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Am I being unreaonable?

So I have ALWAYS maintained a high level of security, never telling anyone I grow, not associating with other people i knew grow, or who i suspected of growing, never selling in large qauntitites, etc...

About two years ago I broke one of my rules because I had back injured myself and needed help tending to a large outdoor plot so I solicited the help of someone that I knew grew, and thought could keep his mouth shut. Without his help my plot would have gone to ruin, and since I think of myself as being a fair person I split everything 50:50, so that we each ended up with 2.5 pounds.

Since I figured Im getting too old and long in the tooth to be hauling bags of soil around in the woods in the middle of the night, this year I decided to go indoor with 3kw bloom room and a smaller area with T5s for veg ang and cloning.

To make a long story short, this former partner realized what I was doing when he and I ran into each other at the hydro store, and is now bugging me to keep a bunch of his mothers for him, take cuttings from them and veg them out for him so that he can take them and place them into bloom at his flowering room (which by the way is not at his residence, but someone elses), the trade off is that I get to run his genetics, which according to him "are superior to anything I have " (they are not).

So first off I really dont want any part of babysitting someone elses mothers, vegging plants for someone, etc., especially since this means repeated visits by this guy so he can see "his babies".

Secondly I think his M.O. is pretty lowly. He rents, and absolutely refuses to have anything in his home that ties him to marijuana. He recruits others to do the majority of the work and take the majority of the risk, while he stops by to check up, give orders and than pick up his trimmed and dried share after harvest is done.

I've repeatedly told this person that I dont partner up, the only reason I did so in the first place was because I was ill, and that he was amply rewarded for that, and that I dont want the responsibility of maintaining someone elses plants when I have enough of my own stuff I barely have time to maintain, but he keeps pushing.

I keep getting asked "but why?" and told "I am being unreasonable".



Secondly I think his M.O. is pretty lowly. He rents, and absolutely refuses to have anything in his home that ties him to marijuana. He recruits others to do the majority of the work and take the majority of the risk, while he stops by to check up, give orders and than pick up his trimmed and dried share after harvest is done.

All i'm going to say is that should anything go wrong your gonna be the fall guy with massive lawyers fees for a chance to run his "superior genetics".

Tell him to take a hike and find another patsy


Active member
I appreciate all your help with the OD, I couldn't have done it without you.

But I'm going to have to say no to keeping your moms, I don't want to go into a bunch of reasons why, I just hope you will respect my decision, and leave it at that.

That's what I'd say.


Active member
actually i in your position would be very careful - this person to me seems to be a very risky person to know you are growing on a pretty large scale. i would finish up the run lay low for a while. say you quit growing - too risky or something ... if hes snitching hes going to do it in the half year.

one of my security measures is NEVER buy equipment in the store where you could run into ppl - alway drive maybe 100 miles or so. i would hate to bump in someone that could cause problems! do it in a car from someone else and do it fast ...

and i would also never ever touch anything in an not secure grow by another person - who knows what happens. you could get busted with his grow and with yours after that! sounds very shitty to me.
actually i in your position would be very careful - this person to me seems to be a very risky person to know you are growing on a pretty large scale. i would finish up the run lay low for a while. say you quit growing - too risky or something ... if hes snitching hes going to do it in the half year.

one of my security measures is NEVER buy equipment in the store where you could run into ppl - alway drive maybe 100 miles or so. i would hate to bump in someone that could cause problems! do it in a car from someone else and do it fast ...

and i would also never ever touch anything in an not secure grow by another person - who knows what happens. you could get busted with his grow and with yours after that! sounds very shitty to me.

Yeah it sucks.

The kicker is that I did go to a hydro shop that was a significant distance away (80 miles). I didn't know it at the time but the shop that is closer, that I knew this person frequented had gone out of business and this was really the only place within 200 miles. In hindsight I should have just spent the day driving and gone the 200 miles to another shop much farther away.

The other scary thing is that Ive come to find out the guy really moves things on a large scale, Im talking pounds, sometimes on a weekly basis, and is into other stuff as well that cant be mentioned here.

Im probably about six weeks from harvest, flowering my mothers and shutting down completely after that for a spell is probably a good idea. I can always find more mothers as I have good seed stock of everything I grow.

In hindsight if I could go back in time I would probably have let that outdoor crop go to ruin also and avoided this hassle.

Everyone says telling and partnering up is bad, and they were always my main rules. I went 20 some years without breaking them and now regret that I did.


Active member
I wouldn't go as far as shutting down, this guy has a lot to lose himself, he's not going to get into a big beef with you because you won't let him keep his moms there, he'll just move on to someone else.

You tell him I'm saying no, and it's not up for discussion.

But it's your life, you have to go with what you're comfortable with, and if that's shutting down, then so be it.


Active member
I wouldn't go as far as shutting down, this guy has a lot to lose himself, he's not going to get into a big beef with you because you won't let him keep his moms there, he'll just move on to someone else.

You tell him I'm saying no, and it's not up for discussion.

But it's your life, you have to go with what you're comfortable with, and if that's shutting down, then so be it.

yeah well maybe shutting down is a little too much - but for my part: i rather pull 2 crops less than getteing busted ...


