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Am I right to feel bumped off?


Active member
So once you've returned with the proper eye wear and passed your test, what are you going to be riding?


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I had the same prob on my test, filthy wet roads make filthy smeary number plates.
I completely understand your frustration, these people are jobsworths with a purpose, ie they want to go home now they have been paid. You got shafted cos she wanted the afternoon off.

As for the implication that you where being aggressive, its just so typical these days, its what all government lackys are told to say if you show even the slightest sign of getting annoyed with them, despite the fact your the one losing your 40 quid deposit so some lazy arsed bureaucrat can swan off and do as she pleases for the rest of the day.

Ignore the idiots who defend this sort of thing, they are also probably lazy arsed bureaucrats who use any excuse or strategem to make the people they have difficultys with look aggressive and or in the wrong.

Now you just have to get over it, cough up, pay again, get your CBT and get on the road. And when they whine about what a bunch of shits the general public are, remember your own experience. I have learned to despise most goverment/local goverment employees, since even if they dont start out this way, they always end up this way.

There, i feel better now too.



The fact is you could only read one out of three at the required distance. Now you say the others were dirty and that's why you couldn't read them. Alas the world is a dirty place and when you're riding along at the speed limit you don't have the opportunity to wipe things clean before you need to know what they are.

Incidently, to all those people who think this is a test of whether you can read a number plate or not, it isnt, its more to do with whether you can read road signs, distances on signs, instructions etc.

Bizzarely, in UK they dont use road signs to test this, they use number plates. Now i know Wind surfer is in Scotland, all our number plates are filthy from the wet and mud we drive through constantly.

Blaming him for not being able to read them is like blaming someone for not being able to read a news paper you have smeared with mud.

A road sign is generally 12 feet off of the ground, they may get slightly dirty from dust and spray, but a number plate is 12 inches off of the ground, they are almost illegible at the best of times.

If you havent driven in Scotland, then you just wouldnt know all this.

rick shaw

As someone who has worked for the better part of the last 27 years riding a bicycle for a living,IMO you should not be on the road.The fact that you cannot comply with or understand a simple contract or medical advice is an indication of immaturity. On the road you are expected to be able to control and operate your vehicle competently. People that ride for a living have a saying,"It's not if I get hit,it's when".IMO your not old enough/mature enough to take on the responsibility of riding a push-bike.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Wow rick, you almost have me beat on total time on the bicycle, nice!

I would completely agree with everyone here that is trying to politely say "put on your glasses before you cause a fatal accident you dumbshit".

Sadly I'm not all that polite.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
^^Totally agree ..... moostrooper, if the number plate was obscured you're entitled to refuse until it's clean

I examine advanced motorcyclists and don't get paid, the "jobsworth" examiner is paid to be there to filter out the unfit, 2 out of 3 failed sight tests qualifies you as unfit


As someone who has worked for the better part of the last 27 years riding a bicycle for a living
Not in Scotland you havent.

IMO you should not be on the road.The fact that you cannot comply with or understand a simple contract or medical advice is an indication of immaturity.

He already explained the plates where dirty, do you not believe him, i certainly do, all plates in Scotland are filthy.

Maybe he did understand the contractual nature of this transaction and thats why he asked for his money back.

I think impugning someones maturity possibly lacks maturity too, or maybe its just a cheap shot?

On the road you are expected to be able to control and operate your vehicle competently.

Again, nothing to do with the ability to see through thick dirt.

People that ride for a living have a saying,"It's not if I get hit,it's when".IMO your not old enough/mature enough to take on the responsibility of riding a push-bike.

As a cyclist of many years, 40+ i know that cyclists can be very sanctimonious and a tad self righteous, so nothing new here then.

I would completely agree with everyone here that is trying to politely say "put on your glasses before you cause a fatal accident you dumbshit".

Put on your glasses and try reading the post properly.

