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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Okay it's about time we got some proof up in this joint. :)






If you claim to have a baseball... this is within a normal human being's experience. It doesn't require extraordinary evidence. Many people would be willing to believe without evidence.

If you claim to have Excalibur, and that it was given to you by the lady of the lake... this is not within a normal human's experience. It requires extraordinary evidence. Most people will not be willing to believe you without some pretty convincing evidence.

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I keep saying the same things over and over because of the way people are responding to what I am saying. It is not clear at all that everyone in this thread gets the evidence part.

the bold writing is where i think we dont se eye to eye. because if you cant se or imagine beyond human experience then off course alien visiting earth is extreme and allmost impossible to consider.

If one only can imagine or fail to openly think that the human experience is absolute. then one cant really evolve IMO


HK: but can they maneuver like the people that exp these sightings say they can
and btw LOL at the ugly hybrid saucer planes


Re: Aliens, yay or nay?

If one only can imagine or fail to openly think that the human experience is absolute. then one can really evolve IMO

Flexibility leads to infinite perception.

"There are no limits. There are only plateaus." -bruce lee

A more receptive position for positive evolution. Broaden the experience and gaze.

Rigidity, and paradigms allow perception of infinite too. Only way to win at a game is to not play by the rules.


the bold writing is where i think we dont se eye to eye. because if you cant se or imagine beyond human experience then off course alien visiting earth is extreme and allmost impossible to consider.

If one only can imagine or fail to openly think that the human experience is absolute. then one cant really evolve IMO

it should have said: If one fail to imagine or only think that human experience is absolute. then ect.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
thats all very well but there is no way to mistake those airplanes for space ships. what people relate seeing is normally a round ball or saucer shape, more recently some gigantic triangle shapes are described too. but those things in the pics are clearly air planes, what ever angle you see them from there is no making them round.
If you look at the U2, the SR71, the B2 , directly looking at it head on you get something that looks very much like a saucer viewed edge on. Obviously, I'm talking about pilots here. The link I want to put in from Google images wont work due to the website taking to long to respond, but google SR71, go to images and look towards the right of the page about 7 pics down. You get a similar effect from the U2 and B2. The B2 is even more striking. Here is a side view of the B2 stealth bomber.

And from the front
http://accomthailand.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/artstealthbombergi.jpg Imagine seeing that in the sky, no landing gear visible.

Here is the SR71, imagine you are pilot seeing this a few miles away, no landing gear visible


Tell me now that you would not be forgiven for seeing a flying saucer in these amazing(and terrifying) bits of human engineering.

Also, does the US military still routinely give pilots Meth???

Again, let me be clear I believe life elsewhere in the universe is highly probable, I just haven't ever seen anything to convince me that we have been visited.
I saw a hot air balloon at night when I was tripping once, it was only when it was directly overhead that we could tell it was a balloon, for a few minutes I thought I was witnessing a spaceship.
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Active member
we've got to look at both sides objectively, but it is agreed that around the world theres is a higher percentage that believe there are aliens.

There seems to be countless evidence to prove there existence and even the Vatican had to change its views an admit theres life within the universe. Little grey men or humoids that look like you and I or just bacteria. If its the latter this still has huge implications for the human race, we all need to wake up a little. peace yall

we've got to look at both sides objectively, but it is agreed that around the world theres is a higher percentage that believe there are aliens.

There seems to be countless evidence to prove there existence and even the Vatican had to change its views an admit theres life within the universe. Little grey men or humoids that look like you and I or just bacteria. If its the latter this still has huge implications for the human race, we all need to wake up a little. peace yall


Can you post some of this countless evidence i have yet to see any, cheers:tumbleweed: and do yourself a favour and don't look to the Vatican for the truth about anything lol


Well-known member
Complex extraterrestrial life certainly exists. To think otherwise would be incredibly arrogant.

UFO's on the other hand, most probably do not exist and/or are man made, perhaps even holographic. If complex life is determined to explore the galaxy they would most likely be robots or a mix of of organic and tech similar to the Borg where they would be able to survive long periods of time in space.


