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All Pot Smells The Same


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This is pretty funny. If you can't discern differences between properly grown cannabis then you must not be inhaling and have zero olfactory senses. The Helen Keller of cannabis.


or even smoking cannibis for that matter..

..and hilbie, if you do your homework you'll find that it's the albino Asian that grows a better skunk, and not the dwarf as first thought..here one is caught leaving his secret underground grow..

this is the only known photo of the elusive transexual albino Asian with a french pedicure known to exist..
my fetish is just for dwarfs.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
hilbie you must not experience the same stuff as the rest of us, be it your location or just how your brain is. ive smoked many many strains and i remember when i smoked mids it wasnt anything to it. did it get you high or not was the only question that needed answering. now i get much better herbs, indoors outdoors indicas sativas all very different in high and flavor. ive smoked buds that give me so much energy i cant sleep like i just drank a cup of coffee. other kinds i get knocked out cold and am sleepy after a couple hits. some the roof of the high is low while others will make you drool. some make you shakey other make you like jello. some last for hours, some minutes.
theres so many ways a high can be defined, its easy to see how broad the differences can be.

Nuff said, lock thread. Good job freeride, couldnt of said it better. Every word is the truth too.. :rasta:


on a more serious note.. I am happy I have strains that are drastically different. And I am happy I can tell the difference.. One will put me to sleep and the other will make me wake up and wanna get out of the house. Also how long you grow them will change the high... harvesting early will be more of a head high and a later harvest will ensure a more body high.


Boy are you doing something drastically wrong! I can tell my strains apart just by looking at the baggie. Some smells fruity, some skunky, some like rotted flesh (god I love water cures)

They Don't Look The Same Just Smell The Same. The Highs Are Different. Earlier I Said It Had A Peppery Small. Instead It Is The Cat Piss Odor But Faint. I Bought A 1/2 oz. About 7-8 Months Ago That Had That Smell.

Thank You
u just said alot of nothing manmyassistan- is that really your best, indica n sativa? did i not give three catagories of grade? so two negates that yah? plus i asked if anyone could name 4 distanct variteis, so your two again is useless. the whole snowflake thing in all was very deep, maybe next reply u can compare weed to people,, thats a favourtie on the icm but please leave my auntie out of it shes a ginger and only drives chevys. You can always tell when people with tan asses that never got passionte about reading 18th n 19th centuray philopshy argue, they never bring anything beyond the surface of outdated metaphysics and sentiment-


i do not understand a word of what you just said. must be my tan ass?? haha, thanks for the laughs man. and you are correct, i never was passionate about 18th & 19th century philosophy. what this has to do with you being 18 years old & trying to compensate for smoking swag by arguing swag is the same as dank; i have no idea....

Red Swan

Hilbie sounds like Danimal, another angry arrogant guy. It doesn't make any sense to you because it doesn't make any sense. Some people think that some how if you smoke weed you become a better person. If you're a jerk and you smoke, you're just a stoned jerk.
Hilbie sounds like Danimal, another angry arrogant guy. It doesn't make any sense to you because it doesn't make any sense. Some people think that some how if you smoke weed you become a better person. If you're a jerk and you smoke, you're just a stoned jerk.

well put Swan. I am new here & don;t want to start trouble already, but I am very sensitive about my tan ass.....haha. the whole philosophy thing still makes me laugh. i think Hillbilly is from some English descent. i am not bad mouthing the Brits by associating Hillbilly with them; just trying to pinpoint his origins in an attempt to better understand his comments or language. perhaps, hillbilly, if you could quote some of your favorite philosophers it would help me to understand your mind set. if you start quoting Master P, I will not hold it against you....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
They Don't Look The Same Just Smell The Same. The Highs Are Different. Earlier I Said It Had A Peppery Small. Instead It Is The Cat Piss Odor But Faint. I Bought A 1/2 oz. About 7-8 Months Ago That Had That Smell.

Thank You

That post wasn't directed you but, to hilbie. I agree with you that different strains look, smell, taste and affect you differently. Weed is like dogs. You've got Chihuahuas, Great Danes and everything in-between.