Why dont you give the kid a break, hes got 10 posts, he has a hard time with some arsehole bureaucrats who take his money and f**k him off, he comes here hoping to find like minds and gets a whole load of self righteous BS from people who i would have thought would have known better.

Sorry, dont mean to be offensive, but nearlly every reply here implies you dont believe his account, or you didnt read his post.


get your eye,s tested at an opticians, there is a investigation going on at
a test centre near me that they are only allowed to pass so many in a certain time
so if you go to a opticians and your eye,s are ok then take it further.

This is absolutly true, my father was a dvla tester and he told me this was true, and has been true for 20 years now.

They dont admit it, but they profile people as they are being tested, its based mostly on irrational prejudice and personal opinion.

Needless to say, Asian people pass less, black people pass less, young people pass less.

If you are a white middle aged hoousewife whos husband has become ill and you need to learn to drive in a hurry, you will be driving a large powerfull heavy dangerous car (Volvo, 4XD etc) and your are a terror on the roads, guess what, you pass in amazing numbers.

Its all a fix and has been for years.

The informal consensus and agreement from even quite small groups can have a huge effect on the rest of us.

This is why i hate bureaucrats, they claim they have rules and regulations they work by, but when you have seen from the inside, you know its all just random irrational prejudice.
I already accept I am going to need to get glasses, if you want to flame me so be it,
thanks for sticking up for me mosstrooper lol
at the end of the day its not young people who are on the cusp of being able to read a numberplate from 21 metres you should be weary of on the road. Its the pensioners some of who drive slowly and erratically and can probably not read the numberplate infront of them from 2.1 metres, never mind 21... and the "boy racers" who constantly break the speed limit in built up areas in their saxo VTS and mark 2 golf GTI


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
WasntMe: Dear google, search "CBT test in the UK"

Google: Do you plan on taking the CBT test WasntMe? http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=CBT+test+in+the+UK&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

WasntMe: Yes Google, I am trying to prepare for the test, go to second link in search.

Google: It's always smart to prepare for a test WasntMe, good idea. I'll help you find the info quickly. http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/

WasntMe: Thanks Google, there it is, go to CBT link.

Google: This looks like important info for the test WasntMe, be sure to read it all ... http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/cbt.htm

WasntMe: Google, show me the parameters for the first section of the test so I can be properly prepared when I go... since I've waited months to take this I want to make sure I bring anything I may need. Go to the Element A link

Google: Looks obvious you should bring your glasses to the test WasntMe, we both know you need them ...

WasntMe: Wow Google, thanks for helping me out ... just 30 secs of your help and info sure did save me from wasting months of time and money .... now I'm prepared for the test and won't be wasting my time looking like a fool. Your the best Google, thanks for having my back :D

Google: I'll be here anytime you need me WasntMe, BFFs for life.

-End Scene-

(A short skit written and produced by WasntMe, directed by Google)

Canadans are lucky... My Google doesn't talk back to me.
Wait... Maybe that's a good thing? I hated it when my 3rd wife talked back.

Anyway, my Google never talks to me. If you live in Cananada and have Google then there is absolutely NO reason for you to show up for a scooter test without your proper eyewear.
Now if yer deaf, then there's a really valid excuse cause then you couldn't "hear" Google's wise advice.

"I wonder if Google is a chick"?
Hmmmmm... I have a hard time hearin them sometimes too.


I completely understand Windsurfer, none of them have been here, they have no idea of what the conditions on the ground are like, and it seems, once a chorus of disapproval starts, people just cant resist joining in.

I know im banging on about it, far more than you mate, but really this is symptomatic of what life is like these days. Rampant self righteous conservatism, disguised as mature comment (barely).

But, remember, all of you who live in fear of arrest for possession, cultivation etc, there are an army of people out there who will martial arguments that sounds frighteningly similar in tone and content for why you should be arrested, fined, imprisoned, flogged, and in some countries, executed for simply wanting to possess weed.

