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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Now THAT'S a good omen Finkl.....you got the man, the myth and the legend himself chiming in about your Double Strawberry D. If that doesn't seal the deal I don't know what would. I'm absolutely certain you're gonna be psyched.


Hey acces m8 may u have a great day :)

How does u make this ? dry sift ? i have tasted it one time before it tasted ok but i got really high and happy :) and johnipede i would agree bubble hash is ok but argggg it aint real hash in my eyes .


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
man acc i swore i posted in here when i seen these pics...or maybe it was in the F.A.M thread idk sometime i be high LOL...lookin awesome bro,thems some tasty lookin vittles!!!!
the box you have looks similar to the stash box i have.mine catches maaddd kief when i break up in there when rollin up.chubbynugs also sent me a sift box and let me tell you that thing makes some of the cleanest sift i ever smoked bro.i have a load of leaves to run thru there now from the bpp's and whites.
and wow res himself droppin the nod to fink on the dsd...im gonna grab me a few of those just on that note right there.
peace yo -T-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
kallenavndk said:
How does u make this ? dry sift ? i have tasted it one time before it tasted ok but i got really high and happy :) and johnipede i would agree bubble hash is ok but argggg it aint real hash in my eyes .

Kall: The whole process is really simple. You take your weed or trim, and place it the box on a screen with really small holes. You can shake the box, or if you break up the nugs you can move it back and forth over the screen with a credit card or razor blade. The screen is usually made of silk or some sort of metal. The holes are so small that it only allows the crystals to fall through. You collect those crystals and can press them together, or you can just smoke it unpressed. Either way, it's practically the same way that hash is made in places like Morocco. Only there, they are taking huge amounts of weed and beating it against rather large screens stretched over large bowls. It makes a fine sifted powder that mostly consists of the resin. They press it together, adding a bit of heat sometimes and you get bricks of hash. I told you that you'd love a 'sifter box'. I promise if you get one of these things, you won't regret it. I think Gypsy sells them also in the Seedboutique...but you can easily just do a quick search online for "sifter box" or "pollen catcher". I got mine right off Ebay by doing a search for both those things.

Tona: yeah bro. I love my box. It's the first place nugs go right after they get cut off the stems. The first wave of crystals is the finest grade.
I also use the thing daily. I make a small pile of kief every time I break up nugs to roll a bone. The pile gets dumped into a small press I got for like 10 bucks....and that press turns the kief into like a kief "coin". Very nice, and it's great for those times I really want to get roasted!
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aha then i had one once a cheap verision doh but it was alot of green stuff in it so maybe the hole was to big...maybe i should ched gypsys shop for a better one ..Thanks champ...


this thread is pure unadultarated canna porn, im in if you dont mind.

K+ man sry to have missed your threads before :joint:
i had a sifter box forever and I loved it...I don't have it anymore..i think i lost it in the fire i went through in '06...oh well...at first i would always check it too much....and yeah you'll get kief everyday but my favorite was after it wasn't new and exciting, it was sort of old news and i'd forget about it(or force myself to)...then you check it one day and you're like WHOA...lots-o-kief...its great for when you run out...now I just have the kief grinder...its pretty cool too..


Active member
Great thread, man, You make me wanna try both Opium and Ice Cream, damn, they look tasty!

Kalle: I've made ok black hash with a netstockin and a deep dinerplate, straight ghett0, just gotta be careful! Or else, try O'Kief' tumbler gear (search Google), wont go wrong there, $250 for a steel pollinator aint bad, or you can build one yourself, like Paddi did, or at least I think it was him...
Or their "Stackable Full Melt frames" for $99 (or the cheap single-frame $35), the shit from those will leave you comatose too (if the strain is up to it) (;

Sry if any of you is offened by advertising, but it was unintentional, just trying to help out.

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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
QR: good information, good to have you here.

So in between bong-hits, I decided to test my extremely primitive skills with creating animated .gifs:
I cobbled this together in a few minutes, gave myself a chuckle:

Needs some tweaking, but by jove I think I've got it!​


dude! way cool! is it an installation? or some kinda cd-rom shit?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Givin' me the business eh?

Givin' me the business eh?

So, you're trying to pry my secrets from the vaults eh?
Well, truth be told there's alot of diffent ways to do it, and I suck at them all.
The simplest method I can demonstrate would be for you to use some online editors to put all your stuff together.
For this basic method you just need to select the pictures you want, drag and drop them in the correct order...set a timer for each picture and the magic happens with assistance from little elves, gnomes and other mythical creatures at some undisclosed location behind a proxy.

Here's an example:


I'm sure this link will set off a devastating chain of events that will severely impair the likelihood of any meaningful dialogue taking place on this website any longer. Instead, IC mag will be populated by never ending displays of violent, obscene, and generally off the wall shit. Good huntin! :jump:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
L.I.O.S. Phenotype #1: Getting closer to harvest. Projected ETH: Jan. 20th.

