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Ambre's Bogglegum, Lifesaver, & MagicalMystery Grow



ambre said:
I've got it under lighting that should prevent flowering - some of the lower branches that were shadowed by top growth are showing alternating nodes, but the top isn't. I have the lights at 12 on, 6 off, 1 on, and 5 off; this slows down growth compared to 18/6 but doesn't give the plants a long enough dark period to allow flowering.

I've never heard of this kind of treatment. Cool. :chin:


Quick Update

Quick Update

I'll do a real update later, but...

Lifesaver 1 (the trifoliate) is female. One of the clones I have on 12/12 is showing pistils! :woohoo:

BG4 is definitely male; I culled the seed plant & all clones. BG1 also looks male, but I'm not positive quite yet. Unless BG3 starts growing more (it's a runt), I'll have to start more Bogglegum seeds to try to find a female. :fsu:


immortal said:
Everyone I know of on ICMAG thats grown a tri was blessed with a female. I find that very interesting.

Yeah that's right immortal, I've also noticed the same thing. Nobody knows why or what?


I saw someone mention on CW that all the tris they had ever had were male, but just about everyone else says female.

Hey GMT - since you are deliberately breeding for this, do you get males?


The Tri Guy
It's a fascinating subject Ambre. Yes, but no tri males, YET. I have 1 of 3 born tris that are sexing now that looks suspiciously masculine. His (hopefully) pic is in my thread. I think the other 2 will be girls. One put out a tri side node so that's now a clone while the parent sexes.


All right - got my fingers crossed for you, GMT. Seems odd to be wishing for a male instead of a female, though!

Garden Update

BG1 is definitely male :frown:, so I pulled him from the garden & replaced him with an MMM1.

LS2 showed female flowers tonight on one of the clones :D, so I now have 8 confirmed females in the flowering garden: 2 - LS2, 3 - LS3, 2 - MMM1, & 1 - MMM2. I wanted to put LS1 in, but none of the clones have enough roots to survive in the ebb & flow yet. I might just finish off a couple of the clones in the "temporary" rubbermaid garden (since I have it, I might as well use it!).

Secret Room

Great grow you have going, your a good teacher lots of information.I am catching up on my reading of your thread and I noticed you said you have lived in Michigan. I am from there also, I won't get into exact location but it's a northern location with snowmobiling and ski resorts. I miss the snowmobiling it was my form of transportation in the winter.


Hey SR-

I am from the suburbs of Detroit. Generic enough considering how many millions of people are around that area!

I used to love to vacation in the northern part of the state - Petosky was one of my favorite places. I still have a box of Petosky stones around. The Grayling area and the northeastern coast were really nice, too. My family did a lot of camping back in the 60's and 70's.

I had a boyfriend from the U.P. when I was a teenager. I visited there in the summer, but not the winter. I still remember how cold the water in the lake was even in late August! (Then again, I remember going camping in the Rockies and waking up with 1/2" of snow on the tent in August. BRRRR!!!)

I'll be starting a new grow thread shortly in the Legends Test Grow forum - I got selected to test grow some Johnny Blaze. I'll start it as soon as I get the seeds Dutchgrown mailed to me.

Secret Room

You most likely have been through my town, I use to hang out at the camp grounds in the summer time. I have family in the U.P. use to go up there in the summer sometimes(ice cold water for sure a shocker). I keep track of the weather and it is nice compared to where we are at in the summer months now. I do miss the great soil you can dig up dirt in the woods and just plant no fertilizer needed. I did not know about fertilizer until moving south where sand rules. Keep growing Ambre and I will do the same. You know one piece of advice I got from you was the hot stick that really made putting my system together easier. (burning out the holes)
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Another Trifoliate!

Another Trifoliate!

When I opened the garden this evening to check on the plants, I discovered that I have a second trifoliate Lifesaver! The original seed plant and the rest of the clones of this plant are all growing normally, but this clone (which is in flowering) turned tri. The two latest sets of leaves are tri, the rest of the plant is bi.



The Tri Guy
So that clone is not from your original tri, very interesting, coz some of the tri clones may also do the same. Your gardens starting to look like mine now Ambre.



I thought it was interesting that it wasn't from the original (LS1), this is LS3. Someone else mentioned that they had a Lifesaver that turned tri later, not original from seed. I'm going to keep an eye on the other clones and see what happens. Now all I need is a quad!


The Tri Guy
Lol Ambre.
My quad was from a different line, with similar genes, although I think thats a different thing than the tri gene which I am now convinced is down to the doubling of a section of dna within the gene which determines the start of the leaf on one side of the plant, resulting in two, making 3 in total. Whereas I think that the quad was the result of a failed self topping step resulting in one trunk but the leaves for 2 hence a quad.
The source for all this is the blueberry plant, which is in both mine and bogs plants. I dont know where bog got his from, but mine came from sag. I dont know where they got theirs from either.


Bubblegum Specialist
I was raised in a suburb of Detroit too. :yoinks:

That's why I party so hard cause I'm from the MotorCity too!!!

I met that alien in a Kresge store in that suburb back in around 1961 and he had telepathy with me telling me about them having a million aliens here to help us an all.

sorry... :alien: BOG



Thanks for the laugh. I was 6 in 1961 - I think the last Kresge store closed about 1970. Do remember the Arlens discount store chain? I can still sing that idiot advertising jingle. My great-Aunt lived by one of those and we shopped there a lot.

Bob-Lo Island was fun and the ferry ride was a blast. After that closed, we went down to Cedar Pointe in Ohio.

Yep, Detroiters know how to party hard! Lots of good rock music, lots of fun. Lots of blue-collar types - hard workers & hard partiers.

Don't tell my Mom about that alien - she already thinks we have millions of them around us now. She swears she met one a couple years ago! :abduct:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
ambre said:
Don't tell my Mom about that alien - she already thinks we have millions of them around us now. She swears she met one a couple years ago! :abduct:

She must have visited California then :D