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After school shooting in Detroi, MI


I thought the opposite. I was going to say, at least they made sure the intended target was there before opening fire. Many people have been killed in shootings and the intended person wasn't involved.
Detroit never surprises me.

Ok, but if they had any brains at all they would do a little recon and actually know what the kid looked like, his daily patterns, ect. Why the fuck would you attempt to kill someone at a bustop with shitloads of witnesses? Better off waiting for him to get off the bus later, and pop him once in the head. As an added bonus you wouldn't shoot any random innocent bystanders.


Ok, but if they had any brains at all they would do a little recon and actually know what the kid looked like, his daily patterns, ect. Why the fuck would you attempt to kill someone at a bustop with shitloads of witnesses? Better off waiting for him to get off the bus later, and pop him once in the head. As an added bonus you wouldn't shoot any random innocent bystanders.

agreed, jackass's either way.
Ok, but if they had any brains at all....

Here is a Board Member of the Detroit Public Schools


Honestly...as bad as the schools are here....here is a City Council woman getting owned by an 8th grader


You guys have no clue unless you live(d) here.

I vote third party...but if this man runs...i might have to vote for him based on these comments alone.


Sigh...love thy home...but don't let it drag you down with it :mad:


Monica Conyers.Nuff said. Detroit is a pit,for real.It's even scarey to drive thru on the X-way.When going south,we take 696 to avoid having to drive thru the city.It really is as bad as people say. Marywanna


Ever been to Philly? Or even better...Camden?

I spent 4 months working there, north, south, east, west philly and I didn't see anything close to the detroit tour video.
I will say there is A TON of loose trash blowing around the whole place. There is also a GRIP of people wondering around the roads.

Funny story about Philly, I pull up to a stoplight. I notice a Escalade pull up on 24's and park curbside. The driver gets out and walks into a shop. It wasn't a 1/2 second after the store door closes, three 6-7 year old boys ran up and stole the valve stem covers from his wheels. It was SO FUCKING funny how fast it happened..


Yep ,
The ghettos getting even worse .
I actually went to school w/ the gas station owner Steve Hakim . lol
It's policed but you can only do so much . 5th n 6th graders runnin up n down the streets fighting over "patients" / buyers . Bet your ass this was over turf / or a shortie .

I'm not far from Detroit, I've driven by on the highway and have enjoyed Grand Rapids and that area. Man, I am racist up around those places; I was jumped at by a gang of negros. Just walking down from a preppy beer party and going to the bullet proof corner mart. I wish I just had some full auto's, to leave everyone guessing just who hates that! Probably what the back pack with the bottom opening is for, a nice quick draw of ya I passed.

No kid, should EVER have to go to school like that as a necessity. It's not just Detroit, anywhere that direction from Chicago like say Toledo Ohio or Cleveland. I think Cleveland is better, C-Bus gets wild just drinking beer. Honestly If I got a license to kill, there would not be much of a gangster trade left. Education is the principle, and drugs are not recess.

I hear that Philadelphia is rough too, really the whole east coast is just not right. Anyone know if that pilot on that DEA/CIA flight that landed in Mexico lived? I saw gear down, and that is a SOL jet that can glide some.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I'm not far from Detroit, I've driven by on the highway and have enjoyed Grand Rapids and that area. Man, I am racist up around those places; I was jumped at by a gang of negros. Just walking down from a preppy beer party and going to the bullet proof corner mart. I wish I just had some full auto's, to leave everyone guessing just who hates that! Probably what the back pack with the bottom opening is for, a nice quick draw of ya I passed.

No kid, should EVER have to go to school like that as a necessity. It's not just Detroit, anywhere that direction from Chicago like say Toledo Ohio or Cleveland. I think Cleveland is better, C-Bus gets wild just drinking beer. Honestly If I got a license to kill, there would not be much of a gangster trade left. Education is the principle, and drugs are not recess.

I hear that Philadelphia is rough too, really the whole east coast is just not right. Anyone know if that pilot on that DEA/CIA flight that landed in Mexico lived? I saw gear down, and that is a SOL jet that can glide some.

Whaaaaat the eff?



Looks like they know who one of them is already. Those boys better be sweating. Still, this is just par for the course there. That city needs some serious help, 20 times the cops it has, and a big anti-corruption sweep. I wonder how bad they're going to let it get before that happens?

Sweeeps happen 2 - 3 times a yr .
But theres no place to house all the croonies .
Unless theyre violent offenders theyre right back out on the street .
Detroit police crime labs shut down due to errors...


The audit found erroneous or false findings in 10% of 200 random cases and subpar quality control compliance at the lab, Worthy said.

The report revealed a "shocking level of imcompetence" in the lab and constitutes a systemic problem, she said at a news conference. When it came to recognized work standards, the lab met only 42% of a required 100%, Worthy said.

When i was working in the Warren Ave. Chalmers area (eastside) this guy I knew through a friend got busted selling crack. the local news showed the whole thing and claimed he was the largest crack dealer in Detroit. He got sentenced and was given a date to turn himself in (out on bail)....when he turned himself in they told him to come back in about a month...they were too busy to process him then. WTF?!?!?! He had a LOT of crack on him when he was busted too!

It's frickin crazy down there. Anything goes.


legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
detroit police sucks ass they dont come on time i stay off warren & evergreen 1 mile away
an when the shit hits the fan then they try 2 act like there doing something
i know people who called the cops an a no show its been killing all over the city kwame kilwacktrick fucked up the city when he closed all the precincts it use to be 13 of them + a bunch of mini precincts
now we have districts only 6-8 of them 4 this wild ass city so go figure not enough pigs 4 this city that is real fucked up but shit happens every were now they ridein around
pullin people over left an right actin like they workin pigs please


Do we have a Kilpatrick fan amongst us? :dueling:

I'm not involved in anything Detroit related. I'm from Ann Arbor and John Engler is a shitty politician who did a lot to hurt the poor and support the rich in the state. But that's how a lot of people in Michigan would rather see things go. It's sad really, not to mention all the blatant racism that goes on in our state.


Hope those kids pull through and they get those rotten animals. Jesus !! this pisses me off kids coming home from summer school.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Here's the fuckin' bullshit behind this whole story.......

it couldn't be sensational enough to be a 'bus stop shooting',
and it didn't actually happen in a school buuuuuuut, let's just
call it an 'after school shooting' for better HEADLINES!


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Detroit police....get your FAT asses out of your cars!!!! I know Bigscoot...you're my homie, and you really are. They would sooner let little kids get killed than uphold the oath they took.. All we have is ourselves Bigscoot. It's do or die anymore.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I'm not involved in anything Detroit related. I'm from Ann Arbor and John Engler is a shitty politician who did a lot to hurt the poor and support the rich in the state. But that's how a lot of people in Michigan would rather see things go. It's sad really, not to mention all the blatant racism that goes on in our state.

THANK YOU!!!! And a word to everyone in the state of MI, stop segregating yourselves from other races, we are one....it's us against the law and you all know it. We are ONE. Black, white, or mexican....you're my brothers and sisters and I'll live my life with regard to you and yours....ONE!!!!!