If you remember what "Gatorgum" smelled like...well, mix that with a healthy scent of musky skunk with a hint of petroleum and you've got the L.I.O.S. Phenotype #1 down-pat...Very hard odor to mask. Would put even the most effective carbon filters to the test. The L.I.O.S. Phenotype #2 (not pictured) smells like petroleum straight up.....like thick, unctuous, dankity crude oil. Both are devastating. Lookin' forward to smokin' a few of the F.A.M. out with this broad.​


New member
man, have i been looking for you!

man, have i been looking for you!

say, access-
i must say how excited i am first. i was refered to check out this thread by stinky attic (refered from canncom). however, my account took forever to be validated. so, now that i'm finally here, i have a scenario and some questions for you.

i use a DIY bubble cloner. i have 5 opium clones from a friend at the moment. i've killed 12 in the past, with every detail i can measure as perfect. now, of the 5 i have now, one has popped roots. the only thing different from earlier attempts was i boosted res temps to 78*F. otherwise, plain water ph'd to 5.8, with a tiny drop of superthrive per gallon.

the previous 12 died slowly, making me think they were taking. nope. the one i did get to pop had roots in 6 days. my friend clones in a bubble cloner too, and he got 6/6 cloned, but they all took 21 days. unacceptable for what i desire.

the friend who gave me the clones finished one opium out in soil. he kept it about 14" high and scroged it a little and got an ounce. me likey, and me wanty. i just keep reading that "when grown in coco or hydroponically, opium performs amazingly." i've seen it in dirt, now i want to add it to my StrOG (Stream of Green - haha i'm clever).

so, any tips, insight, or useful info on cloning this lady? thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.

stay safe


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ya' know, Golden G....I have to admit that Opium is a hard strain to clone and root IMHO. It also is a slow vegging plant. It's unlike alot of the other strains I have that are on "auto-pilot". It takes a rather substantial amount of conscious effort to look after it because of those aforementioned factors. I started my Opium seed (singular, because they were feminized and I only needed to test out 1 plant) in coco. It grew to a decent height, and I cloned it with an "EZ-Cloner". It's not the cheapest methodology, but it certainly works like a miracle. Then I put the rooted clones into hydroton and run it like any other strain. However, as I specified before...it takes a long time to get it to go somewhere while in vegative. If you attempt to flower it before it reaches a decent height, you'll end up with scraggly tiny nuggets that are hardly worth the time or effort. That's what happened with my second run of Opium. The first were spectacular, the second lagged in the vegative state, and I decided to throw a few in to flower anyway. The results were less than stunning.....and when I say that I sincerely mean it. My mistake was not allowing the vegative plants to get substantially larger.

Additionally, I'll say that the stem of the Opium plant is extremely "vine-like". It's not exactly the most deciduous plant.....it absolutely requires some active staking of the plant to keep it from flopping over. To aid in the efforts of making the plant a more hearty one...I'd suggest alot of vigorous air flow to keep the plant moving during vegative and flowering. It helps to fortify the vascular system and does make the plant a bit stronger.

Alot of what I'm describing makes the Opium sound like "the white"...that elusive strain that seems to be an elite clone being passed around here and there. The end results are usually spectacular, but the process of getting viable clones rooted and getting them to take off during vegative growth is elusive.

Now, take a step back for a second: none of this is meant to be discouraging. In fact, I think Opium is a really excellent strain in terms of the final potential end product. If you know it's frailties and problems...you can actively seek to work around them.

In my case, as I described....markedly longer vegative times are encouraged. Staking is required.....

As a side note: I had some other strains that were lagging a bit in veg. I've been hearing alot about this stuff called: Liquid Light by Dutch Masters. (Whiskeytango420 mentioned it first and a bunch of the F.A.M.I.L.Y. began discussing it). I decided to see what all the hoopla was....
Apparently it's a foliar spray that supercharges the chloroplasts in the leaves. Essentially it allows more sugar production, thereby accelerating growth.

I thought it was all smoke and mirrors, but I sprayed a bit the other day on the runts...and I swear to all that's holy: it made a significant difference in 2 days. They perked the hell up...got greener and were noticeably bigger. I'm not prone to suggest crazy and wild additives....but in this case, I believe this particular product is a good one to assist in the earlier development of Opium. It may be just what it needs to kick it into high gear. Even if you don't use this particular substance, I'd deeply encourage you to foliar feed Opium with a weak nutrient solution as soon as you think it can tolerate it.

Back to your earliest and probably most important question: cloning....

