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Africa ruins world cup with vuvuzelas

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~Resident Puck Bunny~
Err...ya I'm sure they will too. Wonder how I know that? lmao! I'm not here because I want to be? Well damn, good thing you figured that out for me. I thought I was right were I wanted to be and expressed my opinion. Course, it didn't jive with yours, so I guess that's where the grumpiness began. My bad. Let me try again

Damn vuvuzelas!! I'm trying to watch a match and they're drowning everything out! Dammit!


Or is that all you see is a damn badge and not a member posting? I shouldn't be posting like every member can? Should I go hide in the Mod corner? I'm just KG, participating in threads. Get used to it. I do it alot. Peace n Luv :D
Ever watch the world cup to Pink Floyd's The Wall while totally baked :)

I have. What horns LOL!

I find the commentators more annoying.


The cat that loves cannabis
Damn vuvuzelas!! I'm trying to watch a match and they're drowning everything out! Dammit!



Now your getting into the spirit!

Damn those vuvuzelas!

I love this thread, at least one good thing came from the vuvuzelas
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Active member
Err...ya I'm sure they will too. Wonder how I know that? lmao! I'm not here because I want to be? Well damn, good thing you figured that out for me. I thought I was right were I wanted to be and expressed my opinion. Course, it didn't jive with yours, so I guess that's where the grumpiness began. My bad. Let me try again

Damn vuvuzelas!! I'm trying to watch a match and they're drowning everything out! Dammit!


Or is that all you see is a damn badge and not a member posting? I shouldn't be posting like every member can? Should I go hide in the Mod corner? I'm just KG, participating in threads. Get used to it. I do it alot. Peace n Luv :D

Let me ask you this, when you tell people that "You are angry" or "You have negative energy" do you think that's a postive thing to say to them or do you think it's pointing out what you think is a flaw, a weakness? I think telling people out of the blue and repeatedly like you do that they are an angry person is just as insulting as telling them they are a jack-ass. In this post you are again insulting me telling me I'm grumpy.

I'm bitching about vuluvelas, not you. If you like them how about making posts in their favor and not attacking people's character's by insisting that they are angry grumpy people, I'm just having fun in this thread. Does that jive with you?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I'm done your circle game. Keep hating on something you can't change. Seems logical to me. I never said you had a flaw or weakness, quit putting words in mouth. That gets under my skin and you don't wanna go there. I gave my opinion, based on what you've written. Smoke a joint and then re read how upset you are getting over something not really that important in the grand scheme of things. Really, I'm done. It's all a waste of time and effort.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
there was a time this thread was just some good natured whinging about horns... its a shame the way threads lose their way somtimes... I hope you're all feeling pleased with yourselves (stiffled laughter) :D


Active member
You're opinion was about me, not about the horns. I suggest you smoke a joint and realize that you can't read people's emotional states over the net. Every post I've made in this thread has been made with a smile. Smoke the joint and imagine I'm a lovable guy laughing, drinking beer, talking with friends and bitching about those fucking horns. Surely people do that where you are from?
I will start by saying that I'm no soccer fan. I know pretty much nothing about the game. I tuned into paraguy v. Italy ( i think) just to see some sports, and I will have to agree with the OP: the constant drone gets old after 15 minutes. At 25 minutes I decided to play guitar instead. There is no break from 'em....ever! Just a constant drone.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I will start by saying that I'm no soccer fan. I know pretty much nothing about the game. I tuned into paraguy v. Italy ( i think) just to see some sports, and I will have to agree with the OP: the constant drone gets old after 15 minutes. At 25 minutes I decided to play guitar instead. There is no break from 'em....ever! Just a constant drone.

now you see what harm these nasty plastic trumpets have on our most wonderful game? a genuiney proper sports fan can't even bare to give it a try ....doh...shame on you droney plastic trumpets..shame on you ;)


Active member
when i first heard them i thought a storm of bees had come through my house.

i don't really mind them. learn to tune them out.


OMG!Im not a big soccer but i get off of work early figure i will watch a little world cup this afternoon and WTF all i hear is this annoying buzzin coming from my tv,well it started to ruin my buzzin and thats the last of the world cup for me!!!!!!
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