call my home because I wrote a book about Vietnam for a class project.

So in fact you are a victim of oppression? Obviously not Mr. Hogg everyone allowed his first amendment right. Your 6th grade teacher on the other hand oppressed you of your right to free speech.

Do you know what oppression is? Because you seem confused. :laughing:


Active member
Nah, it wasn't outright oppression. I think they worry about the influnce of adult politics on the youth.


Well-known member
"Took the guns"

Most of the people of China and USSR couldnt afford a gun to begin with. It likely played no role whatsoever.

Communism has varying ideologies within it just like capitalism and socialism. Dictatorship and authoritarianism isnt exclusivr to communism but thats usually what happened when it was implemented. Marx was against gun control. Which should be obvious as Marxism is a revolutionary ideology. How you gonna overthrow the govt and capitalism without force?


Well-known member
Right wing kryptonite = kneeling football players and school shooting victims that want universal background checks, ect lol
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