Well-known member
U.F.O- Unidentified Flying Object. This is a very broad term which can describe anything from birds, space debris, meteorites, experimental aircraft, drones, airplanes, model airplanes, events deep in space like gamma-ray bursts, comets and stars, satellites, the international space station, ect. The term U.F.O to me is a temporary label slapped on an object until that object has been identified. Now there are objects that are categorized as "U.F.O" that after further investigation cannot be explained. Of course there is always a percentage of these U.F.O's that lack visual evidence to fully identify a known object and these remain unexplained. But there is also a percentage of U.F.O's that have plenty of recorded visual evidence that display objects moving at tremendous rates of speed and maneuver in ways that seem to break the laws of physics as we know them. Our species is far from understanding the true nature of the universe and reality we are experiencing. We aren't at that higher level of consciousness yet. We are being held back mentally and spiritually as a species by a society that has been purposely setup to keep your mind in a box.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
the bold writing is where i think we dont se eye to eye. because if you cant se or imagine beyond human experience then off course alien visiting earth is extreme and allmost impossible to consider.

I can CONSIDER it all day long. What I can't do is BELIEVE IN IT without evidence! What's so hard to understand here?

If one only can imagine or fail to openly think that the human experience is absolute. then one cant really evolve IMO
One is not doing this. One is asking for evidence to substantiate claims before one believes in them. As most people do in their everyday lives.

If you say to me, "Look outside... there's a bird!"

I believe you. I don't need to look.

If you say to me, "Look outside... there's a dinosaur!"

I don't believe you. I'm going to ask several followup questions unless I happen to be right next to a window. If there's a window, I will look out but will not BELIEVE it's a dinosaur until I see the T-Rex (or whatever) in the parking lot.


i get what you are saying just dont get why you continue to say the same shit over and over. personaly i dont give a fuck if you believe.

but what i do give a fuck about is you are talk down to folks that have seen em and concluded it is not of this earth, by comparing it to unicorns.


Well-known member
I find it funny but not surprising considering the mental conditioning we are put through that most people have an idea of what an extraterrestrial space craft would look like. The image of what these alien crafts are supposed to look like has been burned into your mind by hollywood, the corporate controlled mass media and the education system. All of these institutions played a roll in shaping our perceptions of reality.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I find it funny but not surprising considering the mental conditioning we are put through that most people have an idea of what an extraterrestrial space craft would look like. The image of what these alien crafts are supposed to look like has been burned into your mind by hollywood, the corporate controlled mass media and the education system. All of these institutions played a roll in shaping our perceptions of reality.

Right, and we all know what they sound like too- a Theremin! LOL!



Andinismo Hierbatero
It leaves us with the possibility that it is an unknown human flying technology or a mirage or a misfiring of their brain or a lie or maybe, on the extreme edge, some kind of extraterrestrial flying technology.

lets take my woman's and my sighting as example to see whether or not your possible explanations hold any weight:

1.unknown human flying technology: this happened in Venezuela, where the government can't even provide electricity to the whole nation despite the fact that it has one of the biggest hydro-electric plants in the world. So no, it definitely was not a secret technology of the government.

2.mirage: you need to prove with credible and satisfactory evidence that people regularly see mirages in the Venezuelan Andes.

3.misfiring of the brain: first define what it is, then show conclusive and satisfactory evidence that such does indeed cause people to see silver spheres flying from south-western direction towards north-eastern direction really fast and completely silent.

4.lie: you can believe I'm lying, no question about it, but can you present conclusive evidence of such? if not, it's your word against my woman's and my word.

5. extraterrestrial technology: since I can easily discard any of the above, what does that leave us with?



Andinismo Hierbatero
some people do not even call them UFOs, but EVCs = Extraterrestrial Visitation Crafts


so lets stop with the shallow semantic game of: "you don't know since UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object blah blah blah"....

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