My point to you was/is that 10 days is not enough. Lock them up for a month or two and try again.


Quite obviously all pot does not smell the same. If it did why would all these breeders and growers work so hard to raise the bar?

I think hilbie just got a lesson at the School of Hard Knocks. After 4-6 months of hard work and paranoia he needs to wait for 3 more to cultivate a smooth flavor.

If curing were easy the high dollar cigar guys would be out of business.


Hilbie...what the fuck is up with you?? put down your soapbar hash and grit weed and step away from your computer.


Active member
One factor nobody mentioned is how well did you trim your shit when you chopped it? From my experience, that step makes all the difference in the world! When I first started, I would hang the whole plant, untrimmed until it crisped up a bit, then trimmed. Now I trim right away, and only leave what I want to smoke. All of the extra leaves made some batches smell hayish for awhile, plus can lead to mold.

Proper drying time is essential as well, put into jars too early and it effects smell and taste, and can mold. I would rather have to re-hydrate my herb, than lose it to mold! That being said, Freezerboy is right about one thing...patience! 10 days is plenty to dry your herb, but not to Cure it. They are in the jar to cure, which takes time. The plant has to break down its sugars and chlorophyll. Just make sure you burp your jars, to get rid of any extra moisture. Check buds moisture everytime, if it is too wet take the buds out of the jar for a few hours. If it is too dry, stick a small fan leaf piece in the jar to rehydrate.

Most likely you are in the inbetween phase of curing. If done right, leave them in the jars for a few more weeks...they should smell and taste much better. Good luck.


Gene Mangler
They Don't Look The Same Just Smell The Same. The Highs Are Different. Earlier I Said It Had A Peppery Small. Instead It Is The Cat Piss Odor But Faint. I Bought A 1/2 oz. About 7-8 Months Ago That Had That Smell.

Its still too moist to seal up Longhair, that's ammonia!
Dump it out & let it dry some more, then rinse, lather, repeat.

I got sick of fkin with the perfect moisture content, now I crisp'em, seal'em then RE-hydrate if needed down the road, which it rarely does. Tons of moisture can hide in those inner stems, even when crispy.
It works great for me, YMMV ;)
when drying your crop take off all the big fan leaf and leave the bud leaf as is for the first few day then retrim the smaller leaf then leave to dry for atleast another week and a half then wack it into jars and cure for atleast a month presto :)


Active member
Its still too moist to seal up Longhair, that's ammonia!
Dump it out & let it dry some more, then rinse, lather, repeat.

I got sick of fkin with the perfect moisture content, now I crisp'em, seal'em then RE-hydrate if needed down the road, which it rarely does. Tons of moisture can hide in those inner stems, even when crispy.
It works great for me, YMMV ;)

Good point Chef, I missed the cat piss statement. For surely longhair, you put them in the jars too wet. Take them out and let them dry more right now. If you leave them in there, they will mold or start to turn a yellowish tint. I have put buds away wet more than once. Next time try trimming your stuff right after chop. Make 2 piles, fan leafs and sugar leafs. This is the only trim you will do, so do not leave anything extra. Use the trim to make BHO or whatever you like. I now like to trim extra well right away, better results and much easier to do when wet.

I also think dry time is a key factor. Too long, you loose smell and taste. Too fast, same thing. Bud density is very important, stems hold alot of water. You may think they are dry, but they are not. That will ruin your cure. Like I said before, I would rather re hydrate than loose a jar to mold...and I have! I think a good trim and quicker dry seals in flavor and taste better than a longer dry....that is my opinion. I like my buds dry, as they will be vaporized anyways. You can always re-hydrate, but you cannot take mold away. Good luck.


I know there are people who don't get the same effect from smoking weed that most people get. I knew someone in the early 80's in the bay area. Just when good strong humbolt county weed was getting really big. He could just toke and toke and toke forever. Everyone else would be practically passed out and he would be loading bong hits. My point is that there are a few folks who just don't get the same experience from weed that most get. Those are the ones saying it's all the same.