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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I believe this will be my last post in this thread.So i will try to leave something that any one that has the free will to think and to not take anything at face value.

The whole "conspiracy" movement has two vital qualities that the global elite need to full fill there conquest.They Firstly need control. Control is needed to focus the human conscious collective in a direction that benefits them.This control creates fear,which creates anger, and promotes ignorance. These "people" need this negativity for there own self betterment. They have chosen a path of service to self, 95% negative path to transcendency .All of this is prerequisite of the climax known as the "great harvest." Whether you want to believe it or choose not believe it, your fear, apathy, sadness, and frustrations are what fuels them. Collectively our thoughts can change the direction of the path that we are on. I ask you to love your' fellow man,be prosperous and kind and get past such trivial systems of control that keep us divided. Then and only when we come together we will topple there massive system of control and brainwashing. I wish you a positive service to others path to transcendency , and i hope to see you all there. Love peace and happiness.
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Cautiously Optimistic
I've shown that I waste my time thinking about (what YOU label) nonsense, how? By posting on this thread? Probably less times than you, may I add? You, on the other hand, have obviously put enough time into thinking about this (as you say) nonsense to form a very set-in-stone opinion on the matter.

I didn't know that leaving my mind open to possibilities is wasting my time....:moon:

Y'know what? I confused you with someone else. I apologize. Still, I don't give a fuck about your opinion of me. Just like the subject matter at hand, you know nothing about me but still jump to conclusions. That, in itself, speaks volumes.
Y'know what? I confused you with someone else. I apologize. Still, I don't give a fuck about your opinion of me. Just like the subject matter at hand, you know nothing about me but still jump to conclusions. That, in itself, speaks volumes.

I am the one that jumped to conclusions? Thank you for furthering the point I made that originated this little back'n'forth.

PS, out for the night - I'll respond to whatever else in the morning...Peace and love to you all (even those who disagree with me)...
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Maria you have some valid points but I don’t think you can see the bigger picture. Yes people have the choice, but those choices are limited to what’s in that persons control. Yes you can go off and live in an isolated place and become self sufficient, that’s the only way to go as far as not being dependent on society. If you no longer have dependence on having to make money for whatever reason (paying bills, buying food, clothes etc.) then you no longer are dependent on the society that was built for the mass to depend on. This is exactly what they don’t want. If society was the opposite where the majority were self sufficient there would be less power and control over humanity. Folks remember that mother nature has given us everything we need to survive, so in essence mother nature makes the world go round. Regrettably that isn’t the reality of the world no more where it is money that makes the world go round. The fact that this is how society is, the government were able to create laws, unjust laws, laws that go against mother nature (I think you can all think of a good example) for the sole reason of control and making profit. The world we live in, are we really free? We are only as free as the laws allow us to be. Moving to an isolated place does not exempt us from the law. Of course there are certain laws that we need to abide, that goes without saying but with every unjust law passed, goes a little bit more of our freedom. All the major conspiracies that have happened (twin towers, Iraq, Afghanistan, the gulf, the economy) they have all been one big lie for the sole purpose of more control, a new world order.

Yes of course you can make a choice whether to be manipulated or not, but you can only make that choice if you notice the manipulation. For example, buying products, it is quite obvious a lot of it has to do with marketing.. but what about if a person cannot see the manipulation. People are being subtly manipulated through the use of TV amongst other things, where the signs simply aren’t that obvious to notice. How can you make a choice when you cannot notice the manipulation? Do you think people like being cheated on by their partner? The fact is, it is easy to pull the wool over someone’s eyes especially when we are meant to trust that they have our best interests at heart. The worlds governments have lied enough, the people in power are using the entertainment industry to manipulate us. Every single person reading this needs to open their eyes and look at the bigger picture. Only then can you make a choice whether to be manipulated or not.

Thank you ITK. I understand your positions. In regards to your first paragraph, it is true that a person's choices can be limited to hat the individual can control. But that is my whole point, is regardless of how difficult one or all those choices may be, those choices are there to be seized. Choosing nothing, is like giving up. Choosing nothing is saying, "There is nothing I can do, so I will just sit and let others (NWO) do it for me and that is that." And this is for whereever you live, a congested suburb, the city, a farm or in the middle of no where.

