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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


Invertebrata Inebriata


Andinismo Hierbatero
Air flows up and over mountains. Sounds just like a balloon. I have stood on a mountain ridge and watched an approaching balloon do exactly what you describe.

man, where do I start... your understanding of how air flows and travels is quite wrong actually.

back in 1995 I obtained a paragliding license, bought a used wing and used it well over the recommended flight hours, for a year every weekend I was flying:woohoo:

a balloon in my area cannot fly on a straight path, it's impossible, specially the distance I saw silver sphere travel. thermal columns would knock it off a straight path, specially in the middle of day.

so no, no balloon.

now to reply to Anti and Hempcat on the technology issue:

I'm not saying it was mechanical technology, just saying it was technological, what kind specifically I do not know, how could I?

what I do know is that what I saw was also not a natural phenomenon, there's no similar natural phenomenon akin to what I witnessed.

it was also not a satellite (remembering the paragliding days we used to be able to see certain satellites at dusk at this specific take off point up in the mountains). it was flying within the atmosphere, below the vultures I was checking out when I became aware of it.

to clarify, the silver sphere flew on a straight path, we never saw it make any turns or crazy maneuvers; we saw it fly from low-land to higher-land at a low altitude, on a steady course at a steady speed, it was pretty fast and totally silent.

the only thing that I've seen from the very same spot fly as fast was a military jet; which are flown over the cities on certain dates, like national holidays and the like.

the planes that land on the city's airport do not fly as fast nor as steady as the silver sphere we saw either.

if I remember any other detail, I'll type it out.



Andinismo Hierbatero
"a brightly glowing, reddish-orange, elliptical object"

(from the link bomb provided a few posts up)

These guys are being much more reasonable. I hear these testimonies talking about "objects". Not space ships. Not aliens.

I'm not saying they couldn't possibly be aliens. I'm saying that's the way you qualify your testimony if you want to be rational. You don't JUMP to the assumption that it was aliens.

well, check this other clip out, also from the same source, claiming to have cataloged 57 different alien species:



Bubblegum Specialist
Channelling aliens is something I have been trying to do with limited results. I do like some of the stuff attributed to aliens channelling. It seems pretty far fetched when you read this stuff but I like the attitude presented.

This poll shows about 82 percent believe aliens are out there. I think most people are able to accept the likelihood of superior intelligence aliens actually being present on Earth.

Since majority rules the skeptics will just have to admit that they actually fall into a group of wild eyed skeptics who prefer to ridicule others than actually think for themselves. I understand the difference between people who have really seen a alien spacecraft and those who have only seen science fiction.

Scientists have no ability to say what is true about the unknown so choose your belief system and stop the silly ego bashing the Internet is so famous for.

None of us really know much and you wouldn't have to be that smart to be superior to human intelligence because dogs are smarter than people. That's why they don't need words to make themselves clear. I wish I could show you what I was shown.


Active member
I think the sock puppet was funny :dunno:

I've seen so many supposedly good Lightworkers turn to shit when money has distorted their stuff. :)


Bubblegum Specialist
Yeah, the puppet shows that we may all be in for a shock.

Reality probably isn't what you imagine. Humans have always been wrong in their explanations for wrong about everything really.

Ask yourself what you will do when faced with an alien beckoning you to enter it's spacecraft for a ride. As for myself the choice would be easy. As long as I can bring my wife and dogs the answer is yes but no dog means no ride.

Truth is that I am not much of a follower and I rarely go along with anyone elses big ideas so once the aliens are in charge I may start a revolution.

How could they be as dumb as us?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Yes, why doesn't everything work just exactly as you think it should? Why aren't you in ultimate control of the entire universe, come to mention it?

Look. You said Bashar is from an advanced alien species.

I'm just asking questions that occur to me THE MOMENT I notice that Bashar seems to be using his website to MAKE MONEY. Hyper-intelligent, semi-physical beings who can "channel" into humans have access to technology we haven't even dreamed of. It would be less than simple for Bashar to prove he was who he said he was. (My 6 unsolvable math problems would be a good start.) And it would be even simpler for someone with access to advanced technology to release ONE gadget into the world that could be patented and the money from the patents would cover Darryl and his children's expenses INDEFINITELY and Darryl could focus on doing a better job in photoshop instead of trying to get people to give him money.

The thing is, the chip on your shoulder may fascinate you, but it seems to use up a disproportionate amount of oxygen. Like there's no way to have any conversation without answering your riddles or we get knocked off the bridge. You did notice that I was addressing someone else when you got in my face, right?
Homie. If you think that I'm in your face it's only because you've never had someone in your face.

I'm being very calm. I took the time to do research on Bashar since you brought it up. And I am reporting my findings.

