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Alleged Hamilton Marijuana Internet Operation Busted

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Thanks to wonderful initiatives like D.A.R.E

I got suspended in 11th grade for telling a dare cop he was full of shit, when he said millions die from pot each year. I was in a gym full of kids and I raised my hand and didnt wait for him to answer.

I just yelled, "bull shit. You are so full of shit. You are flat out lying."

Then he said, "no I not, you can die from just one joint."

I responded, "Bull shit, I smoked 2 joints at lunch, and came back and made an A on my algebra 2 quiz."

next I was escorted out of the gym by cops to the office where I was yelled out, and then suspended for 3 days. My dad thought what I did was fucking hilarious, but was quite pissed at the school and yelled at my principle until he was then escorted out of the school by cops. like father like son..... DOWN WITH THE MAN


Well-known member
How many fools ..... before getting dropped by a mom and her thievin kid??? You couldnt make this shit up people!!!

yer right!

Didn't the DEA say that they teamed up with the RCMP to get marc emery busted because a USA mom complained her son stole money from her to buy emeryseeds???

....I know I've heard this story somewhere before!:joint: :fsu:


legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr


(Angola, IN) - A Hamilton woman accused of filling orders for marijuanaseeds from around the country over the internet was formally charged onWednesday by Steuben County Prosecutors with a pair of Class Dfelonies. 20-year-old Laura Allece Wass is facing charges of dealing inmarijuana over 30 grams on the internet and maintaining a commonnuisance. Not guilty pleas were entered on her behalf duringWednesday's initial hearing, bond was set at $10,000 and a pre-trialconference was scheduled for December 4th in front of Magistrate RandyCoffey. According to Steuben County court documents, the investigationinvolved not only local law enforcement agencies but the U.S. PostalService and the federal Drug Enforcement Agency as well. Theinvestigation started in early June after Ashley Police had gotten ane-mail from a woman who said her son had stolen money from her safetydeposit box to order marijuana seeds from a web site based in Hamilton.Hamilton Police were notified and a department officer set up anundercover e-mail account. It was later determined by authorities thatWass allegedly received mail from all over the country. A searchwarrant was executed Tuesday morning as Wass and a man living at theresidence on Lane 150-H were arrested. Court documents identified theman as Jesse Steven Groth who was wanted on Michigan warrants forfederal mail fraud, wire fraud as well as for delivery andmanufacturing of marijuana. Court documents also indicate that policefound processed and dried marijuana in the home along with scales,indoor marijuana growing equipment and over 100 marijuana plants. Itwas also mentioned in the case file that numerous marijuana seeds werepackaged and ready to be shipped.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
as much as i hate to see anyone take a hit, Elite was a loose cannon on the scene.

he operated way outside what most of us would consider a safe operation.

He was/is an idiot. About the very last person I would want to have any business dealings with. Especially one that would involve any type of a paper trail.

Maybe he and Marc Emery can hook-up while they're 'away at school' as the expression goes. At the very least they would have plenty to talk about given their shared interests, i.e. mediocre genetics, seed scams, missing orders, etc.

The wheel in the sky keeps on turning.........



Active member
I will not be the devil lawyer but fair its fair...If u haven't grow or buy none of elite gens don't come here spread rumours. Here u will see the opinion of someone that knows what he is talking about.

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<!-- message --> Quote:
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by mikiemikee
a steal for gs4me aka greens beans hahahahahahahahaha thats funny...

good luck with him you never know what your gonna get.... thata fact. like his debunked chemdawg... :fsu: :violin:

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
hey mike dont sleep on elite bro
greens has a bad rep with a lot of folks but he has some awesome gear.
tell me have you grown out any of his stuff or are u just going off of he say she say?

i take it u just heard from somebody
i grew out the first chemdawg he had and the 2nd chemdawg he had the first one i have to say wasnt the real chemdawg. but the 2nd one was pure fire, it lived up to the description of chemdawg u read about on the post.

people give out mislabeled cuts all the time does that make him wrong for trusting his source.
chem d is everywhere now why do peeps thinks its so hard to get these cuts. if u know peeps its quite easy to get almost anything u want.
how could u assume he doesnt know anybody with it. a bit naive

if anything the guy may b guilty of being a arrogant asshole to some. but that doesnt mean his genes aint the real deal.

