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Am I right to feel bumped off?


WTF, how did this go from someone that knew they needed glasses, go take the test without glasses & doesn't get a pass because they need glasses, lose their money because they failed the test because of lack of good eye sight, now become we are hypocrites because we don't understand why he didn't avoid this whole situation by wearing glasses in the first place!
Have I ever driven being in sound mind & body hell yeah, I have, but I never failed a driving test because I didn't wear glasses that I need to see!
Totally different thing!:wave:


Are you fucking kidding me? What are you people doing over there? Why would you need to read 3 inch letters at 67 feet? Are you worried about running over small game? Because anything that comes at me on my motorcycle is bigger then 3 inchs... And last time I checked running over a 3 inch human hasn't happened yet...


So, you are against each and every civil servant out there doing his/her job?
Yep, thats about the size of it. But in reality, i take everyone as i find them in real life.
The problem is, i have had some bad experience with civil servants.

And apparently that means that all stoner/growers who post here are also supposed to hate every civil servant?
Im not sure i actually said that, there is a difference between supporting ones friends and hating civil servants

Those folks are also human,
They are indeed, and as i say, on each individual case, where it is myself dealing with them, i take them as i find them.

but WE stand together or fall apart? Doesn't that make us more human?

I certainly hope so, but i suspect you mean civil sevants too, well, if its firemen, and nurses, and other helpfull folks yes, i love all.

If its cops, council spooks and busy bodies, and most bureaucrats who deal with the public and have even an ounce of power over me or my friends, mainly, i see them as my enemy, i dont stand with them they dont stand with me. We are, as a general rule, on opposing sides.

ps: I'm not part of your little group that apparently values solidarity over all else including public safety, lad. So, speak for yourself, unless you have Mr Hankey in your pocket and then please feel free to speak for the both of you, from a distance of course.....

I dont have a little group, and im not sure what the rest of what you say actually means, no doubt it means something, but its beyond my ken.


Are you fucking kidding me? What are you people doing over there? Why would you need to read 3 inch letters at 67 feet? Are you worried about running over small game? Because anything that comes at me on my motorcycle is bigger then 3 inchs... And last time I checked running over a 3 inch human hasn't happened yet...

hhahahahahahahh, yes, well, exactly so.

I think most of these people have really very high standards though, and they are very defensive about jobsworths too, still, it all must mean something.

WTF, how did this go from someone that knew they needed glasses, go take the test without glasses & doesn't get a pass because they need glasses, lose their money because they failed the test because of lack of good eye sight, now become we are hypocrites because we don't understand why he didn't avoid this whole situation by wearing glasses in the first place!
Have I ever driven being in sound mind & body hell yeah, I have, but I never failed a driving test because I didn't wear glasses that I need to see!
Totally different thing!:wave:

TBH i have to agree, but since they impugned him, and i impugned them, so they impugn me, so i feel the need to reply, it seems to be what happens in threads on all forums.

I doubt very much if WS reads this anymore.

I cant resist it, im unfortunatly one of those people, who the more folk decide to join in, the more i want to take everyone on.

Im that guy with a bottle o buckie goin, c'mon, ah'l take the fkkn lote o yees.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Im not sure what that certain age is exactly, no doubt you can enlighten me. Though TBH, if in my mind i havent reached this ceratin age, boy im pleased about that.

Oh so you are not sure of what that certain age is yet you were the one to first mention it?

but once you are over a certain age, it behoves you to forgo this dubious pleasure.

If you can't remember the ignorant shit you posted the day before you should probably Shut The Fuck Up.

Yes, im some fool chiming in and condemning everyone who didn't coddle the orginal poster. (though thats not quite the way i see it).

Of course you don't you've already proven you don't have the stones to admit you were wrong and leave it at that.

Strangly, i doubt he made the post in the hope it would result in loads of people rounding on him, people who it seems have led utterly blameless, unblemished lives, veritable paragons of upstanding righteousness.

So, from my point of view, it was just a load of hypocrites taking an opportunity to pronounce down from the virtuous heights. In truth though we just cant see the glass houses we all live in, as we are all hiding behind our anonymity.

I would figure he was just looking to see if anyone agreed with his opinion that he was screwed over. Clearly you're the only one. Given the accessment however, that one should be properly prepaired for such tests, is hardly rounding on someone as you put it nor does one need to be "paragons of upstanding rightousness" to make such an observation. All I said to him originally was that he should have gone prepared to use his glasses and avoided any snag by which a bureaucrat could trip him up. I make this observation having dealt with bureaucrats before and realizing they're usually miserable people that love to flaunt the tiny bit of authority they have. There's no need to be some untarnished, unblemished person to be able to speak from experience.

Yes of course i do, dont you position yourself against those you dont agree with?

Not after I just admitted I missed a fact that makes my position completely wrong and I foolishly condemned everyone based on me being completely wrong.

No, it is solidarity. Solidarity with WS, not with all you old farts who have forgotten what a bunch of tear aways you were.

I have solidarity with him for a bunch of reasons, we are in the same place, i feel sorry for younger people, i hate bureaucrats and he had a hard time with one, he shares a subforum with me, in short, im on his side in many ways without even meaning to be. It just is so.

We stand together or fall apart.

You understand the concept of solidarity and yet in the same paragraph you exclude a whole generation of people that helped make sites like this a reality :rolleyes: You haven't a clue as to what real solidarity is.

Peace HK, im sure if you met me in real life, it would all be so different. Sadly that's never likely to happen.

I doubt it, meeting you in person would not change how you were wrong in the judgement you passed on everyone here. Oh maybe you mean I would be intimidated? :laughing:
hhahahahahahahh, yes, well, exactly so.

I think most of these people have really very high standards though, and they are very defensive about jobsworths too, still, it all must mean something.

TBH i have to agree, but since they impugned him, and i impugned them, so they impugn me, so i feel the need to reply, it seems to be what happens in threads on all forums.

I doubt very much if WS reads this anymore.

I cant resist it, im unfortunatly one of those people, who the more folk decide to join in, the more i want to take everyone on.

Im that guy with a bottle o buckie goin, c'mon, ah'l take the fkkn lote o yees.

we've got it in our blood mossy, we were born in the land of william wallace

and to the people who said I'm at fault.....

everyone here take their gran or grandad out with a tapemeasure up to 21 metres and see if they can read the numberplate!!

Old people are the worse obstacle on the road in terms of safe people, but theyre allowed to drive - even if they have demenbtia and are half blind! theres no law preventing dementia or cateracts (eyes) off the road .... as they dont have to tape "re sits/tests" even though if they were to do they would fail on many safety aspects!

I'm not the problematic road user - they are! and the boy racers


~Resident Puck Bunny~
and to the people who said I'm at fault.....

everyone here take their gran or grandad out with a tapemeasure up to 21 metres and see if they can read the numberplate!!

Old people are the worse obstacle on the road in terms of safe people, but theyre allowed to drive - even if they have demenbtia and are half blind! theres no law preventing dementia or cateracts (eyes) off the road .... as they dont have to tape "re sits/tests" even though if they were to do they would fail on many safety aspects!

I'm not the problematic road user - they are! and the boy racers

If their license stipulates they need glasses to drive and they wear glasses to the test and can pass it, they get to drive. Same as if you had. You'll be no less dangerous once you pass the test but not wear your glasses when on the road. If they know what to do to pass, you would think someone half their age could figure it out too ;) Jus sayin...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
we've got it in our blood mossy, we were born in the land of william wallace

and to the people who said I'm at fault.....

everyone here take their gran or grandad out with a tapemeasure up to 21 metres and see if they can read the numberplate!!

Old people are the worse obstacle on the road in terms of safe people, but theyre allowed to drive - even if they have demenbtia and are half blind! theres no law preventing dementia or cateracts (eyes) off the road .... as they dont have to tape "re sits/tests" even though if they were to do they would fail on many safety aspects!

I'm not the problematic road user - they are! and the boy racers

Well few here said you were problematic and what you say about old people (70's and above) is unfortunately for the most part true. Be that as it may it does not change the facts that you need glasses to be able to successfully pass the test but you failed to bring them and as a result you are out 40 quid for nothing.

If your government's handling of motor vehicle laws and licensing is anything like it is here in America then you're screwed until you do what they want, regardless of whether it's the land of William Wallace or not.

I wonder though, now that you've made the point about old people what are you planning on doing about that? Are you going to rally others to petition your government to be equally tough on old people? Or is all that stuff about old people just some rational? Here in America it used to be like you say about old people. Once you got a license you were set as long as you kept it valid. Hell, to get a new one you could even do it thru the mail. Well people saw how that was a big loophole that allows people with failing eyesight to get thru the system. So now they fixed that problem by requiring you to go in and take an eye exam everytime you renew a license. Also I believe that once you reach a certain age you are required to retake the driving test.

Are some of the laws overly strict? Sure. Does it suck when the strictness of these laws interfers with what you personally want to do? Most definately. Like it or not though, these laws have their place for the most part. Here in America the younger generation is the biggest threat because the morons can't seem to drive without texting. So now there are laws banning cellphone use while driving even though people have been driving safely with cellphones for years. Operating a motorized vehicle is far more dangerous then people realize. An impact at a speed as slow as 35mph can be fatal in a car. On a bike almost any impact regardless of speed can be fatal. You can sit here and talk about how much more dangerous other people that are allowed to drive are compared to you but in the end you're still going to need to just bite the bullet, get your glasses and retake this test and move on with your life.


Active member
in manitoba they fail everyone for cars or bikes every time, to generate capital, greed mongers, d