Nobody is forcing you to read or respond to my posts. Nobody's in your face.

Anybody who reads my responses in this thread in an angry tone of voice is making a mistake. I am simply participating in this conversation for fun and on the off chance that someone will show some actual evidence.

I don't know any other way to say how little interest I have in having the ego based discussion you insist on. I guess I can go back to ignoring this thread.
If you really had no interest in an ego based discussion that I most certainly do not insist on, you would have simply gone back to ignoring this thread, instead of taking the time to tell us you were going to go back to ignoring the thread.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice

I've not asked anyone to "believe in" anything at all. I've asked to discuss certain ideas and concepts, request declined until proof of something I'm not asserting is presented. Call it insulted if you want, I just find the whole thing really tedious.

Believe or don't believe whatever you want, I really don't care. I'd like it if that same courtesy could be extended back to me. I suspect it won't be.

If you want to discuss ideas regardless of proof, start a thread and link everybody to it.

This discussion has been going on about ALIENS.

I was discussing Bashar because you have brought him up 3 times as an example of an alien.

You DID read the part where I told you "take wisdom where you find it", right?

If it teaches you something about your life... who cares where it comes from. But if you say it came from an alien, well, that's a testable hypothesis, and this is the "Aliens, yay or nay" thread, not the "Let's all smoke the peace pipe and discuss philosophy" thread.

If you're getting offended, you are approaching the conversation from the wrong direction.


Active member
I believe in aliens, but I believe lt ripley killed the queen. When sigeney weaver and chuck Norris die it'll be a sad day for humanity.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This poll shows about 82 percent believe aliens are out there. I think most people are able to accept the likelihood of superior intelligence aliens actually being present on Earth.

You made a big leap. Most people here have admitted that they think that life is probably "out there". Even *I* have admitted that. What most of us DON'T believe is that the life "out there" wherever it may be is aware of us and interacting with us and physically flying around our planet interacting with people.

If you want to convince me that they are, please provide some evidence. NExt time they contact you... bring a couple of video cameras and shoot multiple angles of the visit. GoPro makes a pretty nice HD camera that's water proof and can even take 3D footage.

Since majority rules the skeptics will just have to admit that they actually fall into a group of wild eyed skeptics who prefer to ridicule others than actually think for themselves.
Heh. This whole statement is just wrong, but the last part is actually funny.

Majority rules? When it comes to what reality is? Have to beg to differ. The majority of humans believe in some kind of God, yet no evidence of God exists, so God is not taught in classrooms or mentioned in science texts. What makes it into science books is EVIDENCE.

dogs are smarter than people.
How come I keep catching my dog when she's doing something she's not supposed to? Shouldn't she be outwitting me?
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Active member
Yeah, the puppet shows that we may all be in for a shock.

Reality probably isn't what you imagine. Humans have always been wrong in their explanations for wrong about everything really.

Ask yourself what you will do when faced with an alien beckoning you to enter it's spacecraft for a ride. As for myself the choice would be easy. As long as I can bring my wife and dogs the answer is yes but no dog means no ride.

Truth is that I am not much of a follower and I rarely go along with anyone elses big ideas so once the aliens are in charge I may start a revolution.

How could they be as dumb as us?

Bog, is your real name John Conner? Or go scottish, They may take our lives but they'll never take our bogbubble!!


Look. You said Bashar is from an advanced alien species.

No, I said he purports to be.

I also said that for me, it doesn't matter who he is, remember? That's when you said taking wisdom where one finds it, then launched back into how full of shit he is. And the point where I find myself saying this is full circle to tedium.

If Bashar is just Darryl doing some performance art piece, well that rocks IMHO. If that's the case, he's obviously put in a huge amount of thought and effort, and come up with a wealth of really interesting ideas for me to mull over.

The idea that he should have to find some other profession to work at (which actually he does, he's involved in film) and should only be able to do the Bashar thing as a hobby, that's a whole separate conversation. I disagree completely that if he asks for money for his time that he's automatically full of shit.

Also disagree that if Bashar is who he says he is, he should offer proof. I totally get not being invested in external approval, YMMV.
Why should he (or anyone) prove anything to you (or anyone)? I asked that a while back.

(My 6 unsolvable math problems would be a good start.)

I'm just really and truly not invested in that either way, don't know any other way to put that. Again I suggest you ask him about it. People ask him a lot of questions that I'm not interested in.

Homie. If you think that I'm in your face it's only because you've never had someone in your face.

All due respect, you don't know anything about me or what I have or have not experienced. I'm a middle-aged woman with PTSD, FYI. I tend to limit my interaction. I'm not angry or offended or whatever other emotions have been attributed to me.