Is the world in which we live in free? Of course we do, in this country. You can be free to be a success in what you want to do, or you can be free to be a failure. An individual is controlled by his or her own will to learn and fight for what he or she believes is right and moral for him or herself. If there are unjust laws being created, it's because no one is paying attention to what their elected officials are doing.

If you are going to mention the gulf and other assosciated nations and territories than you must understand the culture clash between those in those nations and the west. In those territories and countries, the are not as forgetful as we are. The count their history in terms of millenia. To them, what is going on today in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, is just another repeat of the Crusades and other Crusader-like miitary campaigns. I remember about watching news stories about Osama bin Ladin and Al Qaeda, even before the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole on 60 Minutes. The information was out there, but no one cared until 9/11. But then again, if people were *truly* open to the information around them, then they would know that the U.S. government and the CIA funded, trained and gave weapons to the jihadists in Afghanistan as they were fighting the Soviets. So, in a way, you can say that it was the U.S. government that helped to create Al-Qaeda. But most people in the West, have fickle memories. We only want to remember the victories, and sweep our villianous crimes under the rug to pretend like they never happened, both the government and the regular citizens.

How can anyone make a choice when someone cannot notice the manipulation? That is a question that each individual can only answer. Using your infidelity example, some people will refuse to see the truth that their lover is cheating on them, in the same way that same person will refuse to truth the truth in the world. Other will recognize the truth that their lover is cheating on them, but will forgive that lover and continue on with their lives in the same way that they wil recognize the truth of the world and go back to what is was like before. And some will have the shining moment of clarity, perception and strength to kick out their lover and vow never to be manipulated again.

In those examples above, they are again, choices. I personally cannot force anyone else to open their eyes and force them to realize the error of the ways of the world.

The only thing I can do is to make the best of what I have, live in the way that reflect my morals, consume cannabis, cherish each day as it could be my last and to not worry about secret societies and organizations.
"For someone that has such knowledge about such secret, controlling organizations, you certainly aren't stating to anyone how they can fight this control and resist. Or maybe it is because you want to be a sheep? I hope not."

First let go of your desire to be right.

Next, if you want to resist control, the only and best thing you can do is work for monetary reform in your country. The control of the money supply is how everything is controlled. We have only a short time to do this.

If in the UK, support and tell everyone you know about UK Monetary Reform & Proposals for Full-Reserve Banking www.bendyson.com

If in the US, support the American Monetary Act or join the swarm or any number of other monetary reform groups.
(the teaparty people are a toothless distraction. If you know any, fill them in on whats really going on.)

Nearly every country in the world has a group working for monetary reform. If there is not one yet in your country, educate yourself and create one.

You can fantasize about the illuminate/nwo all day long or do something about it. Take back countrol of your country’s money!

Yes of course, the history is out there for whoever wants to look it up. It goes back to Sumeria and babylon when a gold smith realized that people were no longer trading actual gold for goods but were using the receipts of deposit that he had given them and it dawned on him that he could give out more receipts for gold than he actually had gold. This was the first person to expand the money supply thus increasing his own wealth by stealing value from the currency already in use. this practice is what we now refer to as "fractional reserve banking." Making money buy stealing value from the money already in existence aka inflation.

Why do you think a coke cost your grandparents a nickle and now cost you a dollar or more? Inflation! A SECRET TAX ON THE PUBLIC. Ideally the money supply would expand and contract in line with economic expansion/contraction. This would prevent the boom bust cycles we are presently being made so painfully aware of. This would lead to ZERO inflation and money would be created debt free (no interest) in order to serve the public interest.

this economic system "of babylon" evolved overtime spreading out of the middle east throughout the Roman empire. and eventually the world. Remember, who you are in debt to does not matter as much as who controls your money supply. (Although it does matter quite alot as this is how the first world gains control of the third to remove their natural resources.)

