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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


Sorry if some of these are repeats

Sorry if some of these are repeats



  • tesla on solitude.jpg
    tesla on solitude.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 18
  • tesla on ideas.jpg
    tesla on ideas.jpg
    39.4 KB · Views: 17
  • tesla on frequency.jpg
    tesla on frequency.jpg
    101.6 KB · Views: 16


lol, yeah just after i pressed post, the thought crossed my mind that you were being sarcastic. thats the trouble online, you don't see the facial expression to know how whats being said is actually meant.


Also, for my little fan club -- I have average intelligence, 117. Never have thought of myself as especially intelligent, but by all means feel free to continue telling me how little you think of me.


lol, yeah just after i pressed post, the thought crossed my mind that you were being sarcastic. thats the trouble online, you don't see the facial expression to know how whats being said is actually meant.

Maybe, just maybe, I haven't been anywhere near as hostile to you as you may think I have?

Actually I'm not fussed. Think I'm the world's dumbest bitch if it works for you.


wow, it was not meant to be an attack. just some gentle teasing. i really did think you were saying all scientists including tesla were stupid. it remains true that anyone saying such a thing is not the brightest button in the box or the shiniest star in the sky. hence it also remains true that it wouldn't apply if you didn't hold said belief in the stupidity of tesla. so really i wasn't as you call it hostile to you at all, because you are not a person who thinks tesla is stupid. further more i maintain that my comment was not hostile, that word is much too strong.



Ok, good! I love a group hug


I did say above I'm very interested in science, because I am. I adore Tesla and am very interested in chemistry and subatomic physics particularly. For the record, I would never, ever support legislation or academic programs that flew in the face of science.

I don't think it was a very smooth move to be sampling prehistoric waters and do it in such a way that they can become contaminated with diesel fuel, seems like that would drop a turd in your punchbowl of science. But I'm definitely open to being convinced that that was par for the course, or at least no harm/no foul.

<3 Tesla


i'm in to 1 on 1 hugs myself, get distracted when doing group hugs :)

it's interesting stuff for sure, i bet they were bummed when they realized the water sample was contaminated with drill fluid and oil.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
They went back and took another sample (using the same borehole they drilled the first time. This sample was diesel free.

No reason to curse their stupidity. Mission was accomplished.


in this long ass thread..has there been any part with wild speculations about space weed?


Active member
unthing, I thought about that earlier.

"There is a cannabis-loving tribe in Mali, West Africa called the Dogon tribe. A fairly well-documented group, the Dogons were visited by Herodotus, a Greek traveler and chronicler, around 300 BC. He was fortunate enough to have visited the Dogons during a year-long celebration that took place every 50 years. Explaining their celebration, the Dogons pointed to the brightest star in the Winter sky, Sirius, and said it was the 'Two-Dog Star' and that it was the home of the 'two-dog plant', cannabis. The two-dog plant, they said, was brought to our planet from the Goddess from the Two Dog Star. Their yearlong celebration was in honor of that star.

All of this would be easy to dismiss if not for the fact the Dogons possessed specific knowledge about the Sirian system for thousands of years before scientists with modern telescopes and equipment could catch up and prove them right. The Dogons had specific knowledge about Sirius B, a white dwarf star, which they call Po Tolo. They knew that it was white, that it was extremely small, and that its the heaviest star in its grouping. They were able to describe its elliptical orbit with Sirius A, its 50 year orbital period, and the fact that the star rotated on its own axis. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye abd is so difficult to observe, even through a telescope, no pictures were taken until 1970."
lol, yeah just after i pressed post, the thought crossed my mind that you were being sarcastic. thats the trouble online, you don't see the facial expression to know how whats being said is actually meant.
Plus the fact most of us are really fucking high tends to cause some confusion now and again :)


i've heard about that one, it was in one of the cannabibles. amphibian fish aliens brought us weed according to them. interstellar canna collective?


Well-known member
big thread, so haven't read it all
if there are aliens, i.e. been around a long time and very advanced aliens
mapped out this galaxy a long time ago, watching everything of interest
let us say we're under observation, but they are waiting for some development that makes us fit to participate in the BIG civilization
what could that be? peace has always been elusive for us, wars and mayhem are the rule, not the exception
what better than the full legalization of the most peaceful plant on the planet?
so ET and a legal bag of buds, i'm down for it


was it called the zoo-hypothesis? something like that. in a way sounds legit. who would want to give this kind of race power of interstellar/galactic space travel and other advanced tech that comes with it? that's of course assuming that high level of tech comes with peaceful culture or motivations comprehendible to humanity.

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