Active member
As long as he knows you're growing...and you ARE growing...he pretty much has you by the balls. You have 3 choices... Take the mothers...and pray nothing happens to him. Quit growing. Guess...


call him up in a PANIC! Say some bad shit has gone down and you need him to keep a hold of a package for you. Tell him some bullshit about the Law and peering through windows, blah blah blah,,, make it sound really really bad.

This dude is gonna drop you like a hot potato and run for the hills. If he says he will hold a package, give him a box with some weight wrapped in brown paper.

Guys like this won't do favors for people, and you can out smart him.


call him up in a PANIC! Say some bad shit has gone down and you need him to keep a hold of a package for you. Tell him some bullshit about the Law and peering through windows, blah blah blah,,, make it sound really really bad.

This dude is gonna drop you like a hot potato and run for the hills. If he says he will hold a package, give him a box with some weight wrapped in brown paper.

Guys like this won't do favors for people, and you can out smart him.

:laughing:Funny idea, but bad plan...Women...hehehe
Dark star, good job trusting your instincts and watching your back.


i wouldnt take them at all! just last month while chatting with my cop friend(distant family member) he told me about a sting operation out west. he was telling me that LEO has been planting gps doodads in the planters of mother plants that they trade/give/sell. he told me that in 1 instance that the planter led the LEO to a massive warehouse grow with over 200 flowering plants! he told me that most busts that reach the media are way off in how they were led to these grows. in most cases he says all they do is say it was due to electricty use, a rat, odor, garbage,neighbor complaint, and good old police work! i would just tell this guy that you were picking up stuff at the store in prepertion for this coming outdoor and that you cant risk anything indoor!!!

Smoke Buddy

I think you need to be firm about your response as in NO F-ING WAY!!!
I mean you gotta have a pair of balls to do what you do anyway so let em drop and use em for christ sake. NO F-ING WAY! and smile and smoke a bowl. whats the problem again?
Dark star, good job trusting your instincts and watching your back.

thanks...it wasnt easy, but aside from this one slip up I think I faired pretty well. I started in 1984, and I learned early on to keep my mouth shut once I saw other people who were growing talking about it freely, than seeing their shit get ripped off or seeing them get busted.

As for being firm, short of being an outright dick to the guy I've actually been pretty firm, but he has just doesnt get it. The last resort I have I think is to basically just sever all ties to the guy.

Anyway, hope someone else learns from this..If you grow dont ever, ever tell anyone, dont ever trust anyone, and dont ever, ever partner up.


As long as he knows you're growing...and you ARE growing...he pretty much has you by the balls.
I disagree.

It's never good when somebody else knows about your grow or in the other dude's case, your criminal enterprise multi-grow operation that also includes other drugs apparently. One way that situation gets worse is when somebody who knows about your business is put into a situation where they have to choose between doing time and snitching on you.

Why would this guy want to hand the police somebody he has worked with in the past and who seems to still have current knowledge about his business? That is not pragmatic.

So to revisit what I quoted:
he pretty much has you by the balls.
See actually I think that each of them has a firm grip on the other man's balls, and the best situation for both parties is to just release and walk away.


Cut all ties somehow, he may not tell on you, but if he is really dealing that much, sooner or later the police will know about him from someone, if you really have one or two special moms, take clones quick, even flowering, sooner or later will probaly catch, put them in some 3 inch peat pots, put them in 20 gallon tubs with tops from Wal-mart and put soil about 1/2 way up the peat pots, they will stay small and healthy for a month or two if you bend tops everyday. Then you just put top on tub and it just looks more junk around the house. I had to keep mine small due to moving, started them Oct 1 and moved around the beginning of Dec. Plants just fit with tops on still, now are transplanted, under my real light and are doing great. I don't know if you have a wife or girlfriend, but you could always tell your friend that you got a new girlfriend or roomate and they do not want you growing at all, you know, we all do crazy things love, right. Anyways, be safe, and somehow get away from him for good.


Active member
sounds like the guy is an idiot and you made the mistake of dealing with him, so now it's up to you to make a pragmatic decision here rather than an emotional one...

I know how it is to tear down a room only to find out a month down the road that you completely overreacted. That is an awful feeling and one that I hope never to have again. However, one feeling I have NOT had is the one where I'm kicking myself in the ass in the back of a police car because I wasn't careful enough. And I certainly hope to keep it that way. (knock on wood...)

I don't know about you guys, but regardless of how much money, time, energy I have invested into an operation (size notwithstanding).....the yield ain't worth my freedom. Period.


ICMag Donor
Why wouldn't you have just played his game against him?

I would have told him that I was growing at another persons house for a percentage and they won't allow it......


That guy sounds like a bust waiting to happen. Tell him whatever, but do not get involved with him.


Active member
I don't know about you guys, but regardless of how much money, time, energy I have invested into an operation (size notwithstanding).....the yield ain't worth my freedom. Period.

exactly my thought ... be sure if this guy gets busted you are going down as well!
and this person is risky ...


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
As much as I hate to say this, take his mothers and take cuttings for yourself then give his mothers some Round-up and tell him you have no fucking clue what happened they must have a bad virus or something, if you hit a few of your own plants it will make it even more convincing. Then after he gets the fuck out of the picture you still run his strains but call him like a week or two later and say "all my fucking plants died" "what the fuck did you bring over here man?"

Then tell him you think it's time you take a break anyways and don't plan to grow for awhile. He will likely scamper the fuck along after that.

Problem solved. :canabis:

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