Yes Hamilton was a cheerleader for the bankers was the first secretary of the treasury and created the mint and the 1st and second national banks.
"The charter of the Second Bank of the United States (B.U.S.) was for 20 years and therefore up for renewal in 1836. The B.U.S. was in no sense a national bank but rather a privately held banking corporation. The bank had a unique relationship with the federal government that gave it access to substantial profits. Its role as the depository of the federal government's revenues made it a political target of banks chartered by the individual states who objected/envied the B.U.S.'s relationship with the central government... President Andrew Jackson strongly opposed the renewal of its charter, and built his platform for the election of 1832 around doing away with the Second Bank of the United States. Jackson's political target was Nicholas Biddle, financier, politician, and president of the Bank of the United States.

Apart from a general hostility to banking and the belief that specie (gold and/or silver) was the only true money, Jackson's reasons for opposing the renewal of the charter revolved around his belief that bestowing power and responsibility upon a single bank was the cause of inflation and other perceived evils.

During September 1833, President Jackson issued an executive order that ended the deposit of government funds into the Bank of the United States. After September 1833, these deposits were placed in the state chartered banks. While six of the seven initial depositories were controlled by Jacksonian Democrats, the later depositories, such as the ones in North Carolina, South Carolina and Michigan, were run by managers who opposed Jacksonian politics." -Wiki

"On January 30, 1835, what is believed to be the first attempt to kill a sitting President of the United States occurred just outside the United States Capitol. When Jackson was leaving the Capitol out of the East Portico after the funeral of South Carolina Representative Warren R. Davis, Richard Lawrence, an unemployed and deranged housepainter from England, either burst from a crowd or stepped out from hiding behind a column and aimed a pistol at Jackson, which misfired. Lawrence then pulled out a second pistol, which also misfired. It has been postulated that moisture from the humid weather contributed to the double misfiring.[50] Lawrence was then restrained, with legend saying that Jackson attacked Lawrence with his cane, prompting his aides to restrain him." - Wiki

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out." Andrew Jackson

"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." "The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it." Andrew Jackson

we are in no way doomed in fact we are living in a time in which no one is going to put you to death for bringing up these topics. Central banks have had their charter's revoked before and we can do it again. Although I suggest doing it soon before the world currency is instituted. Oh and be sure to support any local currency that may be in your area.

As I said previously, for a synopsis of the history of money watch The Money Masters buy Bill Still for free on youtube

For more in depth information read Stephen Zarlengas book;
The Lost Science of Money (the mythology of money - the story of power)

The monetary policies of Julius Caesar along with Lincoln (the greenback) and Kennedy (the $2 bill) makes for interesting reading. If you are into that sort of thing.

Oh and the rfid chip is for real. people all over the world are already getting it. It is basically an implanted debit/credit card along with gps tracking and maybe a few other "goodies" to be announced. If you want to buy anything at a store or participate in any way in the modern economy you are going to have to get one. Some people in italy are getting it because it gives them exclusive access to a swanky club. (wankers!) There is plenty of money for this program because just for example Canadians spend 160 million a day just in interest payments on their dept.

Hey Canadians!, and everyboby else for that matter, watch this!

And that’s Canada which is not nearly as in-debt as the USA or UK for example. Those debts are owed to the bank and it is the bankers who are behind the nwo and the rfid chip. So you can forget about armed insurrection. People are addicted to buying stuff. addicted to "the system." As far as North Korea and China go; yes, as Brezinski says; they are an obstruction to a unipolar world order ruled by an anglo saxon elite.(Foreign Affairs magazine June2010) That does not preclude the rest of the world from being united into another "pole" to topple the "outsiders." That would be WWIII. Which ideally would not happen until as much of the world as possible is united under a singular currency and central bank.

Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New ‘World Currency’ at G-8

No one is doomed but those unwilling to see what is right in front of them. Don't allow yourselves to be distracted by misinformation and arguing over non key issues. GET TO WORK!


If you or anyone else here wants to believe in the Illuminati, then it is your choice to do so. I'm not attacking anyone for it. But if someone posts an opinion, I have the right to argue for or against it, and certainly everyone else has the right to do the same.

