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AJ' Sour Diesel info


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I’d love to hear the same. Can someone please enlighten us? Also they say it's so sensitive and hard to grow and will lock up over the smallest issues.


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Im going to be getting a clone of this, and wanted to start a thread like this, but was worried I would be asking a noob question. It is supposedly the original sour diesel cut, and I have also heard about the difficulty to balance its feedings.
Has anyone grown this specific cut or smoked any? What makes it different from the ECSD cut? How rare is it supposed to be? I appreciate any info anyone has. Peace

Grew it this outdoor season nothing special far as bag appeal but its something special when smoked....

Not as loud tasteing as some other sd ive grown but totally tastey enough and dam this stuff smokes super smooth loveing the upbeat high. Imo its killer i'll grow it again:tiphat:


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Good shit is that the AJ cut? I heard the same but they say that at about the best OG's, Tk, most sativa's , etc. I thought the taste is supposed to be up there with the loudest. Here's 2 clones. I got one in mother mode also smelling like skunk on the tips.

I can't upload it ATM but here's an old "regular" maybe ECSD I grew a while back.
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Nice flowers. I grew it last indoor run and its... sour d. Not different than the sour d that we used to grow (ecad). there's a pretty wide breadth of what you get out of sour from grow to grow as well when its harvested. I mentioned this on another thread, but a friend had the terp profiles analyzed on 3 different sour cut including the Aj and one from 06 and they were the same. good luck with her.
Nice flowers. I grew it last indoor run and its... sour d. Not different than the sour d that we used to grow (ecad). there's a pretty wide breadth of what you get out of sour from grow to grow as well when its harvested. I mentioned this on another thread, but a friend had the terp profiles analyzed on 3 different sour cut including the Aj and one from 06 and they were the same. good luck with her.

I think your right on the money with wide breadth thing...

Ive grown three different SD cuts and honestly i believe they could of all been the same mother/cut just my local weather and homemade compost im growing them in is putting its mark on flower appearance and amount of terps or flavor. All the SD ive grown has been top quality pot... This season its awesomely smooth i can hold in big deep draws compared to past grows. Not as strong a flavor or quit as pretty as ive grown her in the past but same killer high pretty and tastey enough to do again or recomend for sure!:tiphat:

Here's a 1/8 cali sungrown 100% organic done buy yours truely:biggrin:

Stonehedge out!


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I'm flowering AJ right now, I also have Chemdog's ECSD cut from 06 in veg. So time will tell, but from what has been said on IG they are both from Chem 91 bagseed but from 2 different NY crews 1 found by AJ and the Sour Diesel aka ECSD found by Catskills crew.


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Just going to paste this here so it is saved after JJ takes down his IG post about the origins of the great breeding project of Sour Diesel went down...lol I guess AJ, JJ, Wiesel never thought the Catskills guys would go online.

growmoremids@kloppglass I’m beginning to think that you are talking about a completely different plant than the Sour that I know. Now, I can’t really say what exactly transpired after I left NY in the fall of 96, but I certainly know what went down before. It seems that the upstate side of the story has been largely omitted from the general narrative — so here I am to try and shed some light. First. This was a series of happy accidents coupled with an equal number of unfortunate events. Sour was not intentionally bred. Secondly, Sour is not the daughter of Chem, she is the grand-daughter. Let me explain...

growmoremidsThis all started in the early 90’s... Chem made her way to NYC. There was a group of us who were all brought together because of a shared love of the Grateful Dead, glass and good weed. Around this time the Chem started making her rounds... no one liked the name “Chem” and we collectively began referring to her as the Diesel. Diesel started of as a descriptive for anything we would pay $500+ an ounce for, to which the Chem/Diesel became the defacto standard. I was fortunate to have access and was lucky to collect a bean here and there when they would mysteriously end up at the bottom of a jar. Even though I wasn’t gardening at the time, I had the foresight to collect the beans. By the time it came to put the seeds in the dirt, whose to say how many different Chem crops my small purse of seeds came from. So whose the daddy? That is the million dollar question. And one I believe to be unanswerable without the help of science.

growmoremidsIt wasn’t until the winter of 94-95 that these seeds were germinated. Swell and I got a place in upstate NY to start our first garden. I was supposed to get a Chem cut after I brought back a bunch of seeds from Amsterdam for my friend with the Chem; but you can guess how that went. No cut for you! Instead he gave me some RFK beans and some Kyle Kushman’s PK beans. Thank you!!!Fortunately, we had collected those Chem bag seeds. Out of the dozen or so seeds, only 3-4 made it to finish to which the #2 was selected as the keeper and revegged. The others were either hermed the f out or meh. But not the #2, she was a beaut. And what would you know— more happy accidents, seeds in the #2! So whose the daddy here? We can limit this to only a handful of potential donors. The RFK’s were banana factories. If I saw that shit today, it would get culled with a quickness... back then we didn’t know any better. The Chem seeds all showed hermed tendencies too... not quite like the RFK banana factories, but enough to notice. There were herm tendencies noticed in the #2 as well... so maybe these beans were selfed? It is certainly within the realm of possibility. Personally, I feel like the RFK is the responsible party...

growmoremidsThe seeds from #2 were put away until winter of 95-96 when one of the homies came back to the east coast wanting to start a garden. I helped get his garden set up, gave him some cuts and a bag of beans labeled, “Our Diesel”, to which he added the “S” in front of the “our”for all the sour folks out there! Nothing to do with the smell, and everything to do with the play on words.
This is how THE Sour Diesel came to be. All others are just a lights ;)


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I'm flowering AJ right now, I also have Chemdog's ECSD cut from 06 in veg. So time will tell, but from what has been said on IG they are both from Chem 91 bagseed but from 2 different NY crews 1 found by AJ and the Sour Diesel aka ECSD found by Catskills crew.

I’m curious to see how they compare. I’m flowering a cut now I got as sour diesel 06.
I had the cut from Aeroguerrilla, it was definitely another level. Sadly I didn’t take clones and I think he got knocked. Still have the cherry pie though


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AG, your sour is coming along great! Long bottom.. she’s a beast!

Love me some AJ. She’d probably be perfect at 10 weeks. I️ had to take her a couple days early.
She drinks a ton.. more than her friends that were sharing a drip line, so early on mine both dried out and locked up. The foliage never looked the same but the nuggetry turned out fantastic.

Her nose is much like her mother’s with just an extra layer of citrus. To me it isn’t a specific citrus, not particularly grapefruits or orange, or lime, just sour. The nose isn’t the loudest. It was outcompeted in my run by corey

She’s funky and gassy. And you definitely smell Chem at the forefront.

As has been said, it’s not her nose but her smoke. It tastes great sure.. but it’s the buzz. It hits you quick and takes you way up.

I️ understand her story as was posted earlier. The original diesel (and it’s many other names) was accidentally pollinated to create the seeds from which AJ was found.
I’ll round up a couple pics


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The real deal sourd and ecsd are nothing alike in my opinion. Sourd d is funky sour skunky herb. Ecsd is more on the sweet somewhat fuely side. Sourd is in your face herb. Ecsd isn’t nearly as smelly or in my opinion tasty

i agree ^^^ the Sour D that i had a long time ago & am familiar with and want back is the one that was going around Central NYS in the Mid 2000's ...i dont remember anything sweet or citrus ...it had a biting sour taste & incredibly strong weed ... it was funky sour skunky & earthy and it had good vigor, grew really well , rooted easy...had everything and yielded good

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