hey goat u ask if he's a shyster

well i have spent about $4 g's with the guy for a reason
1.i've grown out over 50 of his strains
2.he sends out super quick
3.great freebies
4.its too hard to get krypto gear, in my opinion the only seed makers that have equal to or better gear then greens. over the past 14 years i have grown just about everybodys gear.
5.elite is no diff from rez. alot of peeps dont like rez either does that make his gear bad. of course not. being greedy or being a asshole does not make your seeds bad.

and no this not a ad for elite, i've grown the strains. i dont just listen to all this chitter chatter on threads. i can care less about all this back and forth trolling. i grow and c for myself. half the peeps on these threads dont know what there talking about anyway. most of these threads are utter non sense a bunch of newbies with more mouth then balls.

i bet they'll probably close this thread or get rid of it. just cause greens has caused so much controversy in the past. i even had a moderator give me a neg rep last year just for supporting elite on the threads.

too much politics b.s. and high school thinking on these threads.

grow the gear yourself before u speak out about what somebody else told u.

most of these jars are elite gear so u tell me. who knows better some kid trolls on the net or somebody with evidence of the gear.

and no i dont know greens i just know the gear very very well.

2008 Candyland Project 100+ Strains
2007 MONSTER GROW 100 + STRAINS :muahaha:

U guys can check this guy grow he ain't a joker. Anyway i just wanted to clear some point.
I would have to definitely endorse what lambs-bread said about growing Greens GEAR BEFORE YOU JUDGE HIM.. dude might have been everything people on these boards are saying about him, however the fact of the matter is his beans are pure FIRE I have grown out a few and they were very good..plus...people calling the man a loop tard lol isn't very nice but he did kinda deserve it for being a loop tard..before the fall tho his gear was pretty sick...hey Lambs maybe you should take some bud pics and show folks what dudes gear looks like up close...peace and luv and be safe everyone!!!


Something is very wrong with these laws

Something is very wrong with these laws

from: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20090730/LOCAL03/307309989/1002/LOCAL

by: Rebecca S. Green

" On July 14, federal, state and local law enforcement served a search warrant at the Hamilton Lake home – seizing computers, cash, fluorescent lights, envelopes, seeding heat mats and numerous seeds, according to court documents.

The Elite Genetics Web site was still active Wednesday, offering dozens of varieties of marijuana seeds.

A detention hearing has been set for next week for Wass and Groth.

If convicted, each could serve up to 40 years in prison and be required to pay hundreds of thousands in fines, according to court documents."

Then on the same mo f'in site, right next to those news, you have:

from: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20090731/LOCAL03/307319990/1002/LOCAL

By the same reporter, Rebecca S. Green:

Chaplain in jail until kid-porn trial
Judge views images allegedly seized from Whitley computer

His wife and five local pastors spoke Thursday in support of the Whitley County Sheriff’s Department chaplain accused of possessing child pornography.

But in the end, it was the nature of the allegations against him – that he had thousands of graphic images of children – that will keep him behind bars until his trial.

Indicted in the local U.S. District Court on a single charge of possession of child pornography, Bernard Squires, 64, appeared in court Thursday afternoon to see whether he would be held in jail until his trial, which is set for October.

Squires was arrested last week as part of an FBI Cyber Crime Task Force push into northeast Indiana that netted three arrests in connection with the distribution of child pornography over the Internet through peer-to-peer file sharing programs. (continues)

She never mention how many years these sick bastards would get so I did a quick googling about child porn/child sex abuse penalties in the US and here is what I found:

Consumption of child pornography can lead to a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison.

Distribution of child pornography has a maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison.

Sexual Abuse of a Minor: up to 15 years in prison
Also subject to a $250,000 fine.