Nobody is forcing you to read or respond to my posts. Nobody's in your face.

Well, you know, I was speaking to someone else when you went right back to your original position. I was just hoping that maybe we could have a conversation about ideas that haven't necessarily been vetted scientifically, simply on their own merits.

I have no interest in whether or not ships, blah blah, whatever. None at all. But it's wrong of me to wish people would stop arguing about it if that's what they're interested in.

If you really had no interest in an ego based discussion that I most certainly do not insist on,

Wait, so is it OK if people discuss things here that you think are bullshit? They don't have to meet the threshold of scientific proof to toss an idea around? If so, I have several ideas I'd like to discuss.

you would have simply gone back to ignoring this thread, instead of taking the time to tell us you were going to go back to ignoring the thread.

Right again. Sorry to have attempted to derail with a different exchange of ideas, carry on. As I said before, maybe I should start a different thread just for kicking around ideas about consciousness and re-imagining society, that may be more appropriate if people just really want to argue and I don't.

That said, I am quite a fan of science and do understand your overall frustration. I just don't think that science needs to underpin every single thought in my head every minute of the day.

<3 Tesla


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Aaaah, the good old "ordinary minds talk about people, interesting minds talk about events, special/intelligent minds talk about ideas" :artist:

I guess, I always thought of it more as a bunch of friends with a nice buzz discussing things that are interesting. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have to disagree with that. Why should the pursuit of one sort of art be done only as a hobby? If I've benefited from the time and effort someone else, why would reciprocating ruin the whole thing?

<3 Tesla

Because it begs the question of what was the true motive, to help people or to benefit yourself? Now if one waited until the person benefiting actually feels as though they have benefited and then asked for something in the way of compensation for leading one to that benefit then perhaps that's not so bad. I wonder if someone contributes to the Bashar web page and then doesn't feel they have benefited would the people behind the web site provide full reimbursement?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
The majority of humans believe in some kind of God, yet no evidence of God exists, so God is not taught in classrooms or mentioned in science texts. What makes it into science books is EVIDENCE.

Unless you live in Texas:biggrin:


Because it begs the question of what was the true motive, to help people or to benefit yourself?

This is such an odd turn for this conversation to take. Before I address that, let me touch on the part that's actually very interesting to me.

Like Bashar (and Buddhist teachings, and others) I don't believe in objective reality. I believe that all "reality" is subjective. I believe that there is only one thing, with infinite variety of expression. There is only one life, and we are all sharing it.

Thus other people and situations are neither positive or negative; they are neutral. They have only the meaning we assign to them.

So the whole "helping people" thing is a bit of a boondoggle. Not that we shouldn't engage in compassion -- that's my daily quest. But it's not quite exactly on the mark, as opposed to confronting oneself as a means of bettering the world.

Again, I don't really care what his motives are. I'm looking at the information presented. Is it useful? Yes/no.

Who he is or why he's saying these things make no difference to me, as I'm not harmed by considering them, nor am I being manipulated for his benefit. I don't consider making a video and then asking people to pay if they want to own it predatory. (Also note people post hours and hours of his material on You Tube for free, and I've never seen one of them pulled due to copyright like many other videos are.)

Now if one waited until the person benefiting actually feels as though they have benefited and then asked for something in the way of compensation for leading one to that benefit then perhaps that's not so bad. I wonder if someone contributes to the Bashar web page and then doesn't feel they have benefited would the people behind the web site provide full reimbursement?

Well, I can tell you from my own experience -- I teach Reiki. [And yes, merciful baby Jeebus I know that isn't scientifically proven, please, please, please, I don't give a shit that people won't approve.]

I started out just doing it for free, or for whatever people wanted to donate, because I thought it was such a great thing and wanted to share it freely. What I discovered was that I attracted people who really didn't care that much about it, had the money but didn't feel it was worth paying for. I found that disrespectful -- not so much to me, but to the teaching I was conveying.

At that point I started charging. People had to place some value on it or go elsewhere. Sometimes people balked at paying for it, and I directed them to where they could get the training free from someone else.

I also had a few students who I taught, and then they didn't pay me. I had one who did the first part of the training and it was not what he thought it would be, or he didn't like it, or whatever. He hadn't paid me anything yet, and I didn't ask him to, nor did I ever contact him again. He does retain the training I gave him, though -- that's for life. Once it's done, it's done.

That's OK; me receiving payment isn't so much about me having money in my pocket as demanding a certain degree of investment before I share something so important to me. It's about respect, and insisting that people pony up if they want to participate.

And yes, I know in advance that many people feel that it's bullshit, thanks in advance for not sharing. I promise not to chase you around and thrust Reiki at you.

<3 Tesla