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Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter over “Rust” death

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm pretty sure she did NOT know someone was going to shoot a gun at her. Of course she has no responsibility.

I'm pretty sure she should have.

A cinematographer is expected to understand and organize every scene.

Let me ask you if you would check the gun yourself if you were supposed to be behind the camera for the shot?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I think we all need to take into account the MILLIONS of blank rounds (I'm guessing but probably not far off) used by the film industry globally every year and for the most part safely. Television is littered with shows with firearms being used in a safe manner to film entertainment. It's a common place thing in the film industry as an entire encompassing group, globally, to use firearms , blanks, explosives and pyrotechnics in a safe manner. We don't often hear of these mishaps in the North American film industry because these things are highly regulated for safety.
These people being discussed here are a rare exception to the normal safety standards.
"If" the firearm was taken by baldwin during a break from shooting the film and he used or permitted it's use for target shooting live ammo by himself or others..... he is responsible, culpable and guilty of gross negligence. I don't know how the USA breaks down such charges but to me it is 100% negligent behavior that resulted in the death of one and the wounding of another. So Negligent Homicide, Involuntary Manslaughter........ if the shoe fits..... Baldwin should be wearing it and so should the armorer.


Well-known member
I think we all need to take into account the MILLIONS of blank rounds (I'm guessing but probably not far off) used by the film industry globally every year and for the most part safely. Television is littered with shows with firearms being used in a safe manner to film entertainment. It's a common place thing in the film industry as an entire encompassing group, globally, to use firearms , blanks, explosives and pyrotechnics in a safe manner. We don't often hear of these mishaps in the North American film industry because these things are highly regulated for safety.
These people being discussed here are a rare exception to the normal safety standards.
"If" the firearm was taken by baldwin during a break from shooting the film and he used or permitted it's use for target shooting live ammo by himself or others..... he is responsible, culpable and guilty of gross negligence. I don't know how the USA breaks down such charges but to me it is 100% negligent behavior that resulted in the death of one and the wounding of another. So Negligent Homicide, Involuntary Manslaughter........ if the shoe fits..... Baldwin should be wearing it and so should the armorer.
lots of this


Well-known member
Some people should never be in control of firearms. It appears that there were many of those people on that movie set.

Firearms are tools of death and should be treated as such. There is absolutely no excuse for being so lax with safety protocols. It's rather telling that a group of crew members walked off the set the day of the incident due to work conditions and safety concerns.

Guns don't kill people. People with guns do. And in this case, stupid people with guns actually did.


Well-known member

A gun is a tool of death but it takes a person to use it for that purpose. A screwdriver is a tool as well but without human input it can do nothing. A smart person uses tools to build. A smart person uses a firearm for self defense, hunting, and sports like crap shooting and targets.

What I'm saying is that stupid people do stupid things that can cause death and injury with all kinds of weapons and devices unintentionally due to a variety of reasons. Idiots with fireworks kill people and do damage every year. There are more guns in the United States than people. Guns are not walking around killing people on their own. It takes a person to make that gun kill.

If proper safety protocols had been followed that gun would not have been the instrument of death that it became. Everything leading up to that fatal moment was caused by someone not doing what they needed to do.

A butter knife can be just as lethal as a firearm. Dead is dead regardless of what instrument a person used to cause the death. People have been killed with 2x4's. They will kill people but only if someone is using it for that purpose or is negligent in some way. It's the person in control that causes the end result.

I feel sorry for that poor woman and her family for that easily avoidable tragedy caused by human failure. It shouldn't have happened and was easily avoidable if People had just done what they were supposed to do.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I feel sorry for that poor woman and her family for that easily avoidable tragedy caused by human failure. It shouldn't have happened and was easily avoidable if People had just done what they were supposed to do.

Do you feel anything for Mr. Baldwin and his family or is he just one of those stupid people?


Well-known member
Do you feel anything for Mr. Baldwin and his family or is he just one of those stupid people?

I feel sorry for Mr. Baldwins family for having to go through this due to being family members and unable to avoid the disruption to their lives. I know nothing of their competence or intelligence but I do know that they played no part in the incompetence exhibited by Mr. Baldwin himself.


Well-known member
The part that I get foggy with is exactly when it became the instrument of death that it became.

It became the instrument of death the moment the armorer neglected her duties and Baldwin allowed morons to play with the guns and target shoot on the set with live rounds.

I've been around guns for decades. I'm no expert but I'm extremely safe. What transpired was a complete failure of oversight and responsibility.

It became the instrument of death as soon as it came into possession of stupid people.


Funny how the people with the most posts in this thread are the ones who claim a lot of experience........ to the point of being a smith yet plainly show their lack of knowledge with nearly every post.
If Baldwin's lucky he will get you as his jury cuz you all don't know shit about Pietta made 1873 revolvers.
Start here then move on the the metallurgical results and test results for the firearm in question.

"In August 2022, FBI forensic testing and investigation of the firearm determined the Pietta . 45 Long Colt Single Action Army revolver could not have been fired without a trigger pull from a quarter cocked, half-cocked, or fully cocked hammer position."
That quote if from a actual group of certified smiths in regard to the exact firearm used.


Well-known member
"In August 2022, FBI forensic testing and investigation of the firearm determined the Pietta . 45 Long Colt Single Action Army revolver could not have been fired without a trigger pull from a quarter cocked, half-cocked, or fully cocked hammer position."
That quote if from a actual group of certified smiths in regard to the exact firearm used.
now who are u going to believe ..... some fbi expert/s , or baldy??? - why would baldy lie ...saying he never pulled the trigger....