Dont be part of the tide of conservatism, and when someone tells you they got stuffed by the powers that be, give them a sympathetic hearing if you dont know or cant prove otherwise.

We should support each other.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Incidently, to all those people who think this is a test of whether you can read a number plate or not, it isnt, its more to do with whether you can read road signs, distances on signs, instructions etc.

Bizzarely, in UK they dont use road signs to test this, they use number plates. Now i know Wind surfer is in Scotland, all our number plates are filthy from the wet and mud we drive through constantly.

Blaming him for not being able to read them is like blaming someone for not being able to read a news paper you have smeared with mud.

A road sign is generally 12 feet off of the ground, they may get slightly dirty from dust and spray, but a number plate is 12 inches off of the ground, they are almost illegible at the best of times.

If you havent driven in Scotland, then you just wouldnt know all this.

Not in Scotland you havent.

He already explained the plates where dirty, do you not believe him, i certainly do, all plates in Scotland are filthy.

Maybe he did understand the contractual nature of this transaction and thats why he asked for his money back.

I think impugning someones maturity possibly lacks maturity too, or maybe its just a cheap shot?

Again, nothing to do with the ability to see through thick dirt.

As a cyclist of many years, 40+ i know that cyclists can be very sanctimonious and a tad self righteous, so nothing new here then.

Put on your glasses and try reading the post properly.

Why dont you give the kid a break, hes got 10 posts, he has a hard time with some arsehole bureaucrats who take his money and f**k him off, he comes here hoping to find like minds and gets a whole load of self righteous BS from people who i would have thought would have known better.

Sorry, dont mean to be offensive, but nearlly every reply here implies you dont believe his account, or you didnt read his post.

I completely understand Windsurfer, none of them have been here, they have no idea of what the conditions on the ground are like, and it seems, once a chorus of disapproval starts, people just cant resist joining in.

I know im banging on about it, far more than you mate, but really this is symptomatic of what life is like these days. Rampant self righteous conservatism, disguised as mature comment (barely).

But, remember, all of you who live in fear of arrest for possession, cultivation etc, there are an army of people out there who will martial arguments that sounds frighteningly similar in tone and content for why you should be arrested, fined, imprisoned, flogged, and in some countries, executed for simply wanting to possess weed.

Dont be part of the tide of conservatism, and when someone tells you they got stuffed by the powers that be, give them a sympathetic hearing if you dont know or cant prove otherwise.

We should support each other.

Pardner I am 46 yrs old and have been driving farm and ranch equipment since I was 7. I have traveled every state in the lower 48 and Alaska and thousands of miles on Canadian roads. I traveled the Alcan before most of it was even paved.

I have driven oilfield roads when they were 24 inches deep with gumbo mud and I've driven em with snow 4 feet deep. Nearly every state in America is covered with mud, sand and filth every spring. It's simply a fact of the road, like reading signs.

I've driven those millions of miles in and on every type of motorized vehicle imaginable. For motorcycles to semi's to un-motorized trailer cabs.

Now I have read this entire thread and watched it unravel from the first post and I haven't seen any posts suggesting that nobody believes the OP.
However: I personally have nearly 40 years of driving and I know from personal experience that I will be required to pass an eye exam before I can even take the written or driving test. If I need corrective lenses then I will be required to supply them AND a current prescription.

Now you want myself and everybody here to accept that the OP got screwed by the bureaucratic government employee. But the simple fact is that the OP failed because he neglected to do his own part in preparation for the eye exam.

I believe him. 100%... He failed because he requires corrective lenses and neglected to have them during the test.

Dirty plates and signs are facts of the road. If I can read a sigh or plate at 21 meters then I would fail ANYBODY who can't because I do require eye wear and I no longer drive because, even though DMV approved, I don't trust my own vision and I have children of my own out there on the roads.

In America we are also required to appear for the test with a vehicle of the same class as that which we are testing to operate. If you show up for the driving test without a safe vehicle to test in, you will not pass the test.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I know im supposed to wear glasses but never wear them.

