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The Patriotic Retirement Plan


Denial N Error

Found this in a blog recently, thought it was simple yet straight forward..

Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead Of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money On lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can Call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work
force. - Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the
following Stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings -
Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million
cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -
Housing Crisis fixed.

It can't get any easier than that!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress
and their Constituents pay their taxes...

What say you? Sillyness? Stupidity? Straight up insane? :joint:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
hmmmm :chin: you are very creative my friend... I think i am likimg this.. peace..



Really, this makes a whole lots of sense. That's messed up.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
being i sell houses and cars, im in.
if this goes thru, i can retire under 50, but PAID!
thank you uncle sam (finally)


I must be the only one sober right now.

40,000,000 people
x $1,000,000

That is $40 Trillion dollars, and where are we going to get this money?

Denial N Error

I must be the only one sober right now.

40,000,000 people
x $1,000,000

That is $40 Trillion dollars, and where are we going to get this money?

Ahhhh yes I was waiting for this...

And for the record, I am 100% sober today.. Thank you for your consideration though mushhead.

I'd rather spend 40 Trillion on the above mentioned plan than spend trillions of dollars on failed wars on drugs, failed healthcare plans, failed businesses, and every other failure we waste money on. Dont forget a large portion of that is/would be taxed also..

Let me ponder this....:joint:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'd rather spend 40 Trillion on the above mentioned plan than spend trillions of dollars on failed wars on drugs, failed healthcare plans, failed businesses, and every other failure we waste money on.

Well, that's just silly. Or at least unAmerican. Stop being decent. Stop it I say.


Ahhhh yes I was waiting for this...

And for the record, I am 100% sober today.. Thank you for your consideration though mushhead.

I'd rather spend 40 Trillion on the above mentioned plan than spend trillions of dollars on failed wars on drugs, failed healthcare plans, failed businesses, and every other failure we waste money on. Dont forget a large portion of that is/would be taxed also..

Let me ponder this....:joint:

You tell me where they can get the money and I might be all for this, consider the entire US economy is $14.29 trillion (2008 est.) [Oh, and it is shrinking this year, so 2009 will most likely be under $14 trillion]

Denial N Error

You tell me where they can get the money and I might be all for this, consider the entire US economy is $14.29 trillion (2008 est.) [Oh, and it is shrinking this year, so 2009 will most likely be under $14 trillion]

At this point our debt doesnt matter to us, (why not take on more loans!!!! woooo!!!!!) we take on new debt all the time, thats part of getting out of the cesspool we're in.. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING... got any ideas?

Whats 40 trillion to the current tally when you're talking about creating 40 million new good paying jobs, selling 40 million automobiles(BOOOOM!), and having 40 million mortgages paid off(WHAT?????).

Im stoned as hell now.. and I still see the logic in it. The benefits of it would be astronomical IMO. Are you sore at such a simple idea?


Cookie monster

You tell me where they can get the money and I might be all for this, consider the entire US economy is $14.29 trillion (2008 est.) [Oh, and it is shrinking this year, so 2009 will most likely be under $14 trillion]

Spend less trillions on the war machine and there might just be enough surplus cash to look after the needy and unemployed.

How much money was wasted on the war on terrorism...iraq/afghanistan and nothing has changed??

How much money has the U.S government paid to private security companies such as black water and other mercenary agencies??

How badly would the global recession affect the average joe if the U.S government spent the same amount of money in job creation/ saving struggling small businesses or the failing health care system???


There's a big difference between 14 trillion and 40 trillion. If the gov printed up that much money and passed it out, the resulting immediate ultra inflation would make the 1 million worth what about 100,000 (maybe less actually) was worth the day before. Everything valued in dollars including savings and other pensions would also suffer the same devaluation. Nice idea. I'm all for it. It just wouldn't work however.

Denial N Error

Im not talking about printing money, im talking about loans from other countrys, and eliminate the bullshit wars on everything that makes no sense. Stop prosecuting cannabis growers and users.. So many things man..

If you think 14 trillion and 40 trillion is a huge difference you better look again.

Denial N Error

Hell if we werent wasting all this bullshit money on things we'd probably have a 40 trillion dollar surplus.. who the fuck knows... ?


Im not talking about printing money, im talking about loans from other countrys, and eliminate the bullshit wars on everything that makes no sense. Stop prosecuting cannabis growers and users.. So many things man..

If you think 14 trillion and 40 trillion is a huge difference you better look again.

That is the entire economy, not federal spending. Federal spending is like 3-4 trillion.

The whole world economy is $69.49 trillion (2008 est.)

Denial N Error

That is the entire economy, not federal spending. Federal spending is like 3-4 trillion.

The whole world economy is $69.49 trillion (2008 est.)

O damn we're fucked then.. I guess we do have to print up some money, then. Any other ideas how to come up with 40 trillion ?