Something is very wrong when you have child molesters looking at doing half the time than a marijuana bean seller... :no:


Active member
wow thats pretty sick here...:fsu: ...just because u have grow plants u can end up in jail beside rapist and murderers :yoinks:...I dont know if there is good prisons, i doubt, i just hope they don't end up in some kind of oz prison...


i've run his gear.

a good friend of mine has experienced his customer service first hand when he asked about 'are these bananna's normal - theres a lot of them'

1 lemon larry is okay... if you don't have access to real cuts of bubba or chemdog then the larry he found would suffice - but its still a step or 2 down from being a truly great keeper in the grand scheme of things.

and i still think dude is a douchebag loser. he was working way outside the lines of saftey, and HE PUT EVERYONE HE 'HELPED' AT RISK. what a butthole.
The woman searched her son’s computer and found evidence of e-mail communications with Elite Genetics that directed her son to mail payments to Laura Wass on Hamilton Lake, according to court documents. Undercover investigators established an e-mail address and began communicating with Elite Genetics about buying marijuana seeds.

its too bad the pedo is 'getting off' a easier than greens... but i am willing to put money on the pedo not making it 5 years in the clink - pedos are dead men walking. Get them in the clink and let the 'system' dispose of them - just desserts.
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we need a dose of reality in this thread.

elite got busted because, simply, HE IS A DUMBASS

this isn't the fault of some misguided youth and his satanic mom. and its not because of the price of his hack job beans... ASSHOLE YOUTH WAS STEALING FORM HIS MOM. little fucko I hope he got grounded for starting the avalanche with his little menial order. haha

greens was taking orders directly, having payments sent to his residence, which was also where his grow op was set up. asides from being a complete douchenozzle, he was BANNED from a few forums (and correct me if I am wrong, please) and auction sites not only because he was a jerk and a liar, but also CIRCUMVENTING SITE POLICY and taking orders direct via PM and sending seeds. as 'cool' as that is, its not safe. for the sender & reciever.

site policy is what it is to protect us. seedbay is a PROFESSIONAL PROVIDER OF SEEDS. they know how to do it, and do it safely, and they have been doing it, for years.

dude isn't even a half assed pollen chucking bitch... but he's also supposed to be professionally versed in securely sending seeds thru the mail? FROM HIS HOUSE? HAHAHA. 'Make the check to my girlfriend'. real pro.

i feel for those who recently placed orders. i hope their security is not comprimised because of NEGLIGENCE.

when you are busted its because YOU are negligent. remember that people.

btw this isn't the first time i have heard fo this clown geting popped... someone posted here some time ago a mesaage to beware of douchebags Elite & Earth and pretty much spelled everything out the way it was then as now.

be smarter than elite. be smarter than the kid trying to steal money form his mom. just be smarter. and stay safe.


Active member
once again...people who have no clue are saying too much....

First off...Greyskull have u grown Elites Lemon Larry? Because if u have u would know it shits on all the Larry cuts going around Cali....2nd...what strain of his did u grow ? Dude ur becoming like Swerve and that sucks cuz i thought u were the homie....Your going around on every board calling this dude all kinds of bad names..yet u have never dealt with him bro...dont lie dude....i dont want to be rude but most of u guys doing the trash talking arent even good enough growers to talk shit....I have his Lemon Larry and lemme tell u bro...its just as good as ur Sour Dubble...it even taste better..but u should know that since u have grown his gear...serious people quit spending all ur lives on the internet and focus more on your grows.....because if your out there still using anything more then NPK and some Kelp your growing knowledge is hurting


Active member
It all went against him as far as I am concerned when they said he ripped off people on eBay. That is premeditated fraud. He didn't care who he hurt. Not getting your eBay package can't be downplayed with "the package was intercepted or the money never showed". He ripped people off.

I got some awesome plants from EG. I had some poor germ rates but I did get some excellent plants.

I find it ironic that he got busted in Indiana where he fled from Michigan where they have medical marijuana now. He could have done some growing there.

Maybe he will learn his lesson and come out a better person. As he is now I don't want him representing marijuana breeders, growers or smokers.
not scary at all, we know whats up with that. That site is over an done with. Don't be a moth drawn to the flame and get burnt, keep it moving!


People this is how karma sneaks up and bites you in the ass when your busy being a low down sort of human turd! This guy is an idiot, and so is his gf. They are getting what they deserve. I dont care for that sort of crap, and apparently the kids mom dont either. If the kids lucky he will learn something from it...stealing from your mom makes you less than shit IMO...

I think I would avoid doing business on this site if you value your freedom.


Kiss My Ring
if yer sure he burned ya, file a complaint with the feds! ...dicks!
NO ONE should be arrested let alone incarcerated for marijuana.
sure he is guilty, of being ignorant. that is not a crime YET.
Bad Voodoo for his girl tho'!!!