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Aero Clonner 40 site, Home Made Unit



I thought i would post some infomation on how to build a home made Aero Clonner machine. This unit i'm building and will be posting here is going to be a 40 site unit. The reason i'm choosing this size is for my Colisuem grow i'm going to be starting. I will be making two of these 40 site units, which the Rubbermaid container are just at 2 feet long and 2 of them side by side will fit perfect under a 4 foot shop light. This will give me 80 clones at a time to fill my 120 site Mini Coli unit.

Ok, first i went to Lowes and bought these items
1 length of PVC pipe 1/2". Can't remember length. might have been 4 feet. Was very cheap.
2 PVC end caps 1/2"
1 PVC 1/2" T
RubberMaid 18 gal container with lid.

These items cost me $6.00 out the door

Next i ordered some MicroJet 360' sprayers. Bought
8 @ .75 cent each, $6.00 total
Shipping $1.00 USPS

Next, i had a extra Pump. A Rio 600 and fittings, but these run around 20-25 bucks.

PVC Glue $2.00
Tap 10-24, Now the tap said to use a drill number 25, but i didn't have one. I used a 5/32 and it worked perfect. When buying Micro-Jet's. Make sure you use the right drill and tap. Just because i say i used this, dosen't mean your going to get the same size threads as mine. Just be sure your jets match the tap your going to use.
Tap $3.06
Drill Bit, Had it already

Now comes the directions

You want to cut two pieces of the 1/2" PVC to equal lengths. Look at this first picture to get an idea of how long you want it on the inside of the container.


Nuttin to it but to do it.

Looks good BG

Are you going to use 2" net pots or just put 1/2"-1" holes right in the lid?

Keep up the good work

Good cloning



Thanks, and it was your help that got me going on this. Thanks again for your help Texas Kid. I'm going to use the 2" net pots and space them out for 40 of them. I measured them and they are really 2 1/8" so i'll take a 2" hole saw and drill out some 2" holes.


I did the 2" hole saw thing at first but, the way the netpots taper they bottom out on the netpots before you get the entire net section under the lid line. So I had to go back and open up the holes a lttle to let the netpots seat in to the holes.

I'll go measure mine real quick and see what the exact opening size is.

I'll be right back



2" hole saw will work perfect.

I used a 1-5/8" the first time and that's the one I had to open up wider.



Next, once you got the length of your spray bar. You are going to want to figure out how tall you want your unit to be from the bottom of the stems or net pots. I'm going to be using 2" net pots which are really 2 1/8". Make sure to measure your net pots before cutting. You might have different pots from a different source then mine. They say 2" but sometimes aren't 2", so again. Always measure before cutting or Drilling. Once you got your length figured out, put the unit together. DO NOT glue anything together yet. We want to make sure the unit is the right length and hieght BEFORE glueing. Once you are sure this is the right measurements for your unit. You want to drill the holes and tap them with the proper threads for the Microjets you have purchased. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Drill all holes and thread all hole BEFORE glueing. The reason i stress this, is because if you glue everything together. It is harder to clean out all the PVC shavings from the pipe and it will clog the sprayer heads. Then you will have to replace them. Ok, now you have drilled and tapped all the holes you want on the sprayer bar. Take the bar apart and clean it under cool water. Once you have all the shaving out of the pipe you are good. Here are some more pictures for you to see.
Fist the Micro-Jet Sprayers

Next the pump

Next the Adapter in 1/2" PVC pipe

Next PVC Shavings you want to clean before glueing PVC

OH, remove the Microjet head before washing under water. You don't want to force any PVC into the opening of the Jets.


ICmag's Official Black Guy


I was wondering if i could use a smaller Bucket then the Huge Buckets i have limted space?


Yup, you can use what ever you like. This is the nice thing about it. You are build these units to your need. Just scale it to your needs. These directions are going to be guide lines for your needs. You can use a lower container if you like.

Now, here is the unit assembled. I call her the Texen 4000. lollll, joking.


The Big T, I love it "The Texen 4000" has a nice ring to it.

At the 7 to 10 day mark you'll have roots hangin down 3"-5" from the bottom of the netpots and a couple of days after that 8"-10" hanging down. As long as they do not get long enough were your sucking the roots back through the pump you're alright.

Cut the bottom out of your netpots also. It is a bitch to remove the root structure from the pots once they have grown down and weaved themselves through the mess on the bottom of the pot.
I like them just free ballin or hangin free from the stem of the clone.



I'm going to use the net pots, but there won't be any medium in them. I'm going to also use the foam tops to cover the pots. I want them to have plenty of room and be able to put them out freely. I think by not using any medium, this will allow for me to put them out more freely. I'm getting ready to order some Ready-Gro and will let you know how well that goes also. Tonight i should have the lid mostly done and will post some pictures. Next run 40 NYCD MONSTERS :) My NYCD Mother plant is getting to hugh. It's like four feet and i got to cut her back. This will supply a full run.

Coming to a grow room near you the TEXEN 4000 :)


Yea, no medium with the neoprene inserts on top, thats the way to go. But I still would cut the bottom out of those pots because once the roots grow out through the bottom of the netpot they branch out with alot of little side roots that get all tangled, wapped together, and woven through the mesh bottom and you can not remove the clone without damaging the roots.

It only takes a few days after the initial roots show that they are growing well beyond the bottom of the netpot



I just need them about 4-5 inches and they are going straight into the 5.25" pots and straight into 12/12 on the 3x3 table or the Coli if i get time to go get it and set it up.


When I did them short I had to raise the flood level in the table up so it would catch the bottom side of the roots, which is no big deal but ya gotta do it.

You'll tweak your process a little I bet after you see how damn fast they grow once you start to see roots. Oh yea, I mist the top side foliage for a couple of days right in the beginning to give them a little drink until the roots take off



Cool, I'm sure i'll figure it out. I've always got ICMag for help and all the Killer people here. I'm thinking i'll take my cuts on the 30th of July. This should give them plenty of time to form roots and get them alittle bit long. My Thai and TrainWreck should be getting done and close. The Wreck will be done, but the Thai will have to go longer. I'll be glad to have one full table of one strain. Then i'll know when they are all done and won't have to adjust nutz for two different strains. This also hurt the yield, having two different strains.


That Trainwreck will root in like 3-5 days, it's friggin awesome.

I'm shootin for a few full tables as well for the exact same reason. Different nute shcedules is hard to pull of on a single table.



It's a pain in the ass, trying to keep the PH and Nutz levels just right for the both of them.


I feel your pain brutha, I'm fightin it right now with 4 different strains on the veg table as we speak



full time daddy
nice cloner......

aero is nice i been wantin to post a how to on dwc cloners just have not had the time my be in the morning

the best about dwc/aero cloners


you dont have to ph your water :)
(5.0-7.0) i like 7.0 tap water
its ok if light hit's the root oO( no need for painting the tub)roots are both positively and negatively phototropic, depending on the spectrum of the light ( cool white's are a-o.k.)
water temp 75-80f
too cool takes longer to root too hot and stems go mush
50 ppm nutes at day 3 or 4
rh around 70
run the pump 24/7

aerocloner con
your stems have to close to same length and having your bubbles or sprayers keeping them all equally wet.
DWC pro
whether it be an 1' or 8" it will be in the water.

pro for both
Set it and forget it:D
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Thanks for the post and help. I can't wait to get the first bunch going. Here the unit after i cut a few holes. Still have a few to go before it is done. Got to order some more net pots, since i ran out. Here she is and she's getting there.