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afghan hash


Well-known member
Absolutly ngakpa, but what I don't understand is why it can't remain civil like on other sites.

It might just be that I am not used to people jumping to conclusions from mis reading posts.

I will just let you lot get on with it and continue to create good entertainment for the rest of us.

If i offended anyone by sharing this hash around, then I am sorry. It just i am that nice kinda guy.

SSorry ngakpa, i just can't believe this is still ongoing, that is all. As to me all was self explainitory in the first post by ojd.


Well-known member
Smoking a fat one!

Offers the bifta to ngakpa as a peace offering.

Nice to meet ya, ngakpa, I am not an arse, honest!

Oh anyone else wanting a lug!


ICMag Donor
the way people are going on in this thread is like they get the real deal afghan all the time
we know its not the best afghan hence the price and amounts available but we are happy to get it anyway


now of to cook me the unhealthiest fry up :headbange

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honey oil addict
clorox said:

if anybodys wondering what canadian export hash looks like, this is about 8 grams of a light brown, hard as FUCK(like rock), unworkable chunk(just crumbles, dosent goo up like the good stuff):

canadian export hash lol. its like any country, the worst gets exported usually. thus, the legend of bc beasters as well. i have had awesome import hash, as early as 1975, but the best hash i ever had was made in b.c. from the best weed available.


Active member
theherbalizor said:
Smoking a fat one!

Offers the bifta to ngakpa as a peace offering.

Nice to meet ya, ngakpa, I am not an arse, honest!

Oh anyone else wanting a lug!

hey - nice one bro, as it happens I'm currently a couple of hundred miles from my stash, perhaps that's why I was being a bit of a tetchy git

enjoy the smoke up!



Hashmasta-Kut said:
ummm ... ahem.... hello?

~(';')~ :D

Yes you too Hashmasta, LoL, and also 'mriko' is in the higher echelons of old world hash knowledge ;)



ffs ,,the guy deserves praise not critiscm ,,the quality shouldn't even be questioned ,,he has a kilo of hash ffs :headbange
how many of u have ever seen or ever held such a sizeable amount of hash ?

having a kilo block of anything in the uk other than soap is as rare as rocking horse shit

i say thankyou for posting it ,,,it may not be a cock contest but whoever shipped that black in must have rather large gonads and good connections :jump:


mr.haze420 said:
any hash you have is better than no hash

Well I suppose UK/European soapbar can't be classed as hash anyway, as it doesn't have enough THC, lol


Well-known member
British_Bulldog said:
Well I suppose UK/European soapbar can't be classed as hash anyway, as it doesn't have enough THC, lol

any hash you have other than the nasty soap bar is better than no hash :headbange :jump: :laughing: :muahaha:


Well-known member
i have to say the paki-afghani moroc is some powerful hash. been smoking it for a few days and it still puts the hammer down hard.

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mr.haze420: have to say the paki-afghani moroc is some powerful hash. been smoking it for a few days and it still puts the hammer down hard.

So it sounds like it's a low tolerance smoke then Mr Haze, which is always a good thing, and especially good when I know you must have a very high tolerance, lol

The black hash I've made from a cocktail of very potent plants was stronger than any other black hash I've tried, but I'm always ready to be proved wrong, lol

I have a feeling there are many black hashes which would better than what I was rubbing up every day in the past, and maybe your paki black is one of them? For sure, some of the stories I've heard on here from people who live in the Old World hash producing countries, like Pakistan, etc, sound stronger than what I was making, but I guess highs are subjective anyway, and maybe my hash would've affected those smokers in the same way as their own hash.

I did make a load of bubble from those plants too and a good mate of mine smoked that with his bro, and he agreed it was top notch, but I think the dry-sift and fresh rubbed hash was better, as it had much more taste and flavour - it was so spicy, rich and earthy and potent it was untrue, cutting through anything, and upon burning in a joint of good buds, it filled the room with rich and heavy smoke........ah happy days, lol :)

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Active member
yo herby , it s step :wave: i think that s the first time i v read you swear in the forums man . wassup , you been on the drink !! :D seriously though my ol mate i know you don t care for alcohol, please don t think i was havin a go , traditional hashish is a passion i v had since i first smoked it as a teenager. reading Laurence Cherniaks book II at 16 had me even more hooked , and gave an insight into the fascinating and mysterious world of traditional hashish .

i share ngakpa s passion , and like him hate to see misinformation , like the member saying this was hand rubbed , posted on these boards . nothing more , nothing less .

quick word about the Afghan Pakistani Moroc . does that sound as crazy to you all as it does to me . three countries mentioned to describe a type of hashish . my first taste of it was in 2003 i think , from Nols . he called it simply Moroc Skuff . this , for me anyway , describes it far better . as far as i m aware , the plants used to make this type of hash are skunks and hybrids of skunk , and have nothing to do with pure afghans or pakistani strains . these were only added to the name because the hash tastes similar to afghan or pakistani hash . the farmers are supplied with the genetics from europeans in the hope yeilds and finishing times are improved . i d hate to see traditional moroc disappear in favour of the newer hash we re seeing .

the Moroc Skuff still rates as one of the best hashes i v had in holland for value and quality . but i ll always , always love my traditional Moroc over ANY other smoke . the taste , aromas , and effects are just my perfect cuppa!! favourite Moroc of all time has to be punjes though . aint seen it in years , beware of imitations .

talk soon mate


Well-known member
i was under the impression from very reliable sources that afghani and pakistani plants were brought to morocco. rifman hash at the dampkring is of these varieties. some more afghani or paki and pressed in different ways, but for sure they taste and smell like hash from that part of the world. who knows the truth about it i am not sure, but the end product is mighty fine smoke.