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Aero Clonner 40 site, Home Made Unit



Yup, special blend of Nutz. Your going to love this plant, and the monster buds it produces.


Here I go sounding dumb again

Here I go sounding dumb again

I know these probably are stupid questions but:

You guys all sound like you're doing Hydropondic grows. Can you use a method like this to clone plants and then plant them in soil?

How long does it take to get the clones to where there ready to be taken off this system?


That's not a stupid questions and yes you can plant these in soil without any problems. Roots are roots and you just got to be carefull placing them in the soil. Shoot, I take full plants out of one gallon pots and drop them right into my hydro setup. Now if that isn't crazy, then i don't know what is. I don't have any problems with going back and forth with plants. You just got to be carefull. I would say once there are a few roots, they are ready for the soil. It's all going to depend on the strain your cloning. Let's take my NYCD clones. From the picture, i'd wait about two three more days and they should have some verynice roots. So, let's say 10 days, and go. My table isn't ready for them, so i'm going to veg them and chop all the tops once they go into the table and get flipped 12/12. I hope this helps


full time daddy
for dwc/aero in to soil.........heres some info....

Let the roots get no longer than 3/4" that is better. Preferably about 1/2" long. Carefully place them in the soil and water them in very wet...soaking wet, then let the soil become almost bone dry, by then the clone will be hardened off and rooted into the soil nicely.

If you allow the clone to develop the long water roots it will not adjust very fast and stall for about a week or more, so transplant them at or before they are 1/2" to 3/4" long. The drying down from soaking wet soil drench will encourage great rooting into the soil. Use a weak high P fertilizer, preferably with b1 or with superthrive to really get the root system established into the soil. After you're seeing new growth you can switch them over to weak High N ferts...but be carefull about increasing the nute strength at first, you dont want to fry the newly developing root systems.


Here's a updated picture. The roots are popping out every where and i just started adding some Fox Farm Grow Big and with veg them alittle before transplanting them to the Ready-Gro. This unit worked out pretty good, but i got some fine tuning to do to it, then i should get 100% root rate.
Thanks for an awesome thread!

Thanks for an awesome thread!


I'm a bit of a newb, but between you and Tex I think I have made up my mind to build an aerocloner. We just bought our first house and we are getting ready to move, but as soon as we do, I think an aerocloner is going to be in the works.

I hope I don't pester the crap out of ya once I get started, but I don't know a thing about hydro/aero growin. My fiancee knows a good bit about the pumps from dealing with our fish tanks, but I'm not too sure that he knows how to drill the pvc and thread everything. Any books and/or threads that you guys know of for the newb interested in building an aerocloner? You guys have done a great job of illustrating what you have built, but I guess I need to understand more of the theory behind the setup . . . what a mister is and where I can get one - that type of stuff. I guess I kind of need "Aerocloners for Dummies" - do they make that, lol?

Freeda Green


Thanks freeda green
Sorry been very busy with other things and forgot to get back to this post. It's not hard at all to drill the pvc pipe. Just figure out where you want the jet or mister and make a little pilot hole or mark. You can use a ice pick or anything with a sharp point on it. You want to make a small hole to fit the drill bit ontop of, so the drill bit doesn't want to move around. Once you got the pilot hole, just place the drill bit on it and start drilling very slow. Once you see it is staying in the same place, you can speed up. It will take you about 2-5 seconds to drill through the 1/2" PVC pipe. Depends on how fast you drill. PVC is very easy to drill, just make sure you stay safe and don't drill through a hand and you'll be alright. The tap will depend on the tread size. Once you have the hole and propre tap, just screw it in the hole. It's very easy to tread PVC and will also take a few seconds. Just make sure you clean all the shaving out, before putting together or you'll clog your jets. Feel free to ask any questions. Here's my new design and i'll be finishing it up soon. Getting ready to drill the holes and mount the jets. Might finish it up today if i got time before work. I'll be testing this design on a bunch of TrainWreck cutting to fill my 2x2 table with a new 600HPS light i'm getting ready to mount. This should be a nice grow with them. I'm wondering how fast they will root. I'll post more on the drilling and taping for others to see, incase they want to try it themselves.
Take care

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