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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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[SIZE=+4]Does A Satanic Cult
Rule The World?
[SIZE=+1]By Henry Makow PhD

[SIZE=+1]"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The "Maryland Sniper" is on everyone's mind.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]In March, Svali, an ex-Illuminati mind controller wrote:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]"There is a lot more going on in the suburbs around Washington, DC than most people realize," She described how the Illuminati cult brainwashed and trained people to become assassins. http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/2001/05/0507.html[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Has the mainstream media suggested a possible link to this cult? Do I need to ask?[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]In Svali's words, "who do you think owns AOL-Time Warner?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]To date, 12 people have been hit. Will the sniper stop at 13? Thirteen is a significant number in Freemasonry, which is an Illuminati vehicle. Thirteen represents Christ and his 12 disciples. The number signifies their scorn and hatred for Christianity.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The "Maryland sniper," (like September 11 and the "War on Terror") appear designed to traumatize and manipulate the public. I'm guessing that the sniper's "purpose" is to build a case for gun control and domestic involvement by the military.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Did you know that a "terrorist" started the First World War by killing the heir to the Austrian throne? The terrorist was a Freemason. Most wars are engineered by the Illuminati to weaken civilization and create a global police state, the "New World Order."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]We need to see current events in a new way. The conflict is NOT between countries or religions or "civilizations." [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The conflict is between the people and most of our "leaders" -- government, media, religion, education and business who owe their position to this extremely powerful and evil cult. They are traitors.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Who is the Illuminati? We are still living off the twilight rays of Western Civilization, which was based on Christianity. Civilization is always based on a religion, an ideal. Christ taught that God is Immanent and His Plan is to manifest Himself through His Creation. We must do His will rather than pursue our own selfish desires. Kings derived their authority from God and were answerable to Him.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Jewish Pharisees rejected Christ. They practised a naturalistic religion that turned Christ's message on its head. Man is God, rules the universe, and defines reality. We can indulge our desires. Dating back to Zoroastrianism, the Jewish Cabala reverses the roles of God and Lucifer and embraces occult symbols, rituals and blood sacrifices.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]This is the Cosmic Struggle between Spirit and Matter: God will be Immanent; Matter will resist. This is the conflict between God (the view that man is unfinished, and dependent on Divine revelation) and Lucifer (man is already god.)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Cabalists secretly dedicated themselves to destroying Christianity and Western civilization. In 1773 Amschel Mayer Rothschild convened a meeting of 12 prominent Jewish bankers and other prominent Jewish personalities and submitted a programme to level the social order using the contradictory promise of "liberty" and "equality." In 1776, they had Adam Weishaupt organize the Order of the Illuminati, which merged with Freemasonry in 1782. Freemasonry is Cabala and, in the words of Andre Krylienko, (The Red Thread) it was "launched for the purpose of enlisting non-Jews consciously or unconsciously in the service of Jewry." (p.93)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Illuminati was behind the revolutionary movements of the 18th -- 20th Century as well as their respective reigns of terror. The bankers used their power to spread their Satanic convictions. They had finagled a monopoly on credit (usurping the government's right to create money) and they needed to control the world in order to protect this prize.