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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Sounds like your friend took some acid and watched the movie "Species" or the newer one "Splice."


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!


I recently watched a poor quality documentary with a strong message regarding secret societies which run the entertainment industry. Has anyone else encountered this conspiracy theory? How did you respond to the claims? At first I was in denial, but after numerous signs, symbols, and reinterpretation of lyrics... I'm becomming a strong believer.

Please add to this thread pictures with proof! I have submitted Lady Gaga and the Baphomet posed eerily similarly. There are more pictures and more artists who strangely seem to throw up demonic symbolism and satanic lyrics. This isn't new! Its been going on for generations. Today's artist who come to mind are Jay Z, Beyonce, Gucci Man, Talib Kwali, Neyo, Tupac, Biggie, Dr. Dre, P-Diddy, Jennifer Hudson, Michael Jordan, even Bill Cosby and more!

Did they really acquire so much wealth from natural talents, or did they make a deal with the devil? Are they making blood sacrifices?

I know this may be hard for some to handle, but all questions and criticism welcome.


The importance of sharing these images? The number one rule of the society is secrecy. They can't talk about it... but they can give off signs and symbolism to communicate their intent and to rally followers. As you go through this thread you will see these images morph into a politial and economic discussion which ultimately forgets the importance of the image.



beware the baphomet
ok so I seen you over on the krunch thread wreaking havoc, judging by this I'd say your early mid 20"s and have a head full of whack ish that has no relevence. do a youtube search of illuminati and this is what comes up.
heres the catch 22...you only believe this because they told you to. there is no rhyme or reason for this, other than to pollute your mind with b/s. seriously spend your time doing somthing with some sort of redeeming social value, this shit will rot your brain. the only thing under control by secret societies is your mind:tiphat:


Active member
ok so I seen you over on the krunch thread wreaking havoc, judging by this I'd say your early mid 20"s and have a head full of whack ish that has no relevence. do a youtube search of illuminati and this is what comes up.
heres the catch 22...you only believe this because they told you to. there is no rhyme or reason for this, other than to pollute your mind with b/s. seriously spend your time doing somthing with some sort of redeeming social value, this shit will rot your brain. the only thing under control by secret societies is your mind:tiphat:

holy shit you must be a fortune teller...


Really though, I've encountered this story several times. Sometimes from sober minded individuals, sometimes from people who are majorly tweaking off stimulants. It doesn't matter, the story is the same.

There is a deeper truth here that many of you are scared to accept.

They do OWN us.


holy shit you must be a fortune teller...


Really though, I've encountered this story several times. Sometimes from sober minded individuals, sometimes from people who are majorly tweaking off stimulants. It doesn't matter, the story is the same.

There is a deeper truth here that many of you are scared to accept.

They do OWN us.

remember your gran and grandad used to say rock and roll
is evil,guess we should have listned.
i watched the satanic music industry,it goes from jazz all the way up
to todays music,guess thats where the pied pipper rime fits in.
Alister Crowley seems to be the main man after the beatles.
music stirs the soul and moves nations.


Active member
There are famous musicians throughout history - folk, jazz, country, rock n roll - who have claimed to have sold their souls to the devil for fame/fortune


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
This thread just wont die. I said i wasnt going to post here,but i just wanted to say one more thing.

Good luck with your quest for the truth.Stay persistent and keep asking the questions.That is the only way you can better make sense of the crazy world we live. My message is still the same get past these elaborate systems of control, and follow the spirit that is inside of us all. Materialism has destroyed all of us.


no one think the internet is some kind of revelation in action?
the vail being lifted as such,knowledge increasing and all that.

It's pretty sensitive info. I can only share so much of what I learned from her. She was part of a mind control breeding project and suffered things that would have to be read in her words to understand. Her life story is far beyond what most people imagine possible. She lives a pretty normal life now after years of therapy and self improvement.


Active member
I think people need to separate the wheat from the chaff here. Celebrities under mind control? Plausible, but probable? Not as probably as a couple billionaires with a lust for power and a twinge of megalomania holding secret meetings in which they play at ownership of the world which, as everyone knows, can be bought. Or perhaps already has been.

I study these things a lot. Conspiracies and what-not are my little obsession. There are a couple of things that do occur throughout history that allege a conspiracy of some sort but the truth of the matter is that you will never know unless you are a part of it. And if you are a par of it, you still won't know everything.

