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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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its pretty shitty that they dont even have to tell us not to believe this stuff they just trained regular ppl to do it for them. its like a perpetual machine.
some good documentaries
Esoteroc Agenda + Kymatica
Century of the Self
the people speak
not a documentary but a must watch if u havent seen it
Whether this organization or many organizations like this exist or not, a person still has personal freedom.

A person can choose to allow themselves to be manipulated/fooled/controlled/swayed/etc. Some people want to have a big house, a nice car or two, credit cards, televisions, satellite/cable, computers, gaming consoles, electronic gadgets, etc. All of those things take money, debt and a credit score and rating. And some people don't want it that because they recognize they do not want to live their lives just to buy items that will inevitably depreciate in value or will simply break. For each person, it is their responsibility to decide how much they want to be controlled by the material goods and services that society offers.


New member
Personal freedom is determined by evocation of fear,so what initially looks like a "free will" is simple choice based on social norms atm.Many ppl do not investigate information given,but they don't have any problem denying "conspiracy theories",let me put this way,group of manager wants to sell X product,they have agreement to show only best sides of X product deliberately hiding bad side effects;this is not only "conspiracy theory" it is happening every day.
If someone want to be controled,fine,then that person knows that it is all just a game,it is not problem if he lose house or a car....no need for feeling bad if you lose your job..or make any weird decision ruled by fear i order to keep house,car and job at any cost.


zeitgeist is an awesome film....also check out 'from freedom to fascism'

has anyone heard about bohemian grove?


New member
Everyone needs to watch the arrivals from start to finish to understand what the illuminati are all about.. Theres enough proof out there to show that they're pushing for a one world government (NWO) and the way they're going about it is very smart indeed, things you wouldnt expect to be connected are.. which in the end leads to people saying its all just conspiracy theories.

The terrorist attacks, the wars in the middle east, the economy, the worlds leaders, the media, mainstream artists, even religion they are all related to achieving this NWO.

If you understand that the illuminati worship satan (thats right.. they have a religion of there own), you will understand what they are trying to achieve.

Sometimes the truth is harder to see then the reality that's been painted over our eyes.

Do some research and you'll see how everything links one another.


Has anyone ever checked out the Gary Allen book "None Dare call it a conspiracy"
it was written in 1970. There was another book by John Stormer a former congressman called "None dare call it treason" which was essentially an investigation for the unamerican activities board and levelled pretty damning evidence against some very "American" corporations, their directors, and their non profit trust organizations.


This thread is 20 pages too long.

Too much bitching, complaining, blaming. All on superficial subjects.

Life is good. Go smoke a joint.
This thread is 20 pages too long.

Too much bitching, complaining, blaming. All on superficial subjects.

Life is good. Go smoke a joint.

I think this is actually one of the best long threads to hit the den in my time here. ( my old handle as well )

Life can be good, AND these societies can exist. Its not an either or type thing, ya dig?


i love how people just deny all this shit and say lifes good. yea until it affects u directly.
all these "regular ppl" dont even care that they put flouride in the water. they just take it without a peep. they say its to help prevent tooth decay ha my ass wtf the govt doesnt even care if we live or die they definitely dont give a shit about our teeth
Has anyone ever checked out the Gary Allen book "None Dare call it a conspiracy"
it was written in 1970. There was another book by John Stormer a former congressman called "None dare call it treason" which was essentially an investigation for the unamerican activities board and levelled pretty damning evidence against some very "American" corporations, their directors, and their non profit trust organizations.

None Dare Call it Conspiracy is great. Excellent conspiracy primer.


Active member
Yes, that is exactly the point. They want to lead us to believe the life they provide for us is good. But they do indeed worship satan. The ends are justified by the means. "We let them enjoy the world now, we give them everything. Then we take it all away." That's the motto. When they have information collection and transmission in place and they can keep tabs on every single individual and they are able to "read" your thoughts, this is when the day of judgement will have truly arrived. What do you think those in control will do with you if they know all your thoughts and desires? You had better hope you are "pure" of thought.


i kno like the govt already admitted to trying to control ppls minds what makes u think they wont try again? we just keep advancing technology for them and making it easier for them to know our thoughts and desires


Active member
The money we use today says "In God We Trust". This is not _the_ God, the creator. This is _their_ God. This includes the worship of idols and statues, desire for material _things_ over true substance. If they were not in control, the natural order of things would be respected as they were in Native American societies and Indonesian culture. Around the world they have placed their hands to guide the flow of energy towards them and away from the natural good. They are satanic in nature. There is nothing to be gained other than PROFIT.


New member
Anyone that doesn't believe in the conspiracy.. ever wonder why the world is so fucked up?

Hardly anyones got any morals anymore. Kids dont respect there parents. 3rd world countries still in poverty like there's not enough money to go round (i mean we're living in the 2st century). wars going on... the list goes on.
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