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Their influence on world history can be seen in the story of the red hexagram, commonly known as the "Star of David." According to researcher (Fritz Springmeier,) the Star of David was not associated with Jews until the Rothschilds adopted it as their symbol in 1822. The Rothschilds were considered the leaders of the Jews but I don't know if the Jews knew the Rothschilds were Satanists. The Star of David is really "The Seal of Solomon," an occult symbol for the Satanic. Solomon worshipped the star "Astoreth." http://www.wealth4freedom.com/Rothschild2.html[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The red hexagram became the symbol of two Rothschild-Illuminati creations, Soviet Russia and Israel. It may explain why both dreams have turned sour. Soviet Communism was created to destroy Tsarist Russia and build the "New World Order." Israel is supposed to become the capital and religious seat of the new Masonic world government.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Before we feel smug, the Great Seal of the United States is also a Masonic symbol. According to Eustace Mullins, the top of the pyramid is missing to indicate that they have not yet put into operation the final stages of their conspiracy. "The eye represents that Great Architect of the Universe, a cabalist concept; it is enclosed in a triangle which is the symbol of magic. The thirteen steps refer to Satan, Belial and rebellion..." (The Curse of Canaan, 141) The inscription "Novo Ordo Seclorum" means "New Secular Order."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Mullins says the leading international bankers were motivated by freemasonry: "From the year 1776, Freemasonry has been an omnipresent international government operating treasonably from within the United States, and it has exercised those powers ever since." (140)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Without fanfare, Freemasonry is being introduced as the New World Religion. We are being brainwashed with it every day. So you need to know that:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]+Freemasonry is a religion that believes Lucifer is the "God of light and God of good, struggling for humanity against Adonay, God of darkness and evil." [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]+It is a secret society that demands adherents swear blind obedience on pain of death before they even know what it represents.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]+It practises deception. It reserves its truths for the adept; the initiate is "intentionally mislead by false interpretations." [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]+It preaches "tolerance" and the universality of all religions in order to negate them all. Christianity is especially abjured. "Universality does not mean Christianity." (Quotes from Masonic Texts from Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation pp.120-140)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Freemasonry is taught to your child. For example, a survey of schools in my city shows that 75% no longer use the word "Christmas" to describe their holiday season festivities. Instead Christmas has been replaced with such jargon as "winter concerts" and "international celebration of holidays."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Christmas tree at the Legislature was renamed "multicultural tree" until a storm of protest forced the politicians to relent.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]"We have to abandon our culture in order to respect everyone else's? It's kind of silly." one parent complained.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]But this is exactly the agenda: To destroy Christianity, just as they have destroyed empires, nations, heterosexual identities and nuclear families. The agenda is to strip people of power and identity leaving us defenceless in the face of one-world tyranny.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The lesson of this story is that God is indispensable. He is Reality. We cannot deny Him without denying the principle of our own fulfillment. A secular world order is prey to the devil. This is impasse we are in. We are ruled by a Satanic cult.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Some things we can do: 1) boycott the mass media; 2) "out" politicians, teachers and media figures who are pushing the freemason agenda; 3) refuse to hate other people or fight other countries; 4) celebrate the things the Masons hate nationhood (internationalism causes war) heterosexual identities, nuclear families, Christianity and God.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]_____[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Henry Makow, Ph.D is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the New World Order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He welcomes comments at [email protected][/SIZE]


