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Aero Clonner 40 site, Home Made Unit


full time daddy
is that a 2" hole cut or a 1 7/8"

dont look like the nets go in all the way or is that how you want it

i just wanna no what size to cut a 2" net cup at thx
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I was going to get a 2" hole saw, but didn't want to over cut the holes. I went with a 1.75" hole saw, but the holes won't let the pots go all the way in and that's fine with me. I'm happy with the size of the hole and i'm sure they could be alittle bit biiger but they will do the job for now. I might get a 2" hole saw and drill a hole in something and see how the net pots fit into the hole.


full time daddy
i thouth that was not a 2" looks like it might be better tho.
dose in hold the cup good? oO( like if it had hyrdoton and a 1 oz cola at a 45 deg angle?)


It should hold some clones fine, but i don't know about a 1 oz clone, it might. I really couldn't tell you, but the cup does fit in there pretty well.


As long as you get the net part is below that lid line your ok. If the net part is exposed over the lid it gets water all over the friggin place.

The lids on those rubbermaids are recessed down so it catches the overspray and lets it drain back into the reservior.

Also remember to turn the pump off before you lift the netcups out to check the roots or you'll get a face full of water as well



They fit below the net line and don't think it will be a problem. I've already got a face full of water, when i was messing around with it. It was a very funny site and i got very wet. Atleast i know the sprayers work very well. What is the cycle on your unit Texas? Do you run it 24/7 or do you have a program?


They say 24 on for the first 4-6 days and then go to a 30 minute an hour or something close. I think just as long as it's intermitten some how. It is supposed to promote faster root developement or something.

Now, with all that being said, I run mine 24 on the entire time and it works great as well.

You should have seen me test the pumps I shot water from one end of the kitchen to the other. My dogs thought we got a new water toy for the house.

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Thanks for the cycle. Lollll, i bet the dog freaked and didn't know what was going on. :0


full time daddy

as far as i know the reason of 24/7 is lifetime on your pump there not made to be shut on and off.

dwc is in the water 24/7 and root's just as fast so i cant see how turning it on and off would or could make it root any faster.??
any thought's?????

as long as there getting o2 (witch it would either way)

dwc run's o2 24 right to the stem's in the water!

aero run's broken down water to produce o2 in the air!


also clone cutting's can be keep in the fridge for up to 8 week's maybe longer!

cut clones put in ziplock bag with water/air.

leaf's have to be above water and stems have to be in water!

it take's a few days longer to root but un rooted clones are not a plant.... it is a form of plant tissue and is counted as lbs not plant numbers :)
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Thanks 00420 for your info, i'm sure others will enjoy it and use it. This is why this place is so nice and awesome. Ok, i've been busy and just got the last of the supplies i needed. Was waiting on another 20 2" net cups and 40 foam tops for the net post. All i got to do is drill another 20 holes then i'm done and start cutting clones off the NYCD small tree i have. Just got doen transplanting her into a 5 gal bucket for budding. I'm going to be keeping a clone to replace her since she is way to big now. Here are some new stuff i'm testing. This stuff called "Ready Gro" is a organic hydro replacement for my grow rocks and if it works well. I'll never use rocks again. I"d rather grow in this stuff, cut the plant from the grow material and throw it away and not have to worry about wash rocks. I'm trying for a total or close as possbile all organic hydro setup. Here some of the stuff and i know PK 13-14 isn't organic. I'm looking for a replacement and think i might have one.



Ok, got done with all 40 holes and got it all cleaned up and running. I also got all 40 cuts off the NYCD mother plant and it was close. The machine is filled and i might have a problem already. I don't know if the pump has enough PSI's, because it's not drenching the bottom of the net pots. They are getting wet, but i don't know how wet they should be. Any help would be super. Any ways here's a picture of them under some fluro's.

PS Break Time :)


full time daddy
in my fist aero set up same rubber made with 6 sprayers and same pump did 6 3" net cup's just fine.... but i did flower with it also.......40 like you have might just not get the outside's?

you might want to try 10 sprayer's 5 on each side and go for a bigger pump oO( or 2 of the ones you have now).....

iv ran it to the same prob's with aero and thats why i went dwc.
and sold the aero unit i had..
make sure you watch your sprayer's also for pluged up ones..

i had a few of them to.... keep us updated:) looks really clean
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Thanks, I got three more misters and i'm going to add them tomorrow moring. I put a sheet of plexy glass over the tub and watched the sprayers. They look fine and can use a couple more like you stated. I'll add three more and upgrade to a larger pump and i should be fine after that.


Satans pal nice pump and would work well, but by the time i pay for the shipping 8+4 and the unit 19.00 i can just get one from the lock hydro shop or Lowes. That's for looking out for me though. I'll get a new stronger pump this week. I got another pump i can use for now that is stronger, but i'm going to buy a new one with alot more PSI and add 3 more misters for a better spray pattern.
Thanks everyone


Finding a relationship between the gpm, psi, and nozzle output is some tricky shit. I think 500+ gpm is really kickin it up to the point of overkill. The nozzle flow rate won't even keep up with that I don't think even with 10 nozzles. It will just build back pressure to your pump.

I looked at mine and can't tell what the flow rate is and I cannot find the box. It was a Mag drive so I will look it up and see what I can find.

I'll find something on it



Oh, i'm not going to over kill it. I'm just going to go up one pump or so with about a 500 gpm pump and that should do the trick. Adding more nozzles will also releave some pressure. I think the next pump up will do the trick. Plus this one is about had it. I'm pulling one of my good one from one of my other tanks and will see how well that one sprays. If that's enough, i'll buy a new one of those,if not. Then i'll up grade to the next size Rio. Thanks for all the help everyone


We got ROOTS :)

We got ROOTS :)

Well, it's been 7 days on the money and we got roots. I got about 6 clones now and the have roots poking out. I also have others with root bumps and should pop some roots by the end of the night. Here is a picture of them. I'm going to be losing some of the cutting, because my spray pattern is messed up and i needed a larger pump with more pressure. The pump i'm using is a old tired out pump that should have "never" been used in the first place. I'ver got a stronger pump on the way with finer mist jets also. I have redesign the spray bar and will post results. I'm very happy with this method and once i get my machine fine tuned will be rockin with a shit load of clones this winter for a couple of Coli grows to keep me going through the winter.
Thanks everyone for your help and input.


This is what i'm hoping with these Aero clones. As many clones as i can fit under my 600HPS in my 3x3.



Damn that was quick, from roots to a giant bud in a few days.You must have a special nute mix I don't know about.lol

Great to see roots jumpin out of the stem like that, it's a beautiful thing.