So, you intended to fail and you blame the inspector? The woman deserves a medal. If you can't see you can't ride. Eyewear, prescription or not, is the single most important safety item a bike rider has. Shoes, jacket, helmet, etc only help after you go down. Eyewear can prevent going down at all.

Put your glasses on and try again. While you're there, apologize to the nice lady for saving your life.


I hold El Roacho's
Thank God your not out hunting and think you see 3 deer and theirs 1 other hunter standing between 2 tree's and you take a shot!

It's Always better to be safe then sorry..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Incidently, to all those people who think this is a test of whether you can read a number plate or not, it isnt, its more to do with whether you can read road signs, distances on signs, instructions etc.

Bizzarely, in UK they dont use road signs to test this, they use number plates. Now i know Wind surfer is in Scotland, all our number plates are filthy from the wet and mud we drive through constantly.

Blaming him for not being able to read them is like blaming someone for not being able to read a news paper you have smeared with mud.

A road sign is generally 12 feet off of the ground, they may get slightly dirty from dust and spray, but a number plate is 12 inches off of the ground, they are almost illegible at the best of times.

If you havent driven in Scotland, then you just wouldnt know all this.

So the fact that the original poster has admitted he has eye problems and didn't wear his glasses has no bearing and we're all being unreasonable? :rolleyes:

While all that stuff you say, may be true it would be true for everyone and yet some people manage to pass. Personally I say it's the original poster's fault for not bringing his glasses or getting a new prescription if needed, before taking the test. Especially when the information available about the test clearly tells you to bring any necessary eyewear.

I do agree it's stupid to have people read license plates to confirm they can read signs. Signs are much bigger at 20 something meters then license plates. So even if someone couldn't read a license plate at that distance it doesn't mean they can't read a sign. Frankly I'm surprised enough people haven't gotten together to get such a riddiculous test changed to a more logical and reasonable test.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sorry, dont mean to be offensive, but nearlly every reply here implies you dont believe his account, or you didnt read his post.

And nearly everyone of your replies suggest you're not really reading or trying to understand what people are saying. Being able to see at a safe distance is in fact all part of controlling your vehicle in a competent manner. Ignoring and blowing off requirements such as bringing need eyewear is in fact a sign of immaturity. It says that the person doing so thinks he's apart from everyone else and some how the rules others follow don't apply. If that is in fact why he didn't bring the glasses then I have to agree with rick that it shows a lack of maturity.

The bottomline with licensing is that you have to have it or eventually you'll pay for not having it. You have to get it from the government and therefore you have to deal with bureaucracy and bureaucrats so you should do your best to eliminate any possible snag the bureaucrats can mess you up with. To deal with government workers any other way is like begging for disappointment.

It's a shame this guy got screwed out of his money but just patting him on the back and telling him "yes, you did get screwed" does absolutely nothing for him. Telling him to do what he needs to do to pass will hopefully get him his license and isn't that ultimately his goal?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Dont be part of the tide of conservatism, and when someone tells you they got stuffed by the powers that be, give them a sympathetic hearing if you dont know or cant prove otherwise.

We should support each other.

Sympathy doesn't get you a license, it doesn't help you pass a test. You also seem to keep forgeting that the original poster did admit he didn't have his required eyewear. So no, he did not get stuffed by the powers that be, he created a situation for himself that caused him to lose out.

Also just because people don't say, "Aw you poor boy, you were so unfairly treated". It doesn't mean that they are being rampently self rightous. Advising someone to take their glasses the next time is sane rational advice.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The moral of the story is that if you are optically challenged, go see a good optician and get some specs that help.....and make sure that you actually wear them whilst driving....

.....and/or just move to a country where you can just buy a license without a test...

....hmmmmm.....now where are my spec's? (as he rummages around in the glove compartment/jockey box)......ah WHOOPS!.....I just ran over a Tuk-Tuk driver....

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