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild Silver Bear Cafe

The "Illuminati" was a name used by a German sect that existed in the 18th century. They practiced the occult, and professed to possess the 'light' that Lucifer had retained when he became Satan.

In an attempt to document the origins of an secret organization which has evolved into a mastodonic nightmare, successfully creating and controlling a shadow government that supercedes several national governments, and in whose hands now lay the destiny of the world, one must carefully retrace its history. The lengths to which this organization has gone to create the political machinery, and influence public sentiment to the degree necessary to propel its self-perpetuating prophecy, are, quite frankly, mind boggling. Yet the facts provide for the undeniable truth of its existence.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, brought about the decimation of the U.S. Constitution and was the determining act of the international financiers in consolidating financial power in the United States. Pierre Jay, Initiated into the "Order of Skull and Bones" in 1892, became the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. A dozen members of the Federal Reserve can be linked to the same "Order."


Active member
I know its hard to get on the Illuminati conspiracy boat when it ends in a trip with aliens and reptillians from the forth dimension... but thats the only way you can make sense of this world we have inherited. Even the wealthy who have the power are victims of a system designed many ages ago. Its just harder for them to let go.

Blame the aliens. Blame the reptillians. Don't blame the rich. You gotta figure a way out to get through to them. Is there any hope?


Active member

The so called Illuminati is the industrialist and banker cabal that pretty much control the world’s financial system ..they have created all the financial meltdowns for a long time ..it’s all a fixed game where nothing happens by accident.

They also create ‘synthetic wars’ ..meaning they start wars with ‘false flag’-events like 9/11 was = they blew up the WTC towers with nano-thermite (and possibly with some heavier explosives).

The New World Order is a plan where All the Royals of the world will be replaced with bankers = the Old World Order (kings and emperors etc.) will be replaces with the NOW (bankers, industrialists, intellectuals etc.)

They funded the Nazis and they funded Bolsheviks and Stalin ..they were behind Mao and so on..
They funded the arms buildup of Soviet Union so that they even could have the Cold War against US.

They have also concealed Free Energy technology from humanity, which was invented first by Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago...Tesla is also the explanation behind the “UFO phenomena” ..ufos are manmade, there are no aliens visiting this planet.

The illuminati uses a lot of propaganda about themselves ..like that they are reptilian-blood line, or some special divine-blood line ..these are all lies to wrap the very ordinary people in to this “smoke of myth”.
..there are no Reptilian shape shifters on Earth, nor is there any other ET-human hybrids.

Now when it comes to the Hollywood and the music world ..like these talks that Lady Gaga is an illuminati mind control slave and Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati ..these are not true ..alot of music stars put on the clothes that their stylists give them ..and yes there is a lot of occult symbology on their clothes, but they are not themselves occultists and prolly don’t even know what is going on, and/or treat it as a big joke.

But sure, The illuminati owns the music world and can/do tell people to make these pop stars wear this stuff ..but this is all a side show. and one of it’s agenda is to create more myth that they are these all powerful Satanist who are connected to the Devil, or something.

Sure the Illuminati are into occultism and have been for hundreds and hundreds of years ..but most of them are “slaves” to the same occult lore, and don’t know themselves that much about it. There ain’t no Devil or Satan ..and there is no God as bible or any other human religion presents these things.

Sure the Illuminati do use human sacrifices, but this is more to create this satanic myth, and influence (inspire) satan worshiping morons to kill people and be lunatic torturing Satanists, cause it creates more chaos into this world, which the rest of the humanity then have to deal with …and this all gives them more room to breathe.
The stories of human sacrifice also assure that many people in high places don’t wanna go against these people. But cause these people own over 50% of world’s wealth and owns every top politician and judge in the world, putting these people out of business is very, very difficult.

Here are links to very interesting lectures and documentaries about the real deal and not the reptilian-myth bs.

1/10 The Committee of 300 Conspirators' Hierarchy: Dr. John Coleman

Professor Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler 1

Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1

Professor Sutton on the Skull and Bones secret society 1


Bilderberg Group

America:Freedom To Facism(FULL)

Talk by Michael C. Ruppert - Part I
Part I of a talk by Michael C. Ruppert author of "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil" given January 15, 2005 at Kane Hall, UW Campus Seattle.

"Pondering our Post-Petroleum Future" with Michael Ruppert

Mike Ruppert - CIA - tears apart 9-11 part 1 of 15



St. Elsewhere
I've been watching (in pieces) a video called "The Money Masters", which traces the origins of currency to pre-gold times. It's pretty interesting so far.

internal space

New member
Vigilance and the 4th of July
Posted on July 5, 2010 by dvrabel
I hate to dim spirits out there, but just to maintain vigilance, don’t forget that blowing stuff up and having a few drinks today doesn’t mean we’re free. Remember the trillions in total debt and unfunded liabilities not to mention the derivatives being held over our heads? We have been attacked by the banking establishment and are in grave danger. Every country in history that became so hopelessly indebted was eventually foreclosed and restructured by the predators…uh…creditors.