Masonic Lodge. Illuminati. Crux shadows. Skull and Bones. Take a look at it, clearly and slowly and carefully. Something is wrong, just beneath the surface. Laws and bills are passed daily that give a metaphoric "rise of Big Brother" feeling. Others are even more sinister.


For example, the Denver International Airport. Do some research. I have pictures of it. Why would anyone put a painting of an armed and gasmasked man killing doves with a blade while mothers in caul cry over dead children on the stadium below?

Just a twisted good time! Welcome to Denver.
Don't you know a number of celebrities have talked about having multiple personalities? That is what mind control programming is about. With your background knowledge I'm sure you must be aware of trauma-based mind control. Anne Heche, Roseanne Barr, Herschel Walker have all written books or talked about their MPD publicly.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I think people need to separate the wheat from the chaff here. Celebrities under mind control? Plausible, but probable? Not as probably as a couple billionaires with a lust for power and a twinge of megalomania holding secret meetings in which they play at ownership of the world which, as everyone knows, can be bought. Or perhaps already has been.

I study these things a lot. Conspiracies and what-not are my little obsession. There are a couple of things that do occur throughout history that allege a conspiracy of some sort but the truth of the matter is that you will never know unless you are a part of it. And if you are a par of it, you still won't know everything.

Masonic Lodge. Illuminati. Crux shadows. Skull and Bones. Take a look at it, clearly and slowly and carefully. Something is wrong, just beneath the surface. Laws and bills are passed daily that give a metaphoric "rise of Big Brother" feeling. Others are even more sinister.


For example, the Denver International Airport. Do some research. I have pictures of it. Why would anyone put a painting of an armed and gasmasked man killing doves with a blade while mothers in caul cry over dead children on the stadium below?

Just a twisted good time! Welcome to Denver.

Thats some seriously messed up art. I know the elites are satanic/lucifarian/occult in their beliefs and to a very hardcore degree. After all, the people at the top of the pyramid have gotten there by being the most ruthless conqueror and mass murderer.

Heres an interesting story explaining how Prince William and his bride to be are both descendants (they are 12th cousins) of a much feared and loathed tyrant who had a passion for spilling and smelling blood. His preferred execution method being to hang, draw and quarter his enemies.

a dark and deliciously murky secret hovers over the continuing relationship between Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton - a skeleton so large that even a vast royal closet would struggle to contain it.

For the Mail can reveal that William and Kate are distant cousins. Not only that, the common ancestor who links the two lovers is a murderous despot whose bloody deeds have been deliberately forgotten by history. Until now.

The man who links William and Kate as kith and kin is Sir Thomas Leighton, an Elizabethan soldier, diplomat and, for 40 years, the cut-throat Governor of Guernsey.

He is William's 12th generation great-grandparent, and Kate's 11th, making them 12th cousins, once removed.

A despot and a dictator, Leighton brooked no argument and made life hell for those he ruled.

'He disregarded civil liberties and kept the people down by main force,' reads a rare account of his life.

This hard-nosed figure was, however, a gentleman; which will come as a timely snub to those critics of Kate Middleton who dismiss her antecedents as being working-class and - extraordinary in this day and age - therefore deem her unsuitable as a future princess.

So Kate may be relieved to learn of her posh ancestor. On the other hand, she might not be too keen to boast over the dinner table about his bloody modus operandi.

So hated was Leighton, that on his death in 1610, the official report on his demise was defaced by angry Guernsey residents. And uniquely for such an important figure in the Elizabethan court - his wife was the Queen's cousin - no portrait of him survives. All were destroyed or lost.

So what makes this gruesome fellow, whose blood courses through the veins of our future king and queen, into such a figure of hatred? Why do historians prefer to ignore his existence?


Now this proves that

1. The elite keep it in the family and marry within their bloodline
2. They are descended from tyrants and others willing to condone such violence and barbarism.
3. They will change/censor history to suit their agenda

They are becoming more brazen as they dumb down society and this is why we see their symbology and perverted taste in art becoming installed in the public perception...

If we wish to survive and prosper we need to defeat these monsters and reveal their wicked plans to the world at large.

Dont consume their brain rotting food and medicine and give yourself a fighting chance!

I agree that the internet is the wild, wild, west or the last great frontier. That's why Obama got himself a "STOP" button for it, b/c he wants to be able to take that freedom away from us, too. Yes, I'm pissed about that. I was on the internet from the beginning and I don't appreciate this freedom being taken away or even the possibility of it being taken away.
I also don't agree that celebrities are NOT under mind control. I'm not saying that they are, but why are all the big cheeses Scientologists??
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