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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


Yes of course there is other life out there. We sent out a probe in the 80's. It has a greeting from earth from humans, who we are and where we are in the universe. Sent in many different languages and the universal language, mathematics. Carl Sagan who was a brilliant cosmologist said it was a bad idea to send such foolish information into the vastness of space. Some life form that discovered nuclear fusion thousands of years before us could end up with the information. Creating potentially disastrous results for us earthlings. It literally says look guys here is where we are and this is the level of our intelligence. Remember what happened to the Indians folks? That didnt go to well for the indians did it? But dont worry, it should take a few thousand years to reach the nearest star.

As far as aliens visiting earth, dont be so gullible Mcfly. We have the sophistication and intelligence to detect weather there are other spacecrafts entering our atmosphere.

Also Alien Trainwreck is the best strain I have ever smoked. Stretchy noodley low yielding strain. Lost it 5 years back and have not found its equal. It was a true freak of nature.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Polluting the earth, endless wars of aggression that no one approves of or ever wanted, killing people with remote control drones, mind control, deception, brainwashing are all symptoms of the problem. The real problem the enemy of earth and humanity are often refereed to as the Illuminati. They are the ones salting the earth with their corporations. They have control of the government and are in the process of dismantling our bill of rights and constitution. It's inevitable their gonna stage some false flag event and blame it on the American people. They have America in a hypnotic trance, they can show and say anything they want on TV and everyone will believe it without question. If people don't wake up soon our freedom is gone. Good people can feel it in their soul something ain't right. I'm trying to open eyes and minds to the true nature of what is happening. We are all being deceived. The Illuminati is the root of all our problems.

Everytime someone says something like this to me they expect me to accept all of the above with zero evidence. They often tell me "go out and find it yourself. It's everywhere."

Since you appear to know something that most of us are blind to... maybe help us see the light. WHO or WHAT are the illuminati? How do you know they control everything?

Why aren't they silencing you?

lost in a sea

why do they expect you to believe it all?

it's his opinion, his take on things..

do you believe this exists anti?


check out the rothschildes, the rockerfellers, the warburgs, the oppenheimers etc

or any history of the power and money in this world..

what do you want peer reviewed scientific studies?

not that i think the word illuminati is anything more than a smokescreen that sounds intimidating..


Well-known member
is there an Illuminati thread? definitely a topic in its own right, though it has some alien connection?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
why do they expect you to believe it all?

it's his opinion, his take on things..

Yes. And he is presenting himself as one who is in the know who is actively seeking to wake the rest of us up. And I am asking him to lay out his best evidence in the service of exactly that goal.

do you believe this exists anti?

View Image

check out the rothschildes, the rockerfellers, the warburgs, the oppenheimers etc

or any history of the power and money in this world..

what do you want peer reviewed scientific studies?

There have been rich assholes for a long, long time. Does that mean they're aliens?

not that i think the word illuminati is anything more than a smokescreen that sounds intimidating..

Illuminati means "Illuminated Ones". Doesn't sound intimidating to me.

Do I believe that there are some assholes who are attempting to run the world? Sure.

Do I believe it's a secret cabal involving aliens? Or the devil? Or transmissions from the future?

Gotta say no.

But I'm open to reviewing the evidence you present in favor of any of the above theories and I am willing to change my position if the weight of the evidence is substantial.

(From the look of that graphic, it appears that behind it all it's Sauron from LOTR.)


Well-known member
I'm not going to convince anyone that anything I say is the truth, it's up to you to find out. What I'm am saying may take some people a lifetime to understand an others will never grasp the reality. As for the Illuminati, unfortunately for all us they do exist. A good place to start if your curious to understand all of this is to study our current monetary system and read how the private federal reserve was created, a good book on this is "The Creature from Jekyll Island" By G. Edward Griffin. As for aliens controlling the super elite I think it's just as possible as impossible.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm not going to convince anyone that anything I say is the truth, it's up to you to find out. What I'm am saying may take some people a lifetime to understand an others will never grasp the reality. As for the Illuminati, unfortunately for all us they do exist. A good place to start if your curious to understand all of this is to study our current monetary system and read how the private federal reserve was created, a good book on this is "The Creature from Jekyll Island" By G. Edward Griffin. As for aliens controlling the super elite I think it's just as possible as impossible.