The US and much of the world is in the midst of the restructuring process and it should be clear by now that the creditors will try to use domestic turmoil (the ramifications of the BP oil “spill” will be horrific), austerity (bankrupt states and programs), and WWIII (soon to be launched against the Persians) to pull it off. The final phase of WWIII several years from now would see the rise of a global empire under a new global banking system, global currency, and global people management system based on the Chinese model. We see this model on display every time the G20 meets as they deliberately condition the public to it. This would ultimately result in the end of the US as we know it if it were allowed to continue. July 4th would then be a memorial day.

Interestingly, the 4th may already be a memorial day. Independence legally occurred on July 2nd, and the Declaration itself wasn’t signed until August. So what happened on the 4th? The 2 primary intellectuals responsible for independence and the only 2 presidents to sign the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, both died on this day in 1826. Hmm.

So honor these presidents by remembering their warnings about monetary powers. Jefferson’s warning that “banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” has never been more obviously true. The 20th century was a brief period of amnesia. Luckily now vigilance has returned and the days of banker rule are numbered. They are quaking in fear because a new enlightenment has begun. Don’t let their tactics of turmoil, austerity, and WWIII distract you from what needs to be done.


internal space

New member
Sovereign Debt: The Death of Nations vs. the Wealth of Nations
Posted on July 7, 2010 by dvrabel
The gap between the truth vs. the lies that pass for truth in the media has never been so wide. But living a lie is very destructive, so it’s important to cross this gap. Today I want to clear up one of the most important lies reinforced by the media–the idea that we have sovereign countries.

No doubt most of you have heard of the sovereign debt crisis that so many countries are facing. We hear endless economists, reporters, and billionaire hedge fund raiders talk about it. But the phrase they use is fictitious. It is a fabrication of the Ivy League, Wall Street, and erudite periodicals like the Financial Times of London. Sovereign debt is an impossibility. It cannot exist.

It seems ridiculous to point this out, but sovereign debt implies sovereignty. Right? Well, if countries are sovereign, then how could they be required to be in debt to private banking institutions? How could they be so easily attacked by the likes of George Soros, JP Morgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs? Why would they be subjugated to the whims of auctions and traders?

A true sovereign is in debt to nobody and is not traded in the public markets. For example, how would George Soros attack, say, the British royal family? It’s not possible. They are sovereign. Their stock isn’t traded on the NYSE. He can’t orchestrate a naked short sell strategy to destroy their credit and force them to restructure their assets. But he can do that to most of the other 6.7 billion people of the world by designing attack strategies against the companies they work for and the governments they depend on.

The fact is that most countries are not sovereign (the few that are are being attacked by CIA/MI6/Mossad or the military). Instead they are administrative districts or customers of the global banking establishment whose power has grown steadily over time based on the math of the bond market, currently ruled by the US dollar, and the expansionary nature of fractional lending. Their cult of economists from places like Harvard, Chicago, and the London School have steadily eroded national sovereignty by forcing debt-based, floating currencies on countries. So let’s start being honest and stop describing their debt instruments as sovereign.

We long ago lost the free market envisioned by Adam Smith in the “Wealth of Nations.” Such a world would require sovereign currencies, i.e. currencies that are well-regulated rather than floating, and an asset rather than an interest-bearing debt. Only then could there be a “wealth of nations.” But now we have nothing but the “debt of nations.” The exponential math of debt by definition meant that countries would only lose their wealth over time and become increasingly indebted to the global central banking network.

So thanks to debt-based, free-floating currencies, the “wealth of nations” transitioned to the “debt of nations” which is now transitioning to the “death of nations.” The new world economic order with one currency, one banking system, one government, and one integrated corporate empire is on the horizon. Perhaps that’s a good thing, but if it were, why would the establishment concoct oxymorons like “sovereign debt” instead of telling the truth? That’s my only goal here–I think people can be trusted with the truth. Lies harm not only the population hearing them, but also the powerful people telling them.