My earnest suggestion is that if the ability for these clones to survive is diminished, you need to make up for in quantity, what you do not have in quality. IE-take more Opium clones....some are gonna thrive...others are gonna tank for unknown reasons. As I said, even with an EZ-Cloner, which takes all the brain-work and tough crap out of cloning....it's a tricky proposition. I've got strains that simply won't die....you can hack off a branch and leave it in a dark dry area of the room and it will sprout roots...LOL. Opium is not quite that vigorous, and requires the same attention you'd give a premature infant. Disregardless of whatever methodology or device you decide to clone with, I'd be prepared to take a significantly longer period of time waiting for roots to pop in relation to your other strains. Even when roots take, there's no assurance that this strain won't up and die on you.

Honestly, I'm unsure why this particular strain acts in this manner. I'd love to see it thrive in the way my Ed Rosenthal Super Bud or Ice Cream do....you just can't kill those clones man....and they grow like trees real fast! You've gotta baby, pamper and prepare these clones like they were fabrege' eggs.

For some people, this is impractical when they could obtain other strains that grow rather easily and without incident. IMHO, this particular strain is worth every second you spend attempting to get it to grow healthily and fully.

One last suggestion (sorry this isn't linear, but it's just my train of thought as it comes...): cut back on feeding your plants a with any significant amount of nitrogen about 2 weeks before cloning. The higher amount of nitrogen available to the plant signals the upward vegative growth, and does not necessarily support root development. By cutting back on the nitrogen 2 weeks in advance of cutting clones, you'll greatly increase the rate at which roots develop.

Wow....sorry for the mouthful, but you asked and I felt like I had to oblige.
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New member
thanks so much for snappy response, access. i appreciate the info. i agree that this strain is worth any pampering it needs to achieve very nice, fruity yields.

i do practice N starving, but i'm not sure that my friend did. there must be some difference between sensi opium and seedsman opium though, because the plant my friend finished out was FIMmed to 8 tops and needed no support. but yes, he did have to veg it a long time.

i'm sure you already know, but liquid light works WAY better when using the DutchMaster Penetrator in conjunction with it. and oh yeah, watch for leaf burn when using it. sometimes i feel really stupid giving advice to pros, but hey - why not?

thanks again, stay safe, and watch for my log on here. i'd like you to see and advise. if canncom ever gets back up and running, you can check my (semi) current log. a lot of it was/is missing, but (if it gets back up) maybe think about it.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Me a pro? :blushing:....
Yeah, I use the Penetrator....but only because the bottle of liquid light says: "use with penetrator for best results" or some such thing....so I was kind of obligated...ROFL.
Any info. I can assist you with man....glad to help. I'll have to qualify my statements about Opium by reiterating that I only popped 1 seed. So, I literally have 1 example of this plant. I can only speculate if the rest of 'em would act in the same manner. However, in my experience...there is less phenotypic variability in these 3rd generation breeding efforts than some people would suggest. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that my experience is not unique with this strain.

By the way: How's stinkyattic? What the heck happened to her? She used to be buzzing around the F.U.C.K.E.M. thread...and I haven't seen her in awhile. One of her last posts was a bit sketchy: she asked what people were doing to keep their genetic stash alive and kicking in case the law or other unfortunate circumstances came knockin.
Then it was practically silent.....hmmmm....hope she's o.k.. She gives good nug!

On a site note: I dunno how many of you clownshoes like animated superhero comic stuff...but I just got to preview two AWESOME F.U.C.K.I.N.G. movies: 1) HULK VS. WOLVERINE and 2) HULK VS. THOR.

Usually when Marvel or DC puts out a direct to dvd movie, it's o.k., but not exceptional. They alter the characters a bit, and it's usually an "origin" movie of some sort. They try to dumb it down to get the comic n00bs in the loop.....basically trying to broaden the property for the masses....not necessarily the purist comic fans....
Well let me tell you: these two new movies are SLAM DUNKS! They get right into the action, no B.S. at all...no smalltalk.....all action. It's uber violent and adult oriented. Not your average "kid's cartoon". These two adaptations were so clearly culled directly from the comics it wasn't funny. Superb adaptations.....
I was absolutely stunned that they did such a wonderful job. This is clearly the kind of production Marvel should continue to churn out.....and forget all the garbage. I'd easily pay for these (if I had to). Defnitely worth the watch. I couldn't imagine a single alteration to either of these movies that would make them better.

K+ Marvel Comics.....thanks for not turning these two franchises into dumb kiddy crapola...enough of the anime WB wannabe stylized drek....this is what we want: visceral, edge of your seat, cinematic slugfest filled with blood, no holds barred, realistic death and destruction...big time! HULK F-ING SMASH!!!!!!!!!



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice thanx for the heads up,ill checkem out,.i like cartoons LOL mf loony tunes is my shit F.A.M. :muahaha: :joint:
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