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Almost losing my 1st harvest; please help

Joltster I

New member
Funkfingers, Thanks for the great feedback I'm reading some other great feed back from other budd nation citizens;thanks budd citizen.


Joltster I

New member
Hi Lazyman, Thanks for the awesome feedback it's really helpful. I'm lost when u mentioned "bubble out the chlorine" do u suggest I boil the water or add Hydrogen peroxide? Also, I've never tested the run off water from soil do u suggest I use strips or hand held meters?



Overkill is under-rated.
Nah to get chlorine out of tap water let it sit out overnight, or run an air pump with a couple airstones in your reservoir. ;)
If possible, and I'm dealing with a water issue now, I would consider a transplant. If you try hard enuff, and are patient, u can get 95% of the old soil out. If you can loosen it, it will fall off. If root bound you may even "shave" the roots off that are against the pot. Then into some fresh medium. Might even consider a larger pot because the roots will really come out when they know its "safe".

Cover the plant before starting, (trash bag), so you don't dirty up the buds. Yuck. Take the bag off quick when done. You may have to support the plant. Not easy, not quick but you'll eliminate some guess work. Think of it as a "clean slate". Expect about 30 minutes per with a medium plant and dense roots but thats just what I do if not corrected easily and quickly.


Long haired country boy
This would work if in veg still but these are too far along, and it would really stress the plants.


johlster, don't use tap water, water your plant with str8 Reverse osmosis water, or bottled purified water, add a little bit of hydro nutes once and awhile, or top dress with bone meal and lime


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
OK on your next run don't let them get to this point before asking for help first thing.


do you allow them to have a wet/dry period or do you just water/nute on the same day of the week like clockwork?

I would flush them with tap water (usually a 7ph+ helps with the bugs too) until the soil bubbles up which will oxygenate the soil and get that old shit out. This late in flower though who knows how long it will take for them to come back or if they will and even if they do what the yields would even be.


1. flush with tap water or ph'd water above 7 until you see bubbles in the soil
2. let the pot DRY OUT before you water again no matter how long it takes
3. as it dries the bugs CAN and DO die but also get some safers 3 in 1 or other organic spray for the soil and NOT for the leaves. The leaves don't need anything else messing with them.
4. don't give them any more nutes plain and simple.
5. wait for new growth and stop focusing on the old dying/burnt growth because it will NEVER come back so stop hoping.
6. don't cut anything off the plant due to it looking ugly and let it fall off as needed BUT remove from the soil because bugs would eat that shit up and multiply.

just remember feeding MORE amazing nutes can kill damn near anything. Start and STAY with 25% strength UNTIL the plant shows slight yellowing to the leaves starting from the BOTTOM of the plant. At that point it means it is eating the food in the leaves and working its way up. Adding 25% nutes then will green the leaves up and darken the new growth as well. Don't try and BOOST the nutes until the plant tells you it needs it.

what else


only feed or water them when the pots are LIGHT. This great plant NEEDS a wet then dry period so lets say your feeding night is wednesday BUT the girls don't feel light.... DON'T FEED THEM and adjust your schedule around theirs and NOT the other way around.


If possible, and I'm dealing with a water issue now, I would consider a transplant. If you try hard enuff, and are patient, u can get 95% of the old soil out. If you can loosen it, it will fall off. If root bound you may even "shave" the roots off that are against the pot. Then into some fresh medium. Might even consider a larger pot because the roots will really come out when they know its "safe".

Cover the plant before starting, (trash bag), so you don't dirty up the buds. Yuck. Take the bag off quick when done. You may have to support the plant. Not easy, not quick but you'll eliminate some guess work. Think of it as a "clean slate". Expect about 30 minutes per with a medium plant and dense roots but thats just what I do if not corrected easily and quickly.
Well whatever it is that you decide to do to help your quite obviously sick plant please for the love of god ''DONT'' do what this person suggested, that is just a terrible piece of advice.

By the way your plant is most likely suffering a magnesium/sulfer/manganese deficiency combination due to a lockout, most likely due to excessive salt buildups in your soil from over-feeding/watering.