Those powers have the best salesmen in the world, so why don’t they just sell the population on the truth? Apparently they don’t think you’d like it. Well now you have it. And it’s coming unless countries follow Iceland’s lead and recover their sovereignty. The choice is ours.

This site has some great articles especially these videos

internal space

New member
I also want to out the VENUS PROJECT. Venus is the morning star aka lightbringer/ lucifer. It should properly be called the lucifer project. The bankers use their control of money to control the world's resources. A resource based economy as discussed in zeitgeist addendum is just another top down system affording total and immediate control of all resources to the elite without in intermediary (money) - a far more efficient system.

internal space

New member
Has anyone actually seen a reptilian in the flesh? Me neither.
But a little research shows that the one thing we can do something about is the one thing that really needs fixing. MONETARY REFORM.
Kucinich will introduce a bill for monetary reform this fall. as long as it repeals fractional reserve banking and gets rid of the fed, we should all support it.
Ron Paul also needs support for his federal reserve transparancy act. plus he will free the weed. But dont buy the return to the gold standard B.S.


Active member
I also want to out the VENUS PROJECT. Venus is the morning star aka lightbringer/ lucifer. It should properly be called the lucifer project. The bankers use their control of money to control the world's resources. A resource based economy as discussed in zeitgeist addendum is just another top down system affording total and immediate control of all resources to the elite without in intermediary (money) - a far more efficient system.

Yea, i agree.
The Venus Project is a ”fake good” operation.
It’s another rich man’s scam, to divert the real issues to the direction THEY want.
It actually offers nothing new, and turns society to this “control society without cash money” ..like Money is the problem, it is how it is used and how the world wealth is distributed that creates the problem.
The society painted by Venus Project is actually very much like Soviet Union was, only “high tech green” version of it.

Venus Project wants to end cash money system ..but somehow still regulate the goods, which people would then get "according to merit" ..the elite would obviously cheat of course, and position themselves into the high places from the get go.

"Cashless world" would actually end many freedoms, and regulate people even more ..there actually is nothing wrong with money itself. Money is a good invention cause it allows people more freedom in trade. The illuminati wants a cashless world so they can control people’s life more easily and tax every trade action takes place ..no more selling lemonade on the street corner without paying tax on it.

This Venus Project is a "illuminati" project, where they want to guide the world into this "new one world", but cause it is their Project, they want move into it as slowly as possible, with them controlling it all a long, so that they can position themselves into the high places and continue to exploit the masses.



Active member
I have found the proof. You will not regret watching this!

I have found the proof. You will not regret watching this!

You can't convince someone. That's the whole lunacy of the situation. You can only see the truth if you want to.

They say there are 10% of the population who control the wealth and the knowledge of civilization. Then there are 5% who know just about as much as the 10% but they have hardly any of the wealth... and then there is the other 85% that just goes along with whatever. An audience of sheep watching the world turn.


and here is another one to follow up when you get done with that series...


:smoky: :crazy: :mopper: :mooning:

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Very true, Satanism, (satan, the adversary) is quite different from lucifer.
Lucifer, the bright shining light, the metallic, fiery core of the planet...Lucis fero, god of the material world, in which we are experiencing this aspect of life.
Lucifer loves man, and wants him to have knowledge, the light, for this he was defiant and misunderstood...
LOL You do?
internal space;3699472[B said:
]Has anyone actually seen a reptilian in the flesh?[/B] Me neither.
But a little research shows that the one thing we can do something about is the one thing that really needs fixing. MONETARY REFORM.
Kucinich will introduce a bill for monetary reform this fall. as long as it repeals fractional reserve banking and gets rid of the fed, we should all support it.
Ron Paul also needs support for his federal reserve transparancy act. plus he will free the weed. But dont buy the return to the gold standard B.S.

I haven't but I know someone who says she has. A hybrid shapeshifter actually. You could call it a very close encounter.
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