The only thing I can do is express my opinion in a civil manner. I'm not here to change anyone's minds, nor to be correct about any subject on the IC Mag boards.


Active member
The problem with believing in the Illuminati is then you have to believe in aliens. There are INORGANIC beings which are evil. They feed off of human awareness, or light energies.

They have been feeding off of these light energies for so long that they have gained the power to block the gates of heaven themselves.

If you die, and become a light being, and attempt to transcend to the gates of heaven, your travel is hopeless.

Your only hope is here on earth. You must awaken the sleeping masses to the truth if you have any hope to enter into the celestial gates of heaven.


New member
Ok I think the hardest thing for people to grasp is that the illuminate worship satan. There just a bunch of rich people wanting to make money.. correct; but their plans are much more sinister then that. There is a hidden agenda. But this can't be true right because God doesn't exist. Unfortunately this is the type of society they have built. Why? because the person that doesn't believe in God can easily be lead.. and the person that does should be in a mental home.. not to mention if you don't believe in God you also don't believe in satan, so the illuminati can't worship satan.. so this is just a conspiracy that some crazy folk just made up.

Right onto the next bit.. You better believe that the illuminati worship satan. There is a heap of evidence to prove this fact. You don't even have to look too hard to find it, some of which has already been posted in this thread... What you think they like attending bohemian grove and have rituals for the fun of it because thats what rich people do? You think they needlessly built denver airport with all the satanic symbolisms so that they could give tourists a friendly welcome? You think it’s a coincidence who our most popular artists are? I could go on, but if you still don't believe stop reading and may I refer you to the paragraph above!


Hmmm if I worshipped satan, who would be my enemies, who would be my main threat? God.. People that believe in God (to be precise, people that believe in ONE God)

What religions believe in one God? Christianity.. Islam. Let me just point out that ROMAN catholic church has been infiltrated and are not what they seem, I'll remind you that satan is a deciever. I mean who killed Jesus? the romans. Which leaves Islam.. How would illuminati go about destroying Islam? Well It's happened right infront of your eyes and you most likely haven't realised it.. Through the use of propagana, hate and fear.

Think for a minute.. What other religion gets treatment and propaganda like this on this scale? none, other religions worship a number of gods.

If you do your research and connect the dots you'll see what’s really going on.

PS. Maria I think we're basically agreeing on the same thing. If it wasnt my beliefs on the illuminati and their hidden agendas i wouldn't worry about secret society's.

hard rain

ITK, sorry for quoting bits at a time but I want to specifically address some of what you are saying.
Ok I think the hardest thing for people to grasp is that the illuminate worship satan.
Yes that is hard to grasp. Has any member of those 13 (was that right) families been seen worshipping Satan? If so where is the evidence.
Why? because the person that doesn't believe in God can easily be lead.. and the person that does should be in a mental home.. not to mention if you don't believe in God you also don't believe in satan, so the illuminati can't worship satan.. so this is just a conspiracy that some crazy folk just made up.
Well personally I think that if you believe in God then you have already been easily led. Not sure about your mental home point. MrBomDiggitty, what do you make of that?
You better believe that the illuminati worship satan. There is a heap of evidence to prove this fact.
I haven't seen any evidence of that in this thread or elsewhere. There doesn't seem to any evidence of Satan worship at the Bohemian Grove. Can you provide some? You then go on to cite a youtube clip, and a very bad one. Come on this is not evidence. This sort of stuff has been around since the 70's when they used to accuse heavy rock bands of putting messages in backwards. Sorry but the airport is filled with artwork that anyone is free to interpret and I bet there are endless interpretations.
Let me just point out that ROMAN catholic church has been infiltrated and are not what they seem, I'll remind you that satan is a deciever.
By whom? Where is your evidence?
If you do your research and connect the dots you'll see what’s really going on.
I think you are misguided.


Active member
what I think about that hard rain is that I was you about 2 weeks ago. No, make it 3.

I was easily decieved but now I see.

I was spiritual for a couple years until recently completely open to the power of God and the beauty of free choice he has given to us.