It's such bad advice I have to say it again DON'T transplant and "shave" your roots and DON'T knock out most of the dirt in the rootball. It is already compromised and in a weakened state, not to mention, its already pretty close to halfway through flowering. It will only cause more problems and in all likely hood. KILL YOUR PLANT. Seriously some peeps should not dispense advice. :noway: Sorry to be harsh with yah pumpkin person, but you don't need to be dispensing advice to people, what if he followed this advice, and if you are doing stuff like this to your plants you need to stop immediately. Read a book, hang around these forums for a while, and actually READ them, not just oogle at the pictures. NO NO, I'm not kidding. Seriously.

Best bet is to flush heavily and reset nutrients with an emphasis on a chelated micronutrient formula but not forgetting the big boys, Phoshorus(P) and Potassium(K) just leave out the nitrogen. And make sure the soil has quite a good amount of time to dry before watering again. As this is a good way for things to lock again, rot out the roots, cause molds, huge pH imballances and increase already present problems i.e the gnats. Best of luck. The Bug.
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Overkill is under-rated.
With only 2-3 weeks to go til chop, you won't be adding much nutes back, if any. Finish your run out as best you can and do better on the next one. Live and learn!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Hi Medmaker, the advice is great n priceless is it okay do this so far into flowering?


I think it is the only thing to make sense if you want your plant to TRY to yield something. If you leave it how it is it will only get worse. I would NOT however add any more nutes once you fix your current issues and would simply go with PH'D water until finish.


Well my mistake but that plant doesn't look two weeks from finishing to me. But if it is couple weeks out then yah, don't add jack. But like I said it doesn't look two weeks out to me. Looks more like it just lost all its big feeder fan leaves, and has "several weeks" to go. Sure there are a few brown hairs out of the bunch on the plant but it looks mostly white pistil'd to me, and I highly doubt with pistils looking as such that the trichs are any more developed. But if its two weeks then it's two weeks. Just not really from where I'm sittin. That's why I said add the fert.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Well my mistake but that plant doesn't look two weeks from finishing to me. But if it is couple weeks out then yah, don't add jack. But like I said it doesn't look two weeks out to me. Looks more like it just lost all its big feeder fan leaves, and has "several weeks" to go. Sure there are a few brown hairs out of the bunch on the plant but it looks mostly white pistil'd to me, and I highly doubt with pistils looking as such that the trichs are any more developed. But if its two weeks then it's two weeks. Just not really from where I'm sittin. That's why I said add the fert.

I do agree BUT we have to remember that this issue has been around for a bit so his plants pretty much are sitting at a stand still either wanting to die or wanting to live but NOT really still going through the progression on time as far as flowering goes.

I would assume he pretty much extended the finish in theory because it isn't like they were growing but rather burning like a crisp.

I would do ph'd water until NEW growth started yellowing BUT by then they will be done with whatever little yield might come from it. Odds are will be fluffy as well as bud density doesn't really pack on without a good growing environment.

Either way, smoke-able bud will be had and that in the end is a successful grow. Odds are many things were learned with this one and any future grows will only get better!


I'm in total agreement that I should have probably taken into account that this plant has been long time sick, and that it had messed with the plants time table as well as it's overall health. And your right, either way, smoke-able bud will be had and in the end is a successful grow. No doubt much was learned. Well have a good man and see ya on the boards.

Joltster I

New member
Hey Mr. Bill, great advice and well taken; I've attached the most recent photos of what some of the trics look like. From the looks of some of the budds I would say I'll be able to hang them up to dry in about "three weeks tops". I think they're nutried out so, should I still flush so close to harvest if I want to reap some decent budd? about an "8"


Long haired country boy
You should flush the last 2-3 weeks of flower anyways to get the best flavor from your herb. I usually do one flush with the same volume of water a the pot ie 4gallon pot 4 gallons water, then I will double the volume of water for the last few flushes, so a 4 gallon would get a gallons of water.