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Pot users to get half a year in jail


That's the headline that was looking up at me yesterday morning from the front page of The True Citizen,a weekly newspaper out of Waynesboro,Ga.,which is in the same county I reside in.Needless to say,I bought one.I will transcribe it since I won't be able to get a url for the complete article from their website until next week.Check this out.....

Pot users to get half a year in jail
By Diana Royal

If you get caught with marijuana in Burke County,the price you'll pay is no slap on the wrist.
State Court Judge Jerry Daniel imposed a new sentence last week for marijuana possession-one that comes with six months in jail and automatic enrollment in Burke County's Dui/Drug Court.
There are no ifs,ands or buts about it,Judge Daniel said,and he doesn't care if the charge is a first offence or not.
For the past few years,Judge Daniel has sat in the courtroom listening to excuse after excuse,and he says he's tired of hearing the same ones over and over again.
"I got tired of people telling me they got their marijuana from a stranger or that they found it somewhere,"he said."Maybe this will get their attention."
Back in May 2005,Judge Daniel decided to change the sentence to 30 days because most offenders were getting away with very little jail time.He also upped the fine from $500.00 to $1000.00,which is the maximum under Georgia law.Now,he says the 30 day sentence is apparently too lenient.
"They'll go straight to jail now...for six months,"he said."I hope this will make the people of Burke County think twice before they use marijuana and avoid the pathway it makes to more serious,addictive drugs."

What's really sad is that most of the weed around here isn't worth spending even one night in jail over,much less 6 months! :nono:


Active member
Most places in the country are getting more lenient and relaxed laws. Around my parts, it's a civil citation almost like a parking ticket, and that's for almost an ounce or less. It's kind of fucked up to go to jail for 6 months for mere possession, even if it's a gram ! I would move, because that town sounds like a nazi town.

:joint: :wave:


Thats easy for someone to implement... If they have lived off taxpayer money their whole life and view it as a renewable, and infinite resource.

This stupid fucking proposition means that 4 people who make 25,000 a year have to pay 20% of their incomes to keep 1 person in jail for 6 mo's for being a pothead. WHAT A FUCKING ACCOMPLISHMENT. :bashhead:
Go bust some meth labs or something.
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Refudean said:
That's the headline that was looking up at me yesterday morning from the front page of The True Citizen,a weekly newspaper out of Waynesboro,Ga.,which is in the same county I reside in.Needless to say,I bought one.I will transcribe it since I won't be able to get a url for the complete article from their website until next week.Check this out.....

Pot users to get half a year in jail
By Diana Royal

If you get caught with marijuana in Burke County,the price you'll pay is no slap on the wrist.
State Court Judge Jerry Daniel imposed a new sentence last week for marijuana possession-one that comes with six months in jail and automatic enrollment in Burke County's Dui/Drug Court.
There are no ifs,ands or buts about it,Judge Daniel said,and he doesn't care if the charge is a first offence or not.
For the past few years,Judge Daniel has sat in the courtroom listening to excuse after excuse,and he says he's tired of hearing the same ones over and over again.
"I got tired of people telling me they got their marijuana from a stranger or that they found it somewhere,"he said."Maybe this will get their attention."
Back in May 2005,Judge Daniel decided to change the sentence to 30 days because most offenders were getting away with very little jail time.He also upped the fine from $500.00 to $1000.00,which is the maximum under Georgia law.Now,he says the 30 day sentence is apparently too lenient.
"They'll go straight to jail now...for six months,"he said."I hope this will make the people of Burke County think twice before they use marijuana and avoid the pathway it makes to more serious,addictive drugs."

What's really sad is that most of the weed around here isn't worth spending even one night in jail over,much less 6 months! :nono:

The taxpayers should vote that prick out of office.

Six months in jail is enough to make people mean. Really mean. So that they do something totally rotten. Instead of just smoking a joint.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear that you live so close to there bro,
best to move out, leave those rednecks to the
moonshinin' & cousin fuckin' they crave so much.


Stoner4Life said:
Sorry to hear that you live so close to there bro,
best to move out, leave those rednecks to the
moonshinin' & cousin fuckin' they crave so much.

I was ready to move until you went and mentioned all that fun stuff! :muahaha:


stoned agin ...
i have been blessed with the hospitality of georgians before, and there are some fine people there ... very civilized, courteous and kind. now if they could just get rid of those pot haters! :rasta:
alton brown should protest and make a whole show with pot recipes....

oh, and i'm willing to bet the judge owns some stills and just wants to drum up business for the shiners.


gets some
I predict a rash of appeals to the Superior/Circuit courts in Judge Daniel's county once he starts imposing bullshit 6 month sentences over some weed. Im sure their jail isn't already overcrowded enough....</sarcasm>


Eugene Oregon
Weird its like.. not even that bad here unless you have more then an oz or its devided in 1/8th's (SALE)


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hell yeah ^^ we should start framing the bastards..


lives on planet 4:20
that shit sounds like some science fiction.....who allows this mofo.....to do something like that

put ''good honest smoking'' people in jail

he should be put in a coffeeshop and forced to smoke a joint of amnesia haze with some ice hash....lmao


man i hate telling ppl i was born and raised in south GA...

religion rules and the ppl in power drool

i had a lil gay dude from millagville(sp) say, " english was the 1st language of america. so speak english u forgiener."

i looked at him and said, " indians were here 1st."

then i explained to him that if he was going to be a prejudice lil person to never get pissed when another prejudice person calls him a lil fagget ass punk....oops...ramt got out...



What do you expect from a state that has a population of 35% affected by genital warts or genital herpies. I guess those southern beer drinkers were spending their millions of collective dollars on on herb instead of the state product, beer.

Yet another example of how the government of idiots does not want you to think or to expand your mind.


Active member
ive been busted with about 1 gram on 2 different occasions, so far i've have 25 hours of community service and a 150 dollar fine.

not too bad i guess.

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