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Agent Orange and attony genaral Sessions strike

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Midnight Tokar

I wonder how long Comey will keep his job? He went to the DOJ and told them there's no truth to Trumps claim and recommends no reason to investigate. There is only one agency that can request that type of wiretap and that is the FBI, only.
They say Trump was furious on Friday just wait til he gets back to D.C. tomorrow! His revenge will be ruthless and target many.
He may just stroke out tomorrow..............


Well-known member
He may just stroke out tomorrow..............

we should be so lucky. actually, i'm beginning to think he has already had a stroke or two, given the irrational behavior he continually displays. i don't know how bad ones actions have to get before they qualify you for removal from elected office, but he has GOT to be getting close to the line...:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This just isn't as fun without his followers in here screaming about Muslims and voter fraud and wire taps and SNL and fake media and calling people cucks and faggots


ICMag Donor
This just isn't as fun without his followers in here screaming about Muslims and voter fraud and wire taps and SNL and fake media and calling people cucks and faggots

They're busy trying to figure out how to make pot illegal again.


Well-known member
They're busy trying to figure out how to make pot illegal again.

well, it is still illegal here, so i don't know WHAT they are up to. i wish that everyone that wants it to stay illegal would move here. i'll trade houses/jobs with ANYONE that "lives in a legal state & hates it.":woohoo:


Active member
This just isn't as fun without his followers in here screaming about Muslims and voter fraud and wire taps and SNL and fake media and calling people cucks and faggots

I think it is obvious that this is a one-way thread at this point. As I said, I believe Trump will leave this up to the states...at least until he is reelected....and by then it will be too late, going by the accelerated rate at which legalization is going on across the country.

The biggest change I have seen so far are the gains in my portfolio. :woohoo:


ICMag Donor
It is GREAT that there are no right wingers slinging the waco propaganda here. I get so sick of that shit. Anybody see the movie Idiocracy?


ICMag Donor
Hey, Congratulations. You made it through 277 posts in the Agent Orange thread.

Genghis Kush

Active member

"Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Whereas classical liberalism emphasises the role of liberty, social liberalism stresses the importance of equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation.

iberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property, while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law."

What part of liberty and equality do you disagree with ?


Active member
Hardline Republicans want to tell me what I can do in my personal life. While I share some views, such as an unborn child's Right to Life, I reject allowing those smug fuckers telling me I can't pursue my own health and happiness... AND they offer no solutions to others' dilemmas!!
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