The Illuminati gives you all but choice. You are theirs.


Cautiously Optimistic
In your browser type illuminati backwards with the www. and .com
so www.itanimulli.com.
I still don't understand why this happens, is their a simple explanation?

Here ya go. Anyone can buy a domain name and point it anywhere they want. This Utah resident has been f'ing with peoples' minds for a few years now. I wonder if he's laughing his ass off? Probably. His name, e-mail address and all of his other info is out there in the public record if you know where to look.

John Fenley

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)

Domain servers in listed order:

hard rain

Here ya go. Anyone can buy a domain name and point it anywhere they want. This Utah resident has been f'ing with peoples' minds for a few years now. I wonder if he's laughing his ass off? Probably. His name, e-mail address and all of his other info is out there in the public record if you know where to look.

Irrefutable evidence that someone has a sense of humour.:laughing:

internal space

New member
If you or anyone else here wants to believe in the Illuminati, then it is your choice to do so. I'm not attacking anyone for it. But if someone posts an opinion, I have the right to argue for or against it, and certainly everyone else has the right to do the same.

The only thing I can do is express my opinion in a civil manner. I'm not here to change anyone's minds, nor to be correct about any subject on the IC Mag boards.

True, sorry, shoulda left out the part about being right.

What I was trying to get across was that you were asking what could be done about it? educate people and take back control of the money supply.

while alot of conspiracy critics say that it is an unprovable and self defeating line of inquiry I would say that it is the opposite.

I cannot say that there is definitely something called the illuminati and all that that entails. But there is abundant proof of a rich aristocratic conspiracy to maintain control over the masses for their own purposes throughout the ages. The first place that one should look for this proof is the history of money because that is their mechanism of control.

"Ok I think the hardest thing for people to grasp is that the illuminate worship satan."
Maybe it is not neccesary for them to grasp that. I think the problem that occurs in this discussion is the use of the words satan and god. (really throws people off track because of how loaded these words have become.) after all this occult symbolism could represent any number of things that we are unaware of.

For example, I have heard it told that the story of Lucifer and his going against the will of his higher power is actually an allegory for the human race. (similar to the garden of eden) It was said that we wanted to experience physical existence and cut ourselves off from our higher power to do so. just a story but i think it illustrates how one can look at these things from many different angles since in the story we are lucifer.

So if we leave the words satan and god out of the discussion and we are able to accept the basic premise that there is a group of powerful people doing what they can to manipulate the course of society, and we take a quick overview of history, it is plain to see that our leaders are willing to do bad or even evil things to achieve their ends. And its not just personal self interest there is an overall goal:
(one world government, one world bank, one world military/police force etc.)
Which in and of itself may not be such a bad thing I just don't think it is such a good idea to give all this power to the same group that has caused so much suffering for humanity.

"If the history of humanity were the clinical case history of a single human being, the diagnosis would have to be: chronic paranoid delusions, a pathological propensity to commit murder and acts of extreme violence and cruelty against his perceived "enemies"-his own unconsciousness projected outward. Criminally insane, with a few brief lucid intervals."

Not that the people pulling the strings are responsible for every single wrong committed by a member of our species but they are definitely responsible over all since they lead us to war and create the institutions that effect our lives. (the corporation/military industrial complex/prison industrial complex/political structures/ economic structures etc.)

So if we can accept these simple easily verifiable facts we can come to the conclusion that the people pulling the strings are completely fucked in the head whether or not they actually worship some carving of satan. and their oft lauded excuse is; The Ends Justify The Means! At best a bunch of sociopaths/psychopaths

And they do have some very weird rituals that have been reported in the mainstream media.

The cremation of care held at bohemian grove and attended by world leaders involves the ritual mock sacrifice of a screaming infant that is burnt on an altar in front of a giant owl as the attendees look on. (Tom Brokaw did a report on this in the 90’s)

The Skull and Bones initiations in which many US prez have participated, involve the ritual mock sacrifice of a screaming human being. (As reported on CNN a few years ago actually had footage of sacrifice ritual)

The masonic lodges that many politicians and business leaders are members of also perform a ritual mock human sacrifice in which someone actually was killed in a NY lodge because a live round was used instead of a blank. (history channel documentary)

Oh and also even though there is not hard evidence of this, it seems pretty obvious that all the "One God" religions were manipulated and used by the ptb if not outright created by them.

