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If you could go anywhere...Where would you live?



Thailand is nice...in almost every way.

Bankok, R&R, VN, 1968.. spent $1700 in 5 days..

I remember SingHi beer.. GOOD weed! Lec, <hooker,
and the money is Baht.. dont make fun of the King, USMC cant get you out of their jails.. not much more..
i was on a boat.

I had a good time.. it must be a nice place!???


Almost 50 here. If I could I wouldn't settle for one place I would spend a year riding my motorcycle around europe, winter in thailand. The next year riding around the US, winter in the Caribbean. Do that untill I got tired of the whole tent/hotel life, or my body said enough.


Active member
somewhere warm dry with sea and beaches and where i can grow weed

living in cali with a med card comes to mind :D


Australia man, Australia!! Awesome beach parties and tropical waters. English speaking aswell.. Weed is everywhere in the world these days, aslong as you dont sell it then nobody is going to toss you in jail in the civilized world. Except mby in USA? :p

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Australia man, Australia!! Awesome beach parties and tropical waters. English speaking aswell.. Weed is everywhere in the world these days, aslong as you dont sell it then nobody is going to toss you in jail in the civilized world. Except mby in USA? :p

And the girts are hot, but you can't come here, they are all mine.


No ocean is too great for a viking ;)

Actually my neighbor is from oz, he likes to toke aswell, he tells me about it.


After getting some internet connection again (it's been... well, a while...), I figured I would chime in :wave:

I wouldn't leave where I am, it's my oasis. Of all of the places I've traveled to, this where I feel the most at home, even though most of the people in this state don't share a lot of the beliefs that everyone on this forum does! Ironically enough, it's not all that far from the Vegas you're all slamming, but Southern Utah is certainly not as artificial and slummy. I live high up in the mountains between Zion NP and Bryce NP, with some of the best mountain biking, climbing, hiking, canyoneering, skiing, and photo ops in the world right outside my door. At least as far as I'm concerned, anyway. I'm not going anywhere!


Active member
After getting some internet connection again (it's been... well, a while...), I figured I would chime in :wave:

I wouldn't leave where I am, it's my oasis. Of all of the places I've traveled to, this where I feel the most at home, even though most of the people in this state don't share a lot of the beliefs that everyone on this forum does! Ironically enough, it's not all that far from the Vegas you're all slamming, but Southern Utah is certainly not as artificial and slummy. I live high up in the mountains between Zion NP and Bryce NP, with some of the best mountain biking, climbing, hiking, canyoneering, skiing, and photo ops in the world right outside my door. At least as far as I'm concerned, anyway. I'm not going anywhere!

I got a ticket there once...going from Zion to Bryce... It is beautiful country though.


I've lived all over the US. Far north to deep south, Alaska to the desert. I'm a farmer at heart & I love where I live right now. Winters not too long or cold. Summers not too hot. Legit 4.5-5 month growing season. Mountains right out my back door. Ocean several hours drive away. But, the best part is that we live far enough from family that they have to call before they come LOL


defently Australia... hehehe
Kind Regards, FT...

I've said before, that we have gone to Florence, Italy a couple times in the
last 5 years, to 'see family'. It is a fantastic part of the world.

But I will admit that going to Austrailia has always interested us,
Tried to go there for R&R but they wanted me to 're-up' ..FThem.

Austraili uses their own money, yes? Not the Euro.. Based on Gold, yes?
The euro is only used in some european countries ;)

I take it that should answer yer question, but just in case u toked up a few too many times before geography class back in the day, australia is nowhere near europe :tiphat:

a list of those countries that do use it:
1) Andorra
2) Austria
3) Belgium
4) Cyprus
5) Estonia
6) Finland
7) France
8) Germany
9) Greece
10) Ireland
11) Italy
12) Kosovo
13) Luxembourg
14) Malta
15) Monaco
16) Montenegro
17) Netherlands
18) Portugal
19) San Marino
20) Slovakia
21) Slovenia
22) Spain
23) Vatican City

Right, back on topic :)

Probably spain as its legal to grow and cheap to live. You'll need spanish if you venture into the real rural area's, but most other area's you'll get by with english with little problems. Growing season is fantastic, summers are gorgeous, winters arent bad, and the women are good. Though i must say, personally, as they reach their later years they degrade faster than most races (you may not feel the same).

Besides all this your connected to the rest of europe so road trips are easily planned. You'll also be able to grab european trains, and close to the sea for fishing, sailing, and water sports of all varieties

Seems perfect :artist: