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How do you know if YOUR Liquid Karma is bad?

It seems like everyone in my area sells old liquid karma. I'd like to ask people on the board about their LK just to make sure i'm not going crazy. A brand new, freshly made bottle of LK should smell sweet right? like beet juice almost correct? I used to buy LK that smelled like this all the time.

However, the last 2 bottles of the stuff that I purchased smells SHARP, not quite ammonial yet but it smells just totally different from the other LK i've had. I'm wondering if this will kill my plants or if anyone has smelled or witnessed this? LK is like liquid rocket fuel for plants usually but i've noticed a drop in effectiveness and want to make sure i'm not doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance.


the bottles i have smell somewhat sweet not sure about the beet juice thing. it's definitely not an unpleasant smell like other ferts. was the bottle sealed when you bought it? i would test it on a plant before giving it to all the others. if it does smell like ammonia then it's most definitely bad.


Active member
gotta be careful about your local vendors, theres a high times around here that sells used equipment they test for brand new prices as well with bulbs, annnnd a growing supply store in a shady area was busted for selling heroin :spank: I'd blame the vendors


Herbal relaxation...
Gotta same kinda problem, but with totally different product: Final Solution..

First it smelt like molasses, but after storing it properly for couple months it started to reek :fsu: I flushed one plant with it, which came harsh smoke and required over half year curing before getting rid of the taste....

But shop´s selling already fucked product is pretty good reason to pay a re-visit to the shop, or the owner! Just bought new bottle of FS and it has that molasses smell again, I could almost take a sip of it + it did miracles with latest PP :yes:

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