All one has to do to see the invisible hand is look at where power was centered throughout history and ask whether that power was used to create more freedoms and happiness for the masses or whether it was used to control and repress people.

Before the corporation there was the church and their ownership of the word of god.
humanity has suffered immensely at their hands.
The pope is a nwo cheerleader.
Jesus was a good dude but the facts were manipulated and distorted by the council of nicaea.
And I don't know about you but the church I grew up in was real big on the nicene creed which is more like a pledge of allegiance to a power structure than the worship of god.

Good luck to you all in your search for the truth

internal space

New member
And to those who think "I CONTROL ME" I ask you to thoroughly investigate this thought.

If you do, it will most probably become clear; that you do control you,
but only within a certain set of boundaries.

The more you participate in society the more rules and limitations are added to your life .

If you want to borrow money to buy a house than you are going to have to keep that house insured and maintain your good credit rating by making a stable income and paying your taxes and obeying the laws etc etc etc (just one example.) for more look at food/ education/ healthcare etc etc etc

Participate in society less and have more freedom but there is much you become forced to give up.
(although you may realize that you didn't really need it all to begin with)

And they will always lock you up if you step too far out of line


internal space

New member
And one last thing to those who keep saying "show me the proof"

We are not here to show you the proof and if we are then we are misguided.

we are here to share what we have found to be important with those who are interested.

It is up to you to find the truth for yourselves

And as long as you think that the truth is something that you can fit into your head it will be subjective and only true for you; for as long as you choose to believe it.
And to those who think "I CONTROL ME" I ask you to thoroughly investigate this thought.

If you do, it will most probably become clear; that you do control you,
but only within a certain set of boundaries.

The more you participate in society the more rules and limitations are added to your life .

If you want to borrow money to buy a house than you are going to have to keep that house insured and maintain your good credit rating by making a stable income and paying your taxes and obeying the laws etc etc etc (just one example.) for more look at food/ education/ healthcare etc etc etc

Participate in society less and have more freedom but there is much you become forced to give up.
(although you may realize that you didn't really need it all to begin with)

And they will always lock you up if you step too far out of line


You just summed up what I've been trying to say perfectly. :) Again, it's up to each individual. Some people want to participate in society to its fullest; fraternities, sororites, credit for cars, clothes, houses, cars, large expensive purchases, etc. And some people want to participate in society only for the basic necessities, tap water, gas for their vehicles and utilities. And even then, some of these people may one day learn how to propery and responsibly disconnect themselves from those basic neccessities that society from provides. Yes, an individual would have to give up some things, but I think that is very obvious, right? My guess is that if there is an organization that is bent on unified power, they would only be interested in the people that want to fully participate in society.

Rich aristocrats and similiar governments and power structures since the beginning of human civilization and throughout will always want complete dominance. And controlling those who have less wealth and power than you is easy. But, what I am always inclined to automatically know is that those people with wealth and power will tyr to control others with the same or even more wealth and power than themselves. Those very old proverbs, "An enemy of my enemy is my friend.", "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Those types of things. So yeah, if it is true that there is an Illuminati and a NWO, then odds are, they will be too busy trying to manipulate, subvert and control each other than concentrate on the masses. Which is why I will always stand by my opinion that it is an individual's choice will always trump any mass attempt as control. Beucase even if just one person removes themselves enough that the subtle manipulations do not work, then total control in the hands of one power cannot and will not work.


Active member
The clear distinction which is necessary to make is this one:

God gives you free will as part of creation.

Satan offers you all the earthly pleasures you can imagine in exchange for your eternal soul.

The Illuminati have encoded society with systems of control in order to seduce you from possessing free will.

The oath of these secret societies states members maintain secrecy and FOLLOW orders from elders/more powerful members.

The elite want your soul. Material goods are childs play things.
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