I understand the money system. Where do the illuminati fit in?

Who/what are they?

What are their true motivations?

How do you know?

I'm trying hard to wake up, but it'd be way easier if the guy who is trying to wake me up actually... you know... tries.

You have the secret inside dope. Share it with us. Tell us how you came to know this information. Teach us.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Remember the Illuminati see's all, know's all..hear's all...be careful how you regard them....


This universe is so expanse that it would be really silly to think we are the only ones that inhabit it. Hell we are still finding new planets. To my recall earth is one of the youngest planets in the solar system so that says alot. Also who the feck built the pyramids in egypt it sure wasn't our asses lol

and the inca walls with 100, n 200 ton whole bricks that mysteriously just got lifted into place n slot together so perfect theres no need for mortar or any space for even a blade or note to fit in the crack... done with ancient primitive tools that cant even be replicated today with modern tools... n other unbelievable megaliths.... they all point to extraterestrial interactions with the " sky gods" what about the people of the tribe in africa that have worshiped the star n planet that erb apparently came from for thousands of years (i will refer to the canabibles tomoro for the exact name) that scientsts thought where chattin crap but later found out that it actually exists when there telescopes became powerful enough later in history to see them!.. how did they know this star n its planet was even there to say erb came from there n to worship it for thousands of years even before telescopes??!?!?! if there hasnt been any interactions with other beings from other galaxys?..... theres too much reasons to beleive theres other life out there that its insane not too..


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anti don't be a lazy ass, and don't take this so hard, again the discussion has turned to providing evidence for and teaching Anti. meh.

I'm going to give you a link to start with.

I was humoring him.

People who drop into the thread claiming to have all the answers should be able to provide them. If they can't, you're a fucking idiot if you believe them.

Don't take everything I type so personally OR literally.

(says ANTI)


Active member
Well alrighty then, anywho that link contains sections of a big investigation into "Financial Tyranny" that even a Russian mainstream media TV channel made a multi-part documentary based on. It was aired few weeks ago I believe.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have been considered an alien in just about every country I have ever lived in....

When I first went to live in the USA in 1977 (for 5 years).....I had a green card that said I was a 'Legal Registered Alien!'....


Well-known member
I understand the money system. Where do the illuminati fit in?

Who/what are they?

What are their true motivations?

How do you know?

I'm trying hard to wake up, but it'd be way easier if the guy who is trying to wake me up actually... you know... tries.

You have the secret inside dope. Share it with us. Tell us how you came to know this information. Teach us.
I'm not trying to be a dick but you haven't studied the monetary system that is used in our country. It's not called the money system. If you had studied it you wouldn't be asking me about the Illuminati. Illuminati is a word used to refer to the 13 families that control our day to day lives. It's not like your going to break your conditioning over night or I'm going to present damning evidence that's going to instantly "wake you up", it's a slow process. You really need to question your reality, and most people can't truly do that. What I'm talking about is a new kind of tyranny, unlike the tyranny's of the past this one is scientific. For all I know you could think this is all a joke and are having a good laugh or you may think it's a good thing to enslave the human race scientifically and psychologically with high tech forms of brainwashing. If you watch T.V. your brainwashed to a certain degree all dependent on how consciously aware of the programming you are while watching. The flicker rate of T.V. puts your brain in an alpha wave state where your basically hypnotized. Read the book "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays published back in 1928. He was Sigmund Freud's nephew. I'll end with a quote, because these sick fucks talk about what their going to do.

“Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” – Bertrand Russel