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Am I right to feel bumped off?

There is a CBT test in the UK, which is a 1 day (9am - 4pm) course that enables you to ride a scooter or motorbike UP TO 125cc NOT ON MOTORWAYS (on all minor roads)

Anyway, I booked this test a few months ago at the local CBT test centre, but it has been so cold and frozen I've not been able to go out to do it, the road has been so icy since november up until a few weeks ago (with snow on some roads) that its been unsuitable to take the course. However.... I paid £40 ($60) deposit....in November and the full course is 80 pounds.

Now I get there, and all I do is..... read the numberplate from 21 metres on the car, 21 metres away. I fail it, I cant read all the letters, im close but not close enough. I tried on another car and i did get it, but at 18 metres.

Then on the 3rd car.... I got it, at the required distance, so I COULD read a numberplate at the required distance.....

Despite this, the CBT instructor woman (it was only me and her who were there) says I can not go out on the bikes, and i need glasses, and I've failed!! even though I could read 1 of the 3 cars at 21 metres. and the other ones marginally out.

So I say, i couldnt read it because the numberplate wasnt clean, so lets do a few more, you can use my jumper to wipe the numberplate of the other cars, il be able to read clean ones, as I got the one anyway....

But no, no, she is insistant i go get my eyesight checked and get glasses and come back when I have done that. Even though I told her I know im supposed to wear glasses but never wear them.

The fact of the matter is I DID READ A NUMBERPLATE AT 21 METRES, (3rd time, but I still did, and offered to do more that were cleaner numberplates) but she bitch kept going on and on about how I would sue her if I had an accident because she made me pass something I could not. (BUT I DID READ ONE AT 21 METRES)

and she would not give me my £40 deposit back, I said give me my money back then, but she would not then phoned her "friend" from the shop premises opposite to come round because she was "concerned etc" about "how I was" (in demanding my money back, which I insisted she did, so shes claiming that "intimidated" her. lol more like she just wanted to KEEP MY £40 DEPOSIT, which is the only reason she called for "help", and I ended up just leaving, without my deposit as she say thats what it costs her to "come out" (come into work, the place where we do the CBT test)

So I think the fact I was there for less than 10 minutes, my deposit should have been returned

or should i expect her to keep the £40, after being there for only a few minutes


Active member
Motorcycles are dangerous, especially if you can't see.;)
You're better off without one.

That sucks that they robbed you for your test money.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
If there are 3 children playing in a blind corner and you see, and avoid 2 out of 3, that's not really great odds.

I understand what you are saying though, I don't drive anymore either.


no one robbed you.... they have set MINIMUMS .... you failed to consistently pass the set MINIMUM ... you need glasses ...... either get over your self consciousness about wearing glasses and then go pass the test or don't ride.

we are a predominantly visual information processing species .... if your sight is sub par then you are not receiving/processing the same amount of info the rest of us are ... in the safety interest of the rest of us you should not be driving until your eyesight is in check... period.

glasses, contacts or laser correction ... get er done.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
You failed 2 out of 3 times ..... she was perfectly right, I'm glad she did, I don't need people with your eyesight on the same roads as me

If your sight is that poor you should have specs anyway ..... go get some

If that had been the police you wouldn't have got a second, nevermind 3rd chance

You failed and it was YOUR fault ..... grow up


get your eye,s tested at an opticians, there is a investigation going on at
a test centre near me that they are only allowed to pass so many in a certain time
so if you go to a opticians and your eye,s are ok then take it further.


If you know you need glasses to drive and didn't wear them for the CBT it's entirely your own fault, it's common sense that you will need them for the cbt and you must have had to get an eyesight report for your licence?

If wearing glasses under your lid is an issue you can get prescription visors made up for you...see the addvertisement section of the MCN.


pure dynamite
maybe you should have gone there high and read 5 numbers well out of 3. :D
I guess if you spoke nicely to them you could say you got your eyes checked and go there with glasses and ace the test.
but I think they are right based on your story.
Years ago a doctor said that I need to wear glasses and that if I don't my vision would fade quicker than normal. Then I got to anothed doctor, far more prepared and with better equippment. He tested me then said I have a better sight than most people and I would only need glasses when I'll age.
Maybe it's time for another doctor visit, and if he says to wear glasses.. you should wear them. Sight is very important when driving.
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I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
maybe you should have gone there high and read 5 numbers well out of 3. :D
I guess if you spoke nicely to them you say you got your eyes checked and go there with glasses and ace the test.
but I think they are right based on your story.
Years ago a doctor said that I need to wear glasses and that if I don't my vision would fade quicker than normal. Then I got to anothed doctor, far more prepared and with better equippment. He tested me then said I have a better sight than most people and I would only need glasses when I'll age.
Maybe it's time for another doctor visit, and if he says to wear glasses.. you should wear them. Sight is very important when driving.

Oh come on now, sight isn't really that important... I see people driving all the time while reading magazines or newspapers and even putting on their makeup with their sun visor down.

Besides; those numbers they wanted him to read were 21 meters... That is way further than anybody would reasonably be expected to pass a joint.


Active member
As far as the test money goes, you didn't really get robbed like I said at first.
You just failed the test in record time.
Whether it takes you 15 minutes to fail, or 15 seconds, it's still a test you have to pay to take, you took it, so you have to pay, no matter how long it lasted.

Get some contacts, and then go back and ace the f**ker.

el dub

You failed. (33% correct on a test is a fail where I come from.)

Sounds like you knew you needed glasses.

I know I need glasses to drive. That's why when I failed the initial eye test, I simply took out my glasses and proceeded to pass the test with the restriction of needing glasses to drive.



holly crap ... look what google chrome can do.....

holly crap ... look what google chrome can do.....

WasntMe: Dear google, search "CBT test in the UK"

Google: Do you plan on taking the CBT test WasntMe? http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=CBT+test+in+the+UK&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

WasntMe: Yes Google, I am trying to prepare for the test, go to second link in search.

Google: It's always smart to prepare for a test WasntMe, good idea. I'll help you find the info quickly. http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/

WasntMe: Thanks Google, there it is, go to CBT link.

Google: This looks like important info for the test WasntMe, be sure to read it all ... http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/cbt.htm

WasntMe: Google, show me the parameters for the first section of the test so I can be properly prepared when I go... since I've waited months to take this I want to make sure I bring anything I may need. Go to the Element A link

Google: Looks obvious you should bring your glasses to the test WasntMe, we both know you need them ...
Element A Introduction
Eyesight test and talk - lasts approx 30 mins
Before the CBT course can start you will be given an eyesight test. You must be able to read a number plate

In good daylight
Containing letters and figures 79.4 mm ( 3.1 in. ) high
At a distance of 20.5 metres (about 67 feet)
With the aid of glasses or contact lenses if you normally wear them

If you fail the eyesight test the course will not continue.

Before you can do any practical training your instructor will talk to you about

* The legal requirements
* The aims of the CBT course
The importance of the right equipment and clothing


In element A your trainer will check that you have all the legal requirements such as a driving licence and a roadworthy bike with road tax and MOT (if the bike is over 3 years old). If you're hiring a bike from the training centre then all you'll need is a licence.

If you are using your own bike you must also have insurance and L plates front and rear (non-cut near vertical). Most training centres will rent you a bike with insurance cover.

You must also have a helmet which meets BSI 6658 and ECE 22-05 standards (there should be a sticker indicating this). Again, most training centres will rent or lend you one.


Compulsory Basic Training was introduced in 1990 to help reduce the very high accident rate among inexperienced motorcyclists.

It aimed at a 33% reduction in the first year but achieved a 43% reduction. So as you can see, it works.

For motorcycle accident facts and figures click HERE.



Many people taking CBT do not yet own a bike. All good training centres will rent you a bike and a helmet and maybe even gloves and a flourescent 'bib'.

In Element A your instructor will check that your bike is legal (if you're using your own) by looking at the documentation that you bring with you.

Essential clothing requirements for CBT

* Helmet - BSI 6658 and ECE 22-05 standards
* British Standards approved visor
* Comfortable fit but snug
* Tough jacket
* Tough trousers
* Good pair of sturdy over the ankle boots
* Winter clothing for winter, summer clothing for summer
* If it's wet bring some waterproofs
* Remember tough, warm, waterproof, roomy and bright
For more details on clothing, click HERE

At the end of the session you should understand the purpose of the course and the relative merits of different types of protective clothing.


You will now have completed Element A

WasntMe: Wow Google, thanks for helping me out ... just 30 secs of your help and info sure did save me from wasting months of time and money .... now I'm prepared for the test and won't be wasting my time looking like a fool. Your the best Google, thanks for having my back :D

Google: I'll be here anytime you need me WasntMe, BFFs for life.

-End Scene-

(A short skit written and produced by WasntMe, directed by Google)


Well fair enough. I still feel robbed.
the fact is i could read it at the required distance

It doesn't matter that you could read it, if you need to wear glasses for driving you have to wear them on the test, doubtful the tester could legally pass you without them?

For what it's worth you may be able to appeal the decision but thats probably too much hassle.


If the OP has glasses and informed her (an important detail left out of the story) then I don't see why she didn't pass you. I can't stand people like that, if she's anything like the nice women we have working at the DMV. I am reminded of Marges' sisters Patty and Selma off the Simpsons, two old hags who enjoy ruining lives. It's karma in action, they do nothing nice for anyone and look at how glorious their lives are.


el dub

If the OP admits that he knows he's "supposed to wear glasses, but never wears them," how does the lady know if he really owns a pair of glasses if he can't produce them? And even then, dude might have an old pair that are no longer his/her prescription.

ok so you have glasses but refuse to wear them, and then come and complain about failing a driving class because you only got 1/3 plates right from 21 meters?
dude, wear your fucking glasses, especially if you are going to be driving a scooter.


If the OP has glasses and informed her (an important detail left out of the story) then I don't see why she didn't pass you. I can't stand people like that, if she's anything like the nice women we have working at the DMV. I am reminded of Marges' sisters Patty and Selma off the Simpsons, two old hags who enjoy ruining lives. It's karma in action, they do nothing nice for anyone and look at how glorious their lives are.

it is clearly stated that if glasses are need you must bring them to the test .... sight verification when using outside enhancements, glasses, is also to ensure the subject has an up to date prescription that is functional for the subject at the time of the test.

there is no "trust me, I totally can see with my glases" when administering any form of a road/driving test, as there shouldn't be. It's a public safety issue, end of story.

p.s. Patty and Selma are cartoon characters .... not real life. Their karma bank is empty.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well fair enough. I still feel robbed.
the fact is i could read it at the required distance

The fact is you could only read one out of three at the required distance. Now you say the others were dirty and that's why you couldn't read them. Alas the world is a dirty place and when you're riding along at the speed limit you don't have the opportunity to